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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. I remember a long time ago, when I was a kid, my dad and I playing around with some features on our Windows XP computer. I remember us finding a few graphics demo programs. They included one that showcased a realistic 3D bubble.

    They also included one about a freaking terrifying giant fish with laser eyes deep in the ocean (It included some creepy commentary, as well). I have tried and failed to find some trace of that on the Internet. Can someone else do better? 

    EDIT: I found it: http://www.nvidia.com/coolstuff/demos#!/creature

  2. 2015: The year I...

    performed in a full (more or less) Shakespeare play

    had my first kiss

    performed in a full straight play

    started dating

    will get my wisdom teeth out (in 2 days)

    went to the movies for the first time in a while


    But that's just some personal milestones. The year could have been a lot better, but much of it was beyond my control.

  3. Greetings, good sir! Welcome to our corner of the internet! I am Mersopolis, the resident Thespian!

    I see the initiation ritual has already begun. Don't worry, I am a certified doctor and will glue you back together (after taking your tongue, of course).

    Also, you need not worry about my infamous question list. A past joke completely ruined it, and I'm not going to bother with remaking it.

  4. ​Yep. Always good to keep duct tape, WD-40, jumper cables, and a hammer on hand in your car, besides the obvious.


    But to be on topic, my family is not doing much. Christmas is too much of a hassle for it to be something very special for us, so we don't really try. We do about everything one would expect of any family during Christmas: Put up decorations, a tree, ponder the holiday: the season now and those past, listen to Christmas music, have a special dinner, etc. When it comes to gifts, we get the ones we need as soon as we can, without bothering with waiting until the 25th. On the actual day, we simply get some extra things that may be useful: Toiletries like tooth brushes and towels, candy, books. We may buy a few DvDs or Blu-rays. Things are really calm and toned down. We don't mind that it's not as grand as it could be. We need this time to reduce stress, and not add to it.

  5. For rehearsals today, representatives from the Alzheimer's Association came and shared with us some of the facts about the disease.

    Alzheimer's is terrifying! IT'S WORSE THAN CANCER!
    Holes start appearing in every part of your character: Memory, language, motor function, anatomical function, thought process, personality... People lose who they are! All from literal holes in your brain.
    What's worse than having it? Seeing it happen! Seeing them struggle with communication and basic functioning until their brain forgets how to swallow, or make their heart pump blood... UGH! Absolutely horrible! More people are lost to this than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined!
    AND WE CAN HARDLY DO A THING ABOUT IT! It's hard to diagnose. Even if it is, it's impossible to cure, or even slow. At best, we can have them find temporary workarounds to help them with basic things by giving them medication, but beyond that, we have nothing.

    I do not intend in the slightest to say that other diseases don't matter, but research into remedying cancer has billions of dollars of funding while research for remedying Alzheimer's gets, at best, only tens of millions. If Alzheimer's had the same support from the 1960's/70's as was given to HIV/AIDS research, we could have had a cure today.

    Thankfully, I can rest easier knowing that this show will do A LOT to help increase awareness and support.
    There's also the Walk to End Alzheimer's event held by the Association every September-ish. I'm planning on participating in that. http://act.alz.org/site/PageServer?pagename=walk_homepage

  6. The cast list for When was posted, finally. I'm in as a minor character. And now I have a script-in-progress to work with.

    The story is about a lady who is a very successful theatre director. In it, her mother, whom she had poor a relationship with, is discovered to have Alzheimer's (The play is going to help promote Alzheimer's awareness and raise money for finding a cure). Much of the play deals with how they go through this particular part of their lives. The mother ends up dying while her daughter is away, there's an old native american descendant for some reason, and the daughter ends up in a relationship with her assistant, who has been with her through thick and thin. 

    I got the part of Tim, a teenager during a flashback of the mother. The script is undergoing heavy revision, and so far, I have one line. I'm still glad to be a part of the play, though.
