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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. I'm always a bit jealous when I hear about nice well-established drama programs, my schools was a fucking mess that only got revitalized last year and still gets kinda ignored and brushed aside or even flat-out frowned upon by certain members of the community and school.  We had to argue for a looong while to be able to do a play where we yell the word "bitch."

    ​Heh. During Almost, Maine, there is a particularly shocking part involving the introduction of a lady that nobody expected who ruined the chances of two main characters being together. One of the audience members said, "That little bitch," when she came out.

  2. Tonight was the High School's drama banquet. We reviewed the year, recognized our greatness, prepared for next year, and were shown next year's season of shows in chronological order: The Music Man, When (A play written by the wife of our drama teacher. She has a degree in directing.), and the highly-anticipated Pippin.

  3. Been having a little nostalgia run of Freelancer, Sid Meier's Pirates!, Hot Wheels Crash, and more.

    In Freelancer, I absolutely love the ability to cut your engines. When you do so, you maintain your momentum. You can reach some really good speeds and open up many good new tactics by doing that. My favorite is to cut engines, use the afterburner (Which counts as a push, but not an engine, so you can keep a good speed) to speed past enemies until they start moving straight towards me, trying to get to me. Then, I afterburn towards them again and unleash a salvo. Damage received is minimal since the time you spend in their range is minimal (Countermeasures can help with missiles, but mostly are not necessary since this allows you to disengage and let your shields regenerate).
    And you can even do it with the cruise engine. Recently I had to take out an installation full of many weapon platforms. The things were absolutely hammering me. My first time, I was destroyed in less than 5 seconds. After one more failure, I came up with the tactic of using my cruise engines to minimize damage in the way I described above, and take down the platforms one at a time. I used up all of my nanobots and shield batteries, and most of my missiles but managed to pull it off. I am extremely disappointed in the pay of ~3,500 credits.

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  5. My subconscious seems to enjoy tricking me into thinking I've just woken up.

    Like, say I set my alarm earlier than usual for an appointment or something. More often than not, I will then have a dream about being awake at that earlier time.

    And then my alarm goes off for real, and I'm like wait, why am I back in bed?

    It's kinda like Inception, except instead of my dreams having cool action sequences, they have monumentally boring everyday events in slightly unusual settings.

    ​Same here. Though, recently it's toned down. I haven't had any dreams I remember.
