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Everything posted by Medic

  1. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Maybe it' worth hiring some help when it comes to making DELTARUNE. So that there's still a fan base to play it when it's finished.
  2. Literally nowhere was doing anything Halloween-y this year because it was Wednesday.
  3. There have been many requests for a blog for SPUFers to share TF2 stories or post things that may not fit the forum. Well, now we have one! I designed spuf.org so that anyone with a SPUF account can submit blog posts, and we update daily! I'll do the editing, supply the pictures (unless you supply your own) and in general I've tried to make submitting as easy as possible. Read our How to Contribute page if you'd like more information, and you can subscribe to either the blog or Facebook to receive updates when new articles come out. (Update: If videos are more your thing, we now also do weekly videos on our youtube channel, The SPUF of Legend! Just like with the blog, we accept submissions if you've ever wanted to try your hand at making videos!) There are already almost 3 years of daily posts to read through if you want to get a feel for how things look and work at Spufblog. Pictures are usually supplied by the hard-working folk at the Loadout Picture Request Topic, the site itself is graciously hosted by thesupremecmdr (owner of the SPUF server) me, and several SPUFers have already submitted posts, including aabicus stamda, Maxillaws, and XYTWO. If you've ever wanted to write a blog post, this is the time (and place) to do it. Follow this thread for updates on our most recent article, or join the Steam group!
  4. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I got nothing but fireworks, Latron blueprints and Smoke palettes. And the idiot I was, I sold all of my Latron blueprints before realising that the Latron is a crafting ingredient in the Tiberon.
  5. I still don't get all the hate toward what people jerk off to. If you don't like furry porn, then don't go looking for furry porn.
  6. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Only reason I joined the discord server was because they mentioned Nitain Extract as rewards for something or other. Normally I'd pass, but fricking Nitain Extract, if I can get that for zero effort, why not?
  7. But elves are REALLY FUCKING BORING. They're just humanoids with pointy ears and an affinity for magic and occasionally archery. There's a reason there's very, very few actual humans in my writings. Because humans are pricks and elves take all the stuck up shit humans do and pump it up to eleven. Sure, other stories try to do their own spins on these things, but so often we end up falling back to the same elf tropes. In the mean time, I'm quite happy with my lizardwomen, Bohrok rip-offs, rubber-skinned creatures with organic plastic armour and 3m tall horned carnivorous kangaroos.
  8. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    This Fortuna Discord Server thing is annoying me more than it's hyping me up. Either do an actual ARG or do actual teasers or shut up and just release the damn thing.
  9. Every time I write about deities and ultra powerful beings, they end up going all Greek God-like, having very human characteristics and, in several cases, wanting to fuck everything. I mean that's essentially Yisini's job, to fuck everything, since she's the goddess of life, fertility and birth, but that's not the point.
  10. Medic

    TF2 general

    Yeah, fuck them. Let the Spies have their fun.
  11. Medic

    TF2 general

    No damn update page though.
  12. Medic


    My last dream involved me and Mewtwo trying to stop a dam from blowing up. The perpetrator? Mew.
  13. Medic

    It's Time to Place Your Bets

    And piss off all the people who wanted to say "it's been 365 days since the last major update".
  14. What you are describing is people working to meet deadlines and cutting corners make their jobs easier, not actual innovation. The same applies to your AAA games example, there's no time for developers to create something new when they need to appease their publishers and make money. The problem here isn't that technology is stuck and isn't improving any more, it's that money and time are much higher priorities. The average consumer doesn't seem to mind either way, as long as they're told what they're buying is better. There is likely innovation being made, but it's being made behind closed doors, where the consumer can't see it.
  15. What does that even mean? Computer technology won't improve because we keep on finding more bugs? Doesn't that sound a bit... stupid?
  16. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    What's the fucking point then?
  17. Clearly QA is now a mythical beast few have heard of.
  18. I only have Windows 10 because that's what my computer came with. When it works, it's alright. When it doesn't work, it's horrible. You can say that about any operating system, really. Windows 8 was awful though.
  19. Frankly, a lot of Abba songs work.
  20. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Should have sent them a gif of you reporting their accounts.
  21. Google+ has no idea what Google+ is. I wish I understood programming and stuff.
  22. What was that one thing? We must know so we can demand his execution at once!
  23. Still seems to sell though. Parents will buy their screaming brats anything Disney related.
  24. Medic

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    A bang as in "explosion in a sewage treatment plant" rather than "fancy firework display".