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John Caveson

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Everything posted by John Caveson

  1. John Caveson

    Icons Now Available!

  2. John Caveson

    SPUF City

    This story just got 10 times more interesting for me. So rep is basically the equivalent to drugs? I can't wait on what happens next. Will I rise through the ranks and become a prominent and influential villain? Or will I be whacked off in the next chapter (most likely from rep overdose or from the heroes)? Or will I realize the error of my ways and join the good guys? Or will I be one of those guys who lean left or right constantly and you just don't know what side he's on? The suspense is killing me. Excited for the next chapter.
  3. John Caveson

    SPUF City

  4. John Caveson

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I think it's safe to say we can add every Rubberfruit video video ever on to this list.
  5. John Caveson

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    [spoiler2] [/spoiler2] Iz gud music.
  6. John Caveson

    SPUF City

    Well alrighty then, look forward to reading this. Give me your best shot.
  7. John Caveson

    SPUF City

    Hmm, seems enticing. What I like about these types of fanfictions that involve forum members is who's role is who? Two questions: 1.) Are the Rebels the morally justified good guys? or a bunch of psychopath anarchists? 2.) Are there any "magical" creatures and people involved, or is it going for a more "realistic" approach?
  8. John Caveson

    Custom Title Initiative

    Well, when the time comes that I'll be eligible, I guess I'll go with "Doomsday Soothsayer", because for some reason, I can predict when threads are going to close. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=34889692&postcount=5836 http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=34899714&postcount=214 :p
  9. John Caveson

    TF2 general

    So is this like the itsyurblog thread for SubSPUF?
  10. John Caveson

    Greetings Secret SPUF

    Ditto. His channel is a video, hohoho.
  11. John Caveson

    Greetings Secret SPUF

    Hello, this is John Caveson, the newest member to this super secret club. I would introduce myself, but many of you are on my friends list, or at least seen me on BigSPUF, so this is sort of a re-introduction for some of you. As for those who don't know, I have been lurking SPUF for a year and a half before making an account in January of this year. Since then I have made it to 4 stars with more than 400 rep (lol rep) and 1,300 posts. My first 5 star thread was about the classes and who counters whom which can be found here. I was invited to this exclusive secret society by Dooplis and DrEvilBrain for being one of the top posters of the l8 gr8 itsurblog thread. (RIP in pieces) So, any tips, lingo, etiquette etc.? Also a couple of personal questions: When was this Forum made? For what purpose, why? Why invite only? If anyone could answer these questions, I'd be mighty thankful. So again hello, and I wish this to be the start of a long, beautiful friendship (or at a continuation thereof)
  12. John Caveson

    Hello :O

    He's damning the 5 character minimum limit, not you.
  13. John Caveson

    Hello :O

    Were you not at the istyurblog thread? Just look at his past several posts and you'll see why he got banned on BigSpuf. Also welcome.
  14. John Caveson

    3Fort is here

    Welcome to the cool kids club, that will be 60$ cash.
  15. All the kiddies who can't take it go home now, this a MAN'S FORUM!
  16. John Caveson

    Greetings Secret SPUF

    You are both wrong. I use Lemonade Combustion for my Lemonade powered car. You see when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Then you turn that lemonade into car feul, the world is a better place.
  17. It seems that the makers of Megaman has created a spiritual successor to Megaman, after not putting up with Capcom's shit any longer. Rejoice brothers. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mightyno9/mighty-no-9
  18. John Caveson

    Megaman Spiritual Succesor Announced

    Well, it's the same people who made Mega Man, Dead Rising etc. So of course all of its fans are backing it. The only difference is that they don't have to go through executive meddling (A.K.A. Capcom's bullshit) anymore.
  19. The great closing of the itsurblog is why I'm here (top poster) Anyway, welcome brother, may your time here be full of sandviches.
  20. John Caveson

    Greetings Secret SPUF

    Well that cleared it up a bunch, thanks commander. also thanks for fixing my Steam profile.
  21. John Caveson

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Listen to this, become both hipster and mainstream.:rawk:
  22. John Caveson

    I'm aabicus on SPUF

    Aaby, nice to see a familiar face here. Welcome.
  23. John Caveson

    Greetings Secret SPUF

    Thanks for the answers guys, appreciate it. An entire Forum dedicated to the SPUFServer, huh, that's weird. Heh, don't worry, I'll try to resist the temptation .