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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

  2. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    wow I was going to reveal it still works with a really neat video I took but nooooo
  3. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Damn, I'm glad I heard about this
  4. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Ehh.... the banana on Mannhattan is just a func_push I think. I find it silly that they reused the banana_slip sound for the Soda Popper's jumps, but it was really nice because it allowed me to mod that sound to be Kirby's jump from Melee. The Soda Popper's jumps actually get pitched shifted with every jump making it a very nice mod.
  5. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    The update being delayed a day was actually a lifesaver for me because yesterday would've been super inconvenient for me (i.e. I wouldn't do any studying and I'd stay up too late). I just hope it goes okay because friday updates are never a good idea (no time for hotfixes before the weekend).
  6. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    older is better
  7. hugthebed2

    Laptop advice

    There might be some Black Friday deals.
  8. hugthebed2

    long time no post

    wow you're the guy who left a month after I joined hi
  9. All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees Kelvin.
  10. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Th-those yeti cosmetics are restricted to Halloween r-right guys?
  11. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    I'm not even going to bother telling my friends who don't follow this stuff about day 2. What a lame day.
  12. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I actually brought this up with Jay a few months ago. It's the same with Rendezvous and whatnot because I looked into it after I saw that youtube picked up those songs as some obscure remixes. The remixes date Sora's release so Deku sampled them from some obscure songs, I think.
  13. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The thing that really blows is that I can't find any footage of someone getting through it just by jumping but I know for a fact that we did it. I've seen a couple other people say they did it with two players but there's still no footage proving it.
  14. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I always love it when Carnival Night Zone Act 2 is brought up because I remember that I used to think that you needed two people to get past it. My sister would play as Tails back in the day and we learned that you could actually get past the barrel if both of us jumped at the right times. It always took forever so I think we were only able to get past it once or twice but I distinctly remember getting past it at like 8 minutes and finishing the level at 9:52 or something. I was glad as a kid to learn that Knuckles didn't have to do the barrel. The only issue with these memories is that I also remember thinking Ice Cap 1 was impossible as Sonic Alone, but if I only got past the barrel by jumping, did I somehow get past it with Sonic alone? It wasn't until I watched Sonic Shorts in 2014 that I learned you could just move it with the d-pad...
  15. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    The weapon thing is a non-issue for anyone who hasn't crafted their drops for a long time. You'll just have to be quick to grab the weapons you need from sites if you're going to go that route.
  16. hugthebed2


    It used to just be repping a post but a forum update that we couldn't avoid made it "reactions", it just means you got repped one rep point, essentially.
  17. hugthebed2


    Hi! I'm glad you're finally here. Try and stay alive during the inevitable Love Live "best idol" war that will ensue and keep all hands, feet, and vital organs inside the vehicle at all times.
  18. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Oh I still need to post this again since it's all I've been saying whenever I talk about this thing
  19. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    who's ready to replace some payload models
  20. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    welcome to youkusou yeti park
  21. hugthebed2

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    where's my official yeti vs. mercs gamemode with random chance for it to be SAXTON... HAAAAAAAAAALE
  22. hugthebed2

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    follow-up on a similar note, when are we starting the annual Sonic Shuffle spuf tournament?
  23. hugthebed2

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Honestly it reminds me of something I was making for Roblox but cancelled because I was lazy and couldn't do lua.