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Everything posted by Medic

  1. I really hate my sister right now.

  2. Medic

    Medic does arty things?

    Have a Trehavok.
  3. Oh dear. Have you added any weapon ones or death animations or anything recently? That often screws that sort of thing. Also, I have a problem too. There are not 5, not 8, but 10 Ancient Dragons flying around Windhelm.
  4. Medic


    I can't think of 10 pokemon so have 5. [spoiler2] Dratini Eevee Charmeleon Mew Axew[/spoiler2]
  5. Medic

    TF2 general

    I can barely stickyjump, let alone airpogo. Good thing I'm a Medic. Who doesn't like the Quick Fix. I dunno, I don't like being flung around by the Soldier who just screamed at me to heal him.
  6. Medic


    I say I don't have nightmares, last night I had a nightmare. Being dragged around a red light district with people constantly tugging at you is fucking horrible. And the worst part is, I manage to escape on a bus and end up miles away from home.
  7. Medic

    New Forum Bug List

    Ohhh, Duskiness is much better. Still, Times New Roman. And linebreaks do double when you type. But I assume that's the type-y thingy and not IPB?
  8. Medic


    This morning, I had all sorts of crazy dreams. But I won't bother you with them because most of it was quite disturbing and involved people being brutally murdered in a hospital, while I'm trying to get my phone which I left in my hospital bed but I'm being hounded by nasty dogs and everyone is dying. Normally, my dreams are quite nice. Especially the one where everyone was sitting at this long park bench eating ice cream and cake.
  9. Medic

    New Forum Bug List

    Damn, CKE editor (the thing that gives you BBCode and shit) takes forever to load. Text in the reply boxes still appears to be Times New Roman on the Duskiness skin.
  10. Medic

    TF2 general

    CP_2fort... Awesome.
  11. Have you installed any addons recently? I've got a weird bug too. Every time I go near Whiterun, 5 dead Ancient Dragons fall out of the sky.
  12. Medic

    New Forum Bug List

    I think I know how to fix the Times New Roman Black Text thing. If you can edit the stylesheet (you should), find ".cke_skin_ips .cke_contents iframe" (or add it if it's missing) and add the following: Also, you haven't changed the logo. It still says Duskiness.
  13. Medic

    Valve Announces Steam Sharing Beta

    But it's not so good when everyone already has a computer.
  14. Medic

    I am sorry I had to do this to you guys

    Oh dear. You're all doomed.
  15. Medic

    Valve Announces Steam Sharing Beta

    Sounds great for households with only one computer.
  16. Medic

    Future of the Forum

    Aren't there other options besides IPB? I mean, IPB is great, I've used one of the billions of free clones before and stuff, but it's still pretty expensive. Although on the other hand, there isn't always an option for migration... Either way, I might be able to spare some change. I use MyBB on my forum. Haven't paid a penny for it.
  17. Yay, I got something right! Shame that there's not much between here and Alpha Centurii.
  18. I thought the boundary of the solar system was two-fold: where the Sun's magnetic fields no longer affect an object and where the sun's gravitational pull no longer affects it? But that's cool. Shame there's 3.4 lightyears of nothingness between here and the next closest star...
  19. Medic

    Medic does arty things?

    :( I didn't want to replace anyone :(
  20. Medic


    Wait, you can't catch starter pokemon (apart from the one you pick) at all? Oh well. I'm just throwing out random pokemon names. Ditto.
  21. Medic

    Dota General

    I have to say, a lot of items for DotA 2 are really nice, but they're SO SMALL! IZ FUNNEH TO ME! *cough* If I said I prefer League of Legends, would you all hit me?
  22. Medic

    Medic does arty things?

    I has moar arts! [spoiler2] Duke of Flies from The Binding of Isaac The logo for the Multiply A Weapon's Stats By 10 server, which I designed. A sad comic: John [/spoiler2]
  23. Medic

    Icons Now Available!

    Protip: You don't need the icon- bit before the name. icon-medkit doesn't work. It's {icon}medikit{/icon}, NOT {icon}icon-medikit{/icon}.