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Everything posted by Raze

  1. Raze

    Recommend ONE (1) thing

    So a huge let down then?
  2. Raze

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I remember seeing that game in E3 and it looked like it had so much potential but now I don't think i will bother with it
  3. Raze

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Bioware need to make kotor 3 (I refuse to believe sw:tor is kotor 3)
  4. Raze

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm pretty sure original dev team for ff14 had people who created ff11 though I know that the original producer and director did at least The real problem was that they were stuck in the past thinking that they could do the same stuff they did in XI and not catching up with the times it was until Yoshi P came along and took the reins that they the game began to be a little enjoyable even in 1.0. Noclip did a really good video series on how the development team reacted to the failure and rise.
  5. Raze

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I AM GLAD YOU ASKED HUMBLE PERSON! Yes indeed FFXIV also know Final Fantasy: XIV Online is indeed a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online role play game) The current specs are really basic and anyone can play the game with a regular laptop truly a revolution in the gaming age I highly recommend it fellow gamers! The tragedies of the Calamity are not so easily forgotten....
  6. Raze

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Also when you purchase the game from steam anyways you get a free month which is plenty of time to do the 2.0 content.
  7. Raze

    Destiny General

    I am pretty sure TF2 is still kind of in development the update is just taking a long time...right guys? Not to mention that half the community in destiny was 8-16yr olds which makes me dread doing content or when people kept demanding you have ghorn for doing raids/prison of elders it felt like a mess that i am concerned about going back into but I will keep my eyes on it and see what D2 will be like
  8. Raze

    Destiny General

    Considering I bought destiny, ttk and rise of iron and no longer have stockholm syndrome on the game I think I'm going to wait for reviews see what the game is like and make sure the game has a decent story and gives me content updates that don't cost £20 or covered in microtransactions. I am already concerned from what what i've seen with the new subclass having a different system where i cant seem to make custom builds using different abilities.
  9. Prey was an alright game and this song is great but i am a little confused on why they added this song "We need an song to go with our survival horror sci-fi game" "I got it! 80's synthwave!"
  10. Stream's covered in trash, oh wait it's just smash

    1. Huff



      U        M

      C        A

      K        S        






    2. MysticTheMeeM


      I can't stop seeing the "skcuf"'s...

    3. Paero


      and the pillow hits my ear, must be time for guilty gear

  11. I have a bad case of Stockholm syndrome with that game
  12. I've spent the past 2 days listening to this while grinding on warframe https://soundcloud.com/rollomatik/we-love-to-party
  13. Raze

    Non-Magic CCGs

    Yeah I heard about the link summoning nerfing pendulum which is pretty great though I feel Xyz and synchro will still be a issue (Even though i've heard people complain about synchro i liked it)
  14. Raze

    Non-Magic CCGs

    I used to play yugioh but stopped and still have my deck (E-hero/masked hero) though i don't bother going to my local shop to play from being both not getting much for heroes and the game becoming annoying to play with people bringing out monsters with high attack and filling the bored really quickly also the people who play at my local are all annoying and rude (fuck xyz, pendulum as well). Dont play magic anymore for that matter but that is due to them no longer doing modern and standard not having blocks that intrested me. The last one they did that I was really into was shadows over innistrad I also used to play cardfight vanguard but that died after 2 months. But recently I've been thinking on going into the Pokémon tcg since friends i know play it and i think its popular at the shop.
  15. The only thing i can think of when its the 4th of july is "Freedom Freedom Freedom Oy!" from futurama 

  16. Raze

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    Do guilty gear girls count as anime?
  17. Raze

    The IT thread.

    I posted on here a while ago about getting new parts for my rig as well and I went with ryzen r5 1500, r9 390, asus prime mb with 18gb ddr 4 ram and so far it's been very nice and smooth. I had an issue with ffxiv but it was easily fixable (Launching game in DX11) Might grab a new fan since the old one i had would not fit and i am now using the one you get with the ryzen
  18. Raze

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    That's me in the corner