Zenyatta started out as my favourite in closed beta but both the nerfs and the fact that people were realising you could blow him up with as much as a stern look in his direction meant that he quickly lost this spot. In fact, any time I was playing zenyatta in the past week I was thinking to myself how much more I could be contributing to the team as a Mercy or Lucio. The problem lies with the pick screen tips giving the impression that only one healer is nescessary at a time, and that Zen is more of a specialised support that works well in tandem with one of the other two healers. He is great for killing tanks and he shits out a lot of damage in the right hands, but I found him a chore to play with his tiny health pool and zero maneuverability. His ult is clutch at times but I feel that again, it is vastly outshined by Resurrection.
Winston is a tank but that doesn't mean that you can leap into a bunch of enemies and wreck them like most Winstons on my team try to do before switching. He does tickle damage and dies immediately to anyone with a spread weapon. He is a very defensive tank in this regard, and excels at area denial, especially with his ult, which also does tickle damage but it hits everyone off the payload and wins you the game. I didn't really enjoy playing him though, unless the entire team was Winstons, in which case it was amazing.
A good Tracer is one of the most annoying classes to play against, especially if you're shit at the game like me. I was starting to get the hang of predicting a Tracer's movements but even then it's such a hassle to deal with. She is fun to play and I had a couple of great games with her but I can't consistently twitch aim, so most games I played I felt like I could be doing a lot better with another class.
Reaper is pretty good, shreds through tanks like a motherfucker. Didn't like playing him that much and he probably ended up as my least played hero of them all.
Pharah is just-
McCree's flashbang got brought up every ten seconds on the mumble and I dunno, it certainly always leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever I die to it and his fan. He fucks you at close range and then he fucks you at medium range if you happen to survive. The atmosphere High Noon creates is fantastic, just that mad dash to either get to cover or man up and try to peg him before he instagibs you.
D.Va is fun and she has my favourite ult in the game, I don't think anything compares to slinging an exploding ball of fuck you over a wall at the enemy team and at the very least making them scramble for cover and at most instakilling like 4 of them. She just feels a little underwhelming when I play her, she doesn't tank all that much and she doesn't hurt all that much.
Bastion is a piece of shit and fucking overpowered, what the fuck were you thinking blizzard. Every single corner I turn around on attack has at least 3 wall-e looking dudes behind a reindhart ready to tear me a new asshole with their sentry mode bullshit. Every POTG is a Bastion player falling asleep at his keyboard and then waking up to click on me and my mercy. Also he's shit, when are they giving him his shield back? Ulti is fun.
Mercy is the pseudo-Medic but she isn't my favourite support because I die too much as her, also she can't wallrun. She is really effective though at pretty much everything a support needs to do and her ult can easily win you the game, although I fuck it up every single time. Queuing with a guy who can play her correctly and will play her every game where we don't have a healer is an absolute godsend. Thank you Marcus.
Soldier: 76 is nice. Just a generally useful attacker dude.
Widowmaker is a hero I never picked out of decency when there was already a sniper on my team, and as a result, I never ended up playing her over the course of both betas. I think she has a grappling hook?
Genji-dono fulfills my guilty pleasure of being an anime swordsman, and he is a robot, so even better. I am a dogshit Genji and on a bad day I might hit one out of every twenty shuriken but I'll be damned if reflecting a Bastion burst or McCree Ult or Reaper blast isn't the best feeling in the game. I have waited an entire game to activate his ult on more than one occasion because I have no idea how to do so and live for more than two seconds. So I am bad at him but he says all my favourite anime phrases like 'KUZO' and 'ARRIGATO' so that's alright
Torbjorn has a nice gun but his turrets die to any team with a brain which sucks. I always forget to give out armor.
Symmetra edges ahead of Torb as a builder because she has an even cooler gun that shoots light. Light that moves reaaaally slowly and catches a Hanzo's foot to deal a million damage. She is very effective on defense but obviously falls quite flat on offense, or on the last point of defense, as her teleporter is a lot less useful. I think a team with a Symmetra needs another healing support to work well, but people will accept her as the teams only support, which makes the game a lot harder.
Hanzo is consistently in the sixth slot of my team and consistently does nothing to contribute except fire an ult that the entire enemy team sidesteps. But this is the same ult that gets every single POTG, so what's up with that? But really I like his kit and he is a lot of fun.
Reinhardt is a fantastic tank and gives me this feeling like I'm in charge, like we're going over here, get behind me and shoot the guys on the other side of the shield. But sometimes people don't and that's frustrating, and sometimes they pop through your shield and die instantly, and that's even more frustrating. The massive hammer, the charge someone into a wall and break all their bones move, the ulti, it all just wraps up into a lovely package that is fun as fuck.
Mei is really cute but that does nothing to curb my undying rage as I slowly grind to a halt and get to see her adorable shit-eating grin as she saunters up to my frozen body and plants an icicle in my brain. Her snow cannon is annoying, the icicles are annoying, the fact that she can puck out and heal up just as you are about to finish her off is annoying, the walls are especially annoying, and her ult kinda sucks to be in too, I suppose. But she is fun to play because there is a part of me that loves being the Mei on the other side of that encounter I described, and there is a part of me that loves hearing someone's vocal reaction over Mumble to a friendly wall that blocks their perfectly timed ult. Mei is bae.
Lucio is such a fucking blast to play, fucking right off the bat VWOOSH TIME TO ACCELERATEEEE outta the spawn and fuck em up. You are always doing something as Lucio, even if it is wallriding around like an idiot, and then there are the times where you blast half their team off the map with his right click. His ult is great even if it only hits a couple of allies but there are times when it can completely like two other ults, and that feels wonderful. He is my go-to support and I never had a game with him that I didnt enjoy.
Roadhog rules, his gun just feels so GOOD when you oneshot a lighter class with a single headshot after hooking them out of the air, and melts tanks just like Reaper (dude eats Winstons for breakfast, it's obscene). He doesn't fulfill the 'tank' role all that well, but his presence alone is enough to make people want to take you out. His E buys you a lotta time to deal with a threat, and gives him a shitload more effective HP over the ton that he has already. He is very satisfying to play and I love him.
Junkrat is my true waifu, the pinnacle of fun that I've had with this game. The concussion mine is the best, like, you're in trouble and you just slam it out and detonate, get some distance from that Tracer or whatever and pop her with a bomb. It consistently does 120 damage with no falloff so you can easily finish anyone up in your face with it. Oh and also the concussion part can get enviro kills, which you have to be able to do to be this high up on my fav heroes list.
I learned that if you put both his mines down, then detonate it when you see 'TRIGGERED', it'll instakill anyone with 200hp or lower, and that's basically why I play him. I don't know exactly why but this is the funniest shit to me, like just giving someone a killcam of me strolling to the point and hitting m2.
And then there's the tyre, the FUCKING TYRE DUDE. Just that feeling when you hear the enemy junkrat yell 'LADEEZ AND GENTLEMEN....START YOUR ENGINES!!!!!!!' and this revving sound just getting louder and louder, it's something else. I'm still not great at using it, but I'm getting better, learning routes that people don't expecting, utilizing the climbing function.
And the whole time, he just there acting crazy, he fucking barks when you punch people and he does finger-pistols to say hello. I hope they make some better skins for him.
I wanna play this fucker right now. He is the biggest reason I am excited for the game to actually come out.
In general this game is great and fills the void that TF2 has left in me. The audio cues, the sound design in general, the slick UI, the animations, just everything, comes together into what feels like an extremely polished game that I will be playing a lot of for quite some time.
but ten minute long overtimes can fuck right off
and im a bit bored of the maps too