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Posts posted by Huff

  1. Well, if anyone does one, remember these things:

    1. Have everything planned before you start. Hell, have everything DONE and ready to post before you start. That made both of my ARGs much simpler to do. This will reduce stress and give you time to make adjustments if necessary.

    2. Have a conspirator. Silent was a HUGE help during both, helping me think up challenges, suggesting changes, enriching the story, managing the htreads, and setting up the server events. He also practically orchestrated the last part of Huffnapper himself.

    3. Make sure there's incentive. No Relaxe worked because the players could see the reward of their hard work, a saved Axe which they got. Cell even tagged his. Huffapper did not work as well because their only reward was the Huffapper cussing at them and letting Huff live. Incentive and rewards are VERY important.

    4. Keep it short and sweet. No Relaxe was a very good size. People started to get tired right as the server event approached. In Huffnapper, after the weeklong gap after BURTONJ, people grew dispirited and cynical about it. Make sure it can be completed relatively quickly.

    I'll think of more later. If anyone DOES do one, ask Slacks for advice or something. He's the master.

  2. I've also been recently leveling up until multiples of five before I challenge the next gym. And I try to use my starter as rarely as possible. Still just throw whatever strong attacks I have at the opponent, though.

  3. Oh, most annying taactic? Confusion. Confuse my Pokemon and I have about an 80% chance of not attacking, just because I'm me. RIP my beloved Yellow Flute.And as I apparently must always use one weird tactic/thing in each game, I've found Delcatty becoming my physical powerhouse on my last few Sapphire runs. Idunnolol.

  4. My favorite Generation will always be Gen III. Hoenn captured my heart like no other region has. I can't wait until the remakes come out. Favorite Pokemon is Blaziken, I love that giant fire chicken of death.But I do love GSC/HGSS a lot. So nostalgic, as Gold was my first.

  5. As I said, the idea of a Nigga Moment intrigues me. It seems that on the Internet, you need not be an African-American male to experience this phenomenon nowadays. So many tempers are lost over trivial things.I guess Nigga Synthesis sees its fair share of use here online too.

  6. Silent - Element of RepwhoringHuff - Element of Community SpiritGuy - Element of StorytellingMoby - Element of VideomakingPuff - Element of Wit and ReasonNitzan - Element of Market GardeningStamda - Element of BanjoI did that Axe thing, that Huffnapping thing, those songs, and some other stuff. Also for poni. Poniponiponi. Also the Fire Axe of course. Ok except for that unfortunate side effect of getting me immediately mentioned in threads concerning vanilla unlocks :worried:I also try to be polite most of the time. Does that count?

  7. Nononono.The Uber is a metaphor for regular sex.It takes two or more people, whether voluntarily through healing (consensual) or involuntarily through the Ubersaw (rape). After a period of building up, the uber is popped. It lasts a few seconds and leaves both participants feeling invincible.The hell do I think things like this through.
