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Everything posted by Paero

  1. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    In the spirit of the holidays , post festive.
  2. Paero

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    Grindy Korean MMOs always had the best music ;_; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJGrl4gJxx4
  3. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    Wait shit Wulff you actually made it through Lucky Star?
  4. Paero

    Dota General

    if you guys want to play dota in an inhouse then just do it, like, stop saying "oh i'll play if you can get other people" or worse "i'll play if you can't get anyone else" just get on and join the lobby if you want to play and dont if you dont. Guy spent ages looking around for people and pretty much everyone was acting really indecisive which is kinda bs, because he had no idea who would actually play.
  5. Paero

    World of Warcraft

    After a fuck tonne of tries (something like 45) we managed to down Ko'Ragh on normal. It shouldnt have been that hard but fuck, feels good that we did it.
  6. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    reposting this cus its video of the year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b46y6ONL4e4&list=FL2CRocS8TQWpwD7zdQKXwkA&index=22
  7. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    The comments on this song are gold, le wrong generation to the fucking max. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFg6amMLd-o
  8. Paero

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    DS1 has so many fucking issues running, so you might be able to. Even on the best rigs it could drop below 30 in some places, and the only way to stop it was using mods and even then it was a bit ass.
  9. You are in a room with Witty, Hitler and a gun with an infinite number of children. Witty will be constantly annoying and scientific until you barrage Hitler with children, but if so Witty will be so proud of you he will follow you around forever, Adoring Fan style. If you barrage Witty with the children then the holocaust happens. Do you shoot Hitler?

    1. ICBMoose


      I would shoot hitler

    2. Idiot Cube
    3. Expresate


      I put that dilemma into google thinking it was based on something. Top searches were anti-vaccine websites, anti-atheism websites, and "don't you dare tell me to check my privilage"

    4. Show next comments  126 more
  10. I really wanna know the context but at the same time I really dont want to know what happens next.
  11. Paero

    World of Warcraft

    Paragon dropped their world first video, and as expected it's really good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SuW_whFQaY (meanwhile Kungen is sitting there going "B-but remember Nihilum were good guyS?!?!? remember how goo d we were !")
  12. Paero

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I've not really been interested in the shit that Monstercat's been posting for like 2 years now, let alone House, but this is actually p gud. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Rbd4iXMvA
  13. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    New PC Blazblue isn't available in Europe for some reason ((
  14. Paero

    TF2 general

    StabbyStabby, relatively popular spy player, managed to convince b4nny to play Highlander this season according to that thread.
  15. Paero

    TF2 general

    It's officially dead.
  16. Paero

    Dota General

    good yoke m8 ty for laff npnp work on it 4 a long time.
  17. Paero

    Dota General

    Silencer still dead after they removed his passive ;_;
  18. Paero

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Throw Guy and Stalin in there and see what happens.
  19. Paero

    World of Warcraft

    Yeah, first week we downed Tectus we had like 10-20 seconds until the enrage timer, and we'd hit it for the previous 2 or 3 attempts. As Facade says you have to get the largest one, and then the first of the shards in the first tectonic upheaval. Probably gonna sound like a dick saying this, but are you aware that you can kill the smallest ones without them being in tectonic upheaval? Just that our Raid Leader didn't know that himself until an attempt or two before we downed them after us telling him.
  20. Paero

    World of Warcraft

    We're still on Ko'Ragh, had trouble getting a consistant number of people to raid, plus we've got very few casters so breaking the magic sheild is pain in the arse
  21. Paero

    New Forum Bug List

    Changing profile pics is ass. Using a URL has always been iffy for me (had the same problems on MLM as well) as in it just doesn't work. A 500kb limit is pretty annoying, but I can understand why it's there. I took the picture I wanted, and then cropped it smaller in paint though, it's 282KB now and still isn't letting me change it, and is still saying it's over 500KB. Edit: Seems to be a problem with .pngs.
  22. Paero

    Anime General Discussion

    this video speaks to me on an emotional level.