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Posts posted by Huff

  1. I've been having some interesting ones lately. Two nights ago I had one that I was going stargazing with some friends but the event turned out to be so much more. Celestial fireworks filled the sky and it was more like a painter swiping and blending brightly colored galaxies around a black canvas. Probably one of the prettiest dreams I've had.


    Yesterday mine involved a school course in which you had to search a suburban home for a human mouth jutting out of the ground. You had to force the lips open and shimmy down a thirty foot shaft connected to it to reach a parallel version of the house. You then had to rescue ten puppies that were in the parallel house and throw them through the mouth back to baseline. 


    Cone to think of it, oppressively dark and unoccupied but still furnished suburban houses are a recurring setting of my dreams.

  2. You're free to post your opinions and argue against things you don't agree with, but if you're going to specifically vicious then we ask you don't post in such situations. 


    We aren't Reddit or Neogaf; people can express opinions if they're relevant to the discussion at hand and if they're civil about the way they present their arguments. Slay the opposition with facts and logic, not redaction!


    If you are intent on not staying, we ask that you just log out and don't think of us again. Public declarations of leaving the community are often derided and contribute nothing.


  3. Only been keeping up with the Boku no Hero and Little Eitch varieties of Academia but they're good. We're waiting for LWA to finish up before we continue so we can need for speed through it easily.

  4. I actually have fun doing some healing as the Bard in the MLM crew's campaign. Mostly because I can delete anyone's falling to zero with a bonus action if I have any spell slots left and that I can mostly reliably do the same with my action using a magical item I found.
