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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. Me: "Never have I ever been on a date."

    Girl I've had my eye on: "Really? We're going to fix that."

    It was during improv club at school. It was the first meeting of the year and, to get to know each other, we warmed up with a game called "Never Have I Ever." People are seated in a circle facing inward while one person stands in the middle. There is no chair available to them. They say "Never have I ever..." and then state something that they haven't done. Then, all of the people who HAVE done said thing stand up and try to find a chair different from their own to sit in, while the person in the middle tries to sit down, as well. Then it all repeats after all the chairs are taken and someone is left without.

    The above dialogue describes the situation as I was in the middle, and shortly after finding a seat. After the club ended, I privately appealed to her for confirmation of sincerity. Her response was conclusive and favorable. I now have a promised date to the next school dance.

    It's nice to know for certain that I have value to someone.

  2. You guys know about To The Moon, right?
    What about the spin off comic: To the Moon, Too?

    The platypus and the bunny are trying to get to the moon. They are accepting suggestions for things they might try, and are giving free music boxes to people whose suggestions they accept. Check number 11.


    One of these:

    Hidden Content

    But, instead will play this song: http://www.freebirdgames.com/sounds/FR_MB-candidate.mp3 

    ​It came today!

  3. It's the first day of school and I've been sick since Saturday.
    I went to the doctor yesterday, but he wasn't initially able to diagnose just what my problem is. It's not even certain where it came from. It might have been from my hike, but we don't know.

    And about the hike, after some recalculation with the results from some step counters, it's more likely we went 70 miles rather than 50.

  4. Monday morning, I leave for Yellowstone. I will hike fifty miles over five days.

    ​fifty mile hikes are a good.  What equipment ya taking?  How heavy is it all?

    ​Standard things: Clothes (About 4 full changes, plus extra under wear), food for each day, sleeping bag, tent, personal hygiene kit, basic camp tools, along with shoes for crossing rivers.

    I can't weigh it myself, but it should be between 30 and 40 lbs. (13-18 kg for you commies).

  5. You guys know about To The Moon, right?
    What about the spin off comic: To the Moon, Too?

    The platypus and the bunny are trying to get to the moon. They are accepting suggestions for things they might try, and are giving free music boxes to people whose suggestions they accept. Check number 11.


    One of these:


    But, instead will play this song: http://www.freebirdgames.com/sounds/FR_MB-candidate.mp3 
