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Posts posted by aabicus

  1. So I attempted to record footage of the new TF2 maps for the YouTube channel, but I literally couldn't find a single populated server playing the new maps. It didn't help that the new Quickplay herds you into whatever map the server decides, there's no way to choose your map in Casual. And I searched for each map name on the server browser and couldn't find a server for any of them with more than 3 people. So...unless there's some other way to find people playing those maps, I guess I'm not making YouTube reviews and analyses of them. 

  2. The CS:S weapons treated as a booby prize for exactly two countries has always struck me as one of the most bizarre decisions Valve ever made.


    ”Hey Gabe, turns out Germany and Australia are forcing us to ship L4D2 gore-free.”


    ”Hmmm. Let’s rig, animate, and code an entire range of new weapons just for those countries. Let’s give some of them abilities that don’t exist in the base game, like the SSG’s tactical zoom and the AWP’s ability to two-shot Expert Tanks.”


    “Wow, those are some awesome weapons. You sure the rest of the playerbase won’t want to use those?”


    ”Nah. Also, delete the fully modeled and functional Riot Shield while you’re in there.”

  3. I love the fifth player glitch! I should really stop being asocial and find a group to run Realism Expert with, I'm sure I could hold my own on a team.


    I agree that a T1 sniper would be amazing, right now the Magnum is the closest thing. I always thought a Winchester lever action rifle would fill the slot really well. Or if they wanted to be super lazy, the Steyr Scout is already in the game and a straight downgrade to the Hunting Rifle, they could have easily used that.

  4. It really sucks to see Hi-Rez do it again. I was warned several times when I first started playing Paladins that they would probably ruin the game like they had their older titles, and I never really got into the game because of it. It's going to be extremely hard for them to revert the reputation they've built up after gutting so many of their beloved franchises for a short-term buck. 

  5. >be me

    >before heist begins, guy says "you sure you want that loadout aabicus"

    >i reply "yeah, its a stoic build"

    >do the heist

    >heist goes to shit, everyone captured except me

    >i'm pinned in a corner and cops have me completely locked down, all out of meds

    >captain winters is stopping me from respawning them

    >guy in chat: "but it was a stoic build tho"

    >i sprint through the cops lines, replenishing my health with stoic

    >I reach the safe end of the map, replenish ammo at an ammo bag and start singlehandedly taking down winters

    >im already composing the shade i was gonna sling that guy when I resurrect the heist

    >internet hiccups, im disconnected from server

    >from their point of view i ragequit



  6. The main reason Overwatch lootboxes don’t bother me is how quickly you level up. You get around 4K experience for every game assuming you’re playing a group, so even an hour of gaming gets you another loot box.


    However, I have to note that I have 17,000 unspent coins that I’d been building up since I started playing, and I’ve been incredibly lucky with the skins I want dropping out of level up loot boxes. (Plus I only play Lucio so I don’t care what any of my other characters look like). Plus I have the Twitch prime free loot boxes and was one of the lucky NA players who got 16 free lootboxes during the South Korea chargeback fiasco, basically I’ve never purchased a loot box because there’s nothing they could drop that I’d want. 


    That being said, Blizzard’s lootbox system has gotten greedier with updates. Ever since duplicates became rare, my coin income has plummeted and I would be so frustrated if I were an ordinary player saving up for stuff and trying to buy skins with coins. None of my friends can comfortably afford the skins they want even though they play about as much as I do, especially since Blizzard has apparently decided that new event skins are legendary and always cost 3000 coins. I’d say that the current lootboxes do not release enough coins to afford a fair amount of event skins, and there is almost nothing else ever released to spend your coins on. 

  7. Medicinal warlock talks about a cosmetic SilverWolf owns but rightly doesn't want to pay for. Can I just say that header image looks badass? You're getting really good at making SFM images, the lighting and poses in particular


    Also new SPUF of Legend discussing Crimefest 2017, which ended yesterday with an AMA on reddit

  8. 1 hour ago, ToasterToastin' said:


    Thing is, since everyone knows the censor pool, the sentiment of "gg ez" is still conveyed through the censor, making said censor worthless. Also, they're all so absurd because they're nonsensical self-burns, and those really don't make the one saying "gg ez" look bad, especially if he's right.

    In my opinion the censor effectively neutered the bragging. It's tough to get mad at someone spouting inane gibberish, regardless of what they meant, and any permutation (like 'ez', 'ggez' or 'gg easy') loses effectiveness because it stands out by not being the standard. Before the censor, there was way too many people spamming 'gg ez,' the chat sensor decimated its usage. 

  9. 7 hours ago, hugthebed2 said:

    Tried to log in today because I finally got an itch to write about some of my Payday stuff after I hit a major personal accomplishment today of beating Panic Room in under two minutes. Unfortunately I don't remember if I ever got a manual account and my typical passwords aren't working for hugthebed2. Would you mind resetting it or something?

    Dude congrats on Panic Room! (I dont know how to do passwords, Medic will have to help you)


    I keep meaning to write an article about Payday speedrunning and use your crazy strats as a centerpiece, but despite your many explanations I just still don't understand what black magic fuckery you're pulling off to make that teleporting stuff work. 

  10. Today's article is on Loadout, the Richard Nixon of shooters. I still love Loadout and it was the best game of it's time back when it first came out, shame what ended up happening to it. If only they'd used the annoying-but-lucrative crate system and kept it cosmetic only, we might still have one of the best arena shooters on Steam. 


    I've actually been considering running an "event" for SPUFers to meet up and play some rounds of Loadout together. It's still just sitting there, even if it's deader than a doorknob shaped like a disco ball, we could have a private match if enough people were willing. 


    (In other news, new SPUF of Legend on the recent 12v12 glitch in Overwatch and how Blizzard should make it an official game mode)

  11. I like him, he's posting comments all over the place. On that note, dunno if Medic mentioned but we opened comments up to the world wide web. Anybody can comment on articles now, whereas previously you had to make an account to post comments. All comments are run through a spam filter and have to be manually approved by me or Medic before going live, so I'm pretty excited because this is just going to be a net positive for conversation on the blog articles. 
