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Raison d'être

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Everything posted by Raison d'être

  1. Raison d'être

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    It's a sign capitalism has won.
  2. Raison d'être


    If I was one of those cops I would beat them with my nightstick until I got tired at which point I would bring out the taser, or, preferably, a pistol. I admire those officers for being so stoic. Pfft, maybe 50 years ago. This is MODERN feminism and if you don't like it you're a misogynist who leads a privileged life.
  3. Raison d'être

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    I know, how can you hate it?
  4. Raison d'être

    What servers do you go on?

    I always used to play on XXL's 24/7 Dustbowl server. I've spent over a year of my life playing that map, and it never gets old.
  5. Raison d'être

    Hi I'm Splosion.

    A SPUF Minecraft server admin, a person of some regard here, and a complete nobody on bigSPUF.
  6. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9710488/New-York-records-rare-day-with-no-violent-crime.html Don't worry New Yorkers, us Californians will pick up the slack.
  7. Raison d'être

    Steam Analysis

    http://puu.sh/1vLwM I think my played/not played ratio is actually the popular vote for the 2012 elections. I buy a lot of games I can't run yet when they're cheap as fuck so I can play them when I get an actually decent computer.
  8. Raison d'être

    New York City has a day without violent crime

    They stopped recording violent crime in Detroit. It was too depressing.
  9. Raison d'être

    Do you still use Facebook?

    I've never used it and never will. If somebody wants to get in touch with me that already hasn't, the feeling's not mutual.
  10. Raison d'être

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    All this guy's shit is great.
  11. Raison d'être


    How can you not pick chocolate? Dumb fruit shit tastes like ass and rhubarb is fucking steel.
  12. Raison d'être

    subSPUF creates a video game

    Visual novel.
  13. Raison d'être

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    America: 1 Europe: 0
  14. Raison d'être

    Stamda's art dump

    Where's cummingtonite?
  15. Raison d'être

    Huh. Hostess stopped making Twinkies.

    I don't think you grasp the concept of taste.
  16. Which raise the price of items higher and leaves consumers with even less money to spend, if they even have a job.
  17. 1. Most nations have two houses. A one-house system would be difficult to implement and still be subject to the president's veto. 2. That's a problem with the American people, not the government. As long as America is a religious country politicians will play to religion. 3. How do you stop outsourcing? It's the business's choice, and this is a capitalist country. 4. If we push businesses away, they probably won't be inclined to bring back jobs. 5. We can certainly cut it by a large amount, but we still need a sizable force to protect our oil. Really, we don't give a shit about Quakistan, but we do give a shit about its natural resources. 6. While there can be cutbacks in surveillance, total dismantlement of the CIA and NSA wouldn't be a smart thing to do. At least let them remain in a counterespionage role. 7. Like with 2, we can't really change this without changing ourselves. Most Americans are concerned with getting or holding a job now rather than saving the environment in 50 years.
  18. Raison d'être

    Thomas Was Alone

    It was probably a lurker.
  19. Raison d'être

    General Petraeus Betraeus His Wife

    Bill Clinton was an amazing president, but he banged a nice-looking broad. Jefferson fucked one of his slaves. Almost every country has a lot of unfaithful rulers.
  20. Raison d'être

    Is this a good computer?

    I've heard Windows 8 is about the same as Windows 7, Metro is godawful although I think you can change it. It's alright. Not the best bang for your buck, but should deal with those games well enough.
  21. Raison d'être

    Is this a good computer?

    Depends, how much is she paying for it? The GPU looks a little weak, but the CPU seems decent enough. It's always better to build your own rather than getting a prebuilt, though.
  22. Raison d'être

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations

    We don't take kindly to people that use circular reasoning around here.
  23. Raison d'être

    Legalizing Weed

    By even they mean "It's always illegal, EVEN for medical use." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_the_United_States#Federal
  24. Raison d'être

    Legalizing Weed

    Not according to the Supreme Court.