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Posts posted by aabicus

  1. It's true! I didn't think we'd be humming along four years later. TBH, I expected nobody but me would ever submit articles and it'd die down once I ran out of TF2 stuff to write about, but SPUF surprised me with how much gaming stuff they wanted to write about. Of course, Medic's also largely responsible for the blog's longevity, with her insane writing output and image creating, hosting, and CSS support

  2. Alas, poor Sticky Jumper! I knew him, SPUF: a weapon
    of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: it hath
    borne me through the sky a thousand times; and now, how
    abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rims at
    it. Here lie those rounded bombs that I have exploded I know
    not how oft. Where be your explosions now? your
    grenades? your cabers? your flashes of merriment,
    that were wont to set enemy snipers on a roar? Not one
    now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?
    Now get you to the old SPUF, and tell those there, let
    them paint the skies with stickies, to this favour they must
    come; make them laugh at that.

  3. Yeah, I hate to admit it, but our nude stuff does wayyyyy better than our other stuff, especially considering how easy they are to write. Though it is one of the reason I don't stream on twitch, because almost everything I play has been nudified except, like, Overwatch and TF2.


    Ive been really out of it with a sore throat from hell. Been gargling constantly with apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper, but this is arguably the best time to get this over with before I start college in 3 days.

  4. Absolutely agree about the absence of larger playercounts in modern games. Most of my fondest gaming moments are from maxed out TF2 servers where anything can happen and the Momentum can shift on a dime. Right now I'm playing a crapton of battlefield 1 for that reason, I'm loving the massive 64-player servers. As a medic you can still make a huge difference by reviving your teammates constantly and trying desperately to keep yourself out of the line of fire.

  5. Not gonna lie, I do feel bummed that they just reused payday's engine. Paydays engine has very famous bugs and difficulties handling a game of this size, so why they'd willingly adopt all those problems rather than start afresh with a better engine I'll never know.


    Of course, I'm making an adventure game in Clickteam Fusion rather than learning a more appropriate engine so maybe I don't have the right to criticize.

  6. Anyone playing the beta right now?


    It's...interesting. I like a lot of the concepts. I found it difficult to see enemies, they tended to blend really well into the environment, and I wasn't a huge fan of having to press F to collect ammo all over the ground. In Payday you collect ammo automatically and it cut down on the amount of hitreg you had to deal with. But overall it feels very similar to Payday in a good way imo

  7. 10 hours ago, Medic said:

    One PvE mission. About 20-30 minutes worth of content. Less if you're actually competent. That's it.

    Well, it is a beta. 


    Game wasn't bad, in my opinion. Very beautiful artwork and setting. I liked NPC Cade, both his character design and personality, and to my surprise I actually didn't mind the Ghost sidekick robot. Would have preferred closer to Cortana than Orbis, but he was cutely earnest rather than annoying.


    I played the third character, with the yellow, and I liked his starter rifle because it had almost no recoil. Didn't like any of his available secondaries, and his tertiary didn't pack enough of a punch for how ammo inefficient it was. Both problems will likely be solved as more guns are released, it looks like the sort of game that has MMO-style loot drops, so I'm sure in time I'll get guns I gel with. Also I could use that starter rifle for the rest of my career.


    I liked his health regeneration field, less enthused with his flaming-melee-mode. Got really frustrated because none of my teammates could figure out that you should hide when last man standing and wait for your teammates to respawn. Jetpacks were fun but a bit floaty, had trouble controlling where exactly I wanted to go, but I'm sure I'll get better at that after practice. 


    All in all, it was nice to try, I'm considering getting it because I could always use more PvE shooters. 


    Edit: How didn't I notice Cade was voiced by Nathan Fillion? No wonder I liked him!

  8. 14 hours ago, Razputin said:

    To me what's more important than reading the ending (as it is only Marc's version) is how this puts the heat on valve. They can't really not react to such a big shakeup and get called out pretty hard

    Valve: Hold my beer. Or don't, because I'm gonna keep drinking it and ignoring this.

  9. The one thing I want in Overwatch is 24, 36, or even 64-player servers. They'll probably need larger maps to make it work, but the best part of TF2 is when there is uncontrollable chaos on the battlefield and nobody feels this pressure to be godly because everyone washes out in the spam.  


    2 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:


    Aren't you going to give credit to the Library of Babel, from where you clearly stole this post?


    I love this site. I used to send pages containing my friend's fanfictions and remind them they need to give credit for plagiarizing their story from this website. I mean, look, the Library's been carrying that exact text since May 2015, how can you claim you just wrote your fanfiction last night? 

  11. 8 hours ago, Silver Wolf said:

    Medicinal Warlock goes into detail on both the Vampiric Vesture and the injustice of the halloween-restriction system!


    Also, while talking about medic halloween cosmetics, why was the wolf head always so goddamn expensive? :( I wanted it (for obvious reasons) but wasn't going to pay through the nose for it. Especially for a cosmetic so infrequently available.

    Damn, I have that hat but it's untradeable. I wish I could give it to you. If gift wrap is cheaper that buying the hat, feel free to gimme some giftwrap and I'll send it to you otherwise free of charge. 


    Was it one of the hats that you can get by playing a map and grabbing presents? It must have been obtainable via presents at some point, that's apparently how I got an untradeable/uncraftable version. 

  12. Yesterday Medic talks about making real-life re-Lucas of Borderlands weapons, and today SilverWolf discusses the most-played healer in Paladins! Pip's the only character I played during my brief stint in Paladins, and I appreciated how he wasn't a clone of any other healers I could think of from other games, plus healing grenades as a concept are sorely underused. Area-of-effect splash damage weapons feel like a shoe in for a novel healing mechanic, but most games restrict explosions to the DPS.


    Im super out of the loop regarding Paladins; did they recover from their terrible business decisions or does the game still suffer from them? Also, how similar is Grover to Lucio? Lucio's made me addicted to unlimited area-of-effect healing, so I could use another game with that sort of character.

  13. 5 hours ago, Medicinal Warlock said:

    Did WordPress add that article in and date it at 2014, or did it just not post that article at all? Just curious.


    Today's post is about Sniper.

    The article was initially written in 2014. It was the oldest article in our Pending queue, having sat there for almost 3 years. I'm surprised we finally published it, figured it was a running gag that only people who checked our Pending queue would ever see. You can tell it's old because John Caveson answered the question, and he hasn't been on staff in years :D
