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Everything posted by hugthebed2

  1. hugthebed2

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    wow Doop got a NEW SIG
  2. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    "Doggo" has entered my common vernacular and might seriously be becoming a problem because I refer to dogs as doggos.
  3. hugthebed2

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    finish never
  4. Driver's Ed doesn't count towards GPA in my school. I knew I just needed at least a B in order to not take a driving test so near the end of the final I just stopped caring because I already had an A/A+ in the class. Practically mandatory for all freshmen to go through most of the time.
  5. You can't possibly forget the VHS tape demonstration videos from the 80's. We learned a little bit of stuff. A lot of it was just reading the Illinois driving handbook though and answered questions from that. Actually remember quite a bit of rules that make me upset when people don't follow them, especially with buses.
  6. Had Driver's Ed in Freshman year. Also took Behind the Wheel which I signed up through school (You and two other students drive for 45 minutes each on a certain day, in my case, tuesday after school) and the instructor gave us a driving test on the last 2 weeks we did it. Need to get less than 35 points taken off. Only amount I got taken off was -3 for parking (i'm absolutely trash at parking) and because of that note I was able to just go to the DMV and get my License. Pretty cool. Still don't like driving that much.
  7. hlep

    1. General DeGroot

      General DeGroot

      not with that spelling, young man

  8. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    pissing contest let's go first 15 boys ww@
  9. hugthebed2

    TF2 general

    http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3300725 SPUF was first to something which is neat. Comp matchmaking group. Too lazy to copy the group link.
  10. hugthebed2

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  11. hugthebed2

    The Binding of Isaac

    Part of me hopes that I don't get Godhead so soon because I can really only get a lot out of this game when playing the Lost and if I get Godhead I won't have any goal to reach. So far I have Blue Baby, Ultra Greed, and Hush beaten. Ultra Greed really isn't hard as any character because Greed mode is ridiculously easy after the second floor. I beat Hush with a Chaos Card but killed his first form just to be safe. Have had many OP runs and then died to some dumb enemy. Beat Blue Baby with Gnawed leaf + Bumbo. It really sucks and I get a bit upset when I die, but hey, at least I'll be enjoying myself going for the goal more. Reaching it might not be my best interest but I can't cheat myself out of it.
  12. hugthebed2

    Your favourite game of all time

    When I originally made an Archer a long time ago before Pirate was released, I dumped like 20 AP into max HP because I was really dumb. Didn't meet the Dexterity minimum for Archer so I had to level up to 13 before becoming one. Because of that, I am missing 7 SP on that character, even to this day. Played on and off for many years. Friends eventually bugged me to get on and play again and I reached 120 with him and I couldn't use any skills until I got to 123 because I had to max out the 70 skills. They added ways to prevent that now but that character is forever bugged because of it. He also somehow got randomly selected for Maple BigWig? Oh well, quite the fun game and fantastic OST. Favorite is probably LPQ.