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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. Suleiman literally goes to war with me every game we are in together.


    Sometimes he may act like he's being nice to me, but every time he backstabs me.


    Once he even attacked me during turn ~60, even though neither of us had even really come into CONTACT with each other.


    -If any of the following Civs are found nearby you in a game, you will have to fight them at some point.  They're extremely bad warmongerers:

    • Shaka (Zulus)
    • Alexander (Greeks)
    • Genghis Khan (Mongolia)
    • Bismark (Germany)
    • Montezuma (Aztecs)
    • Ashurbanipal (Assyria)
    • Atilla (Huns)


    -Some Civs won't outright declare war on you, but they'll just be complete jerks another way.  2 big people to watch out for are Catherine (Russia) and Hiawatha (Iroquois).  They're basically coded to backstab you.  Don't trust them.

    You forgot Suleiman (Ottomons).

  3. How did Hellen Keller's parents punish her?

    By making her read



    What did Helen Keller name her dog?



    Did you know that Helen Keller had a pool in her backyard?

    Neither did she.


    Why wasn't Helen Keller allowed to drive?

    Because she's a woman.

  4. So then you only apply slow on shanking?


    You shouldn't ever be shanking, though, there's a reason why you have a revolver.

    I would help for anti-medic spies, as it would still apply on ubers (except quick-fix).

    It would also help the revolver, by making it easier to shoot the target with it.

    It could also be a teamwork weapon that allows for easier team takedowns if a spy fails to backstab, but there is a nearby teammate.

  5. So, I was playing around with some plastic nunchucks, and had an idea for a spy melee:


    The Blunt Backstabber (Or other, wittier name)

    Level 1-100 weapon
    On Hit: Target is slowed by 20-35% for 3-5 seconds
    (Effect does not stack)
    Silent Killer: No noise from "backstabs" (Still instantly kills)
    On Miss: Hit yourself, idiot.
    Has a swing speed

    (Doesn't remove disguise until weapon has passed time where damage is, or would have been, dealt)

