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Posts posted by Huff

  1. 3 hours ago, A 1970 Corvette said:

    Still occasionally wonder if there's a color or something really fundamental that I perceive differently from everyone else and the only thing that has stopped me from noticing is that I haven't brought it up to someone

    What the fuck, this. That’s been on my mind since I was a kid

  2. Ok boys just had a fuckin strange pair of dreams last night.


    the first half detailed my induction into some kind of group. I think it was a cross between the Power Rangers and an idol group. We were like a 5-man band of ethnically diverse kids and we met up at an apartment filled with nice stuff like the kinds that they set up for reality tv shows like Big Brother or King of the Nerds. I remember there being lots of candy and a wall of Funko Pops. This is probably because I was talking about the FP that Paero received from Scoots. 

    Anyway, after like a week we all started to get sick of each other and we’re just being really aggressive around the house. And it turns out that our viewers were getting angry too, because they broke in and overthrew us in a revolution-esque riot where they all stole the candy for themselves.


    After that it switched to the next portion. I was visiting the road that that apartment was on with my friends years later. It had turned into a tourist attraction area but of course I singled out that I wanted to go to the local Gyaru brothel. I dreamt of this because that phrase has been uttered about five times a week in discord lately.

    Anyway, I remember I managed to convince Wulff and Silent to also purchase sessions (fellas, is this gay?) and we were pushed through a really hardcore vetting process to ensure our validity. We had to do background checks, supply government documents, and most weirdly, ride a horse across a room without falling off, because the floor was coated in a toxin that would instantly kill you if you touched it.

    Anyway, we make it through and are all looking forward to meeting our Gyaru prostitutes, but we didn’t. The proprietors sat us down at computers with VR headsets and logged us into a TF2 server. 

    This server had every patron inside of a set school bus moving along a circular track and in the middle was a giant set of low-poly pornographic models which you were expected  to just all circle jerk to with all the other patrons. I felt my disbelief at this costing €180 set in.

    and then I woke up

  3. Lads just woke up from a dream where I walked into an apartment and Jon Jafari asked me to housesit for a month and then broke my gameboy before leaving 

  4. I really can’t echo both Wulff’s and my previous posts enough, Sora Yori is so fucking good. I remember that after every grouping of three episodes we watched, our reactions were some variation of “this doesn’t have any right to be as good as it is” or “what the fuck that was incredible”. Honestly the only low point that I could say this show has is like one and a half episodes in the middle where the characters kick back a little but even then it’s just quality moe. The whole ride just reminded me of the time I invited myself into watching Flip Flappers and got quality and fun out of nowhere, but this was an even grander surprise.


    I’m probably going to go buy the OST soon because I want to actively support this show and the music was, as Wulff put it, perfectly fitting and nice. There’s like one good insert song an episode and the ED is particularly lovely


    also Hinata best girl 



