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Raison d'être

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Everything posted by Raison d'être

  1. I had jury duty a couple months back and I waited in a selection room for about 4 hours, finally went to the court, got told it was a criminal case that would take 14 days and to come back the next day, came back and went through voir dire then got peremptory challenged by the prosecution. Was kinda glad cause I didn't want to travel in a bus for an hour each day for half a month. Got 20 bucks out of it though, so there's that.
  2. Raison d'être


    Welcome, I promise the theme isn't usually this hard on the eyes.
  3. Raison d'être

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    The Brazil map reminds me a lot of Hitman (the first one) for some reason. Also I just feel like jungle maps can never be an official part of TF2. TF2 will always take place in desert/industrial settings, for me at least.
  4. Raison d'être

    Happy 10th Birthday, Team Fortress 2

    That's how it worked like a decade ago but a lot has changed since then. Although it would explain Artifact.
  5. Raison d'être

    TF2 general

    I actually won the USB drive I used in school from a claw machine (or at least some sort of arcade game, I think it might've been one of those "stop the light ( H E R E ) for a worthless 5 cent piece of plastic or (HERE) for something actually worth a shit" machines). I mean it was 1/5 the size of the other kid's but dammit I won that thing.
  6. Raison d'être

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    A lot of people who didn't like 3 liked New Vegas (although not necessarily vice versa).
  7. Raison d'être

    "Good game"

    This made me think a bit. First I thought "gg" is the internet equivalent of a cashier saying "Have a great day!" They may not mean it but they say it to be nice, and you can't really fault them for that. Then I realized it's the internet so 90% of the time the fuckers are doing it to be assholes and they wouldn't dare say that shit if they were in ass-kicking range. But I don't really say anything in games unless someone mentions me, if it's positive I'll thank them if it's negative I'll start a blood feud.
  8. Raison d'être

    TF2 general

    That is unbelievably scummy and I am not surprised, shocked, or even mad.
  9. Raison d'être

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Was it a global pricing thing or just a UK thing? I kinda miss playing Warframe with my buds but it did get a bit grindy, then again I didn't mind that much. I do wonder if I stuck my dog in the freezer before I logged off a year or so ago. If not, that fucker's deader than shit.
  10. One of my ancillary life goals is to be the last one alive who remembers seeing 9/11 happen live (on TV, which admittedly makes the sample size a bit larger). I'm still going strong.
  11. Raison d'être


    It will either be a great game or bad, depends on how much content there is at launch. I feel like a lot of the kinks will be ironed out (like MANDATORY MOUSE ACCEL FUCKING HELL) and it'll be a mechanically solid game. I hope most of the heists raids are more like Odin's fall than 3 camps Hunters, since Hunters takes like 3 minutes and gives me flashbacks of Bomb: Forest. I love how the characters actually talk to each other, though. It feels a lot more like Payday 1 than 2 because of that. In 2 they literally never talk to each other because Overkill crammed so many crappy heisters in there they can't possibly make enough lines for them all. Fun fact: most of the features added to Payday 2 actually came from Lion Game Lion (the devs making Raid). Off the top of my head they made the driving and fire mechanics and while you can debate how good they are the fact is they're the ones who actually have TRIED adding cool shit. Man remember like a decade ago when it seemed like the only shooters on the market were WW2? I hope there's some modern WW2 games but not that many.
  12. Raison d'être


    What, the game for people too poor for Overwatch? Yeah, some friends and I play it every other day.
  13. Raison d'être

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    You've killed a soccer player
  14. Raison d'être

    Marc Laidlaw leaks HL2:E3's story

  15. I may have jury duty on that exact day, but if not I'll probably head north to see it.
  16. Raison d'être


    Sounds about right.
  17. Raison d'être

    Tell Your Raccoon Stories

    Well, when I was a little baby I was crawling on top of a truck stop table and fell and hit my head on the hard floor. Then, not too long after my dad held me up to show me to Grandpa (least I think it was Grandpa) and I had my head whacked by a ceiling fan that was slowly spinning. I like to think the first one made me super dumb but the second made me super smart, although I guess it could be the opposite. The only real injury I can boast of is when I broke my ankle. I was circling my bike on the driveway waiting for my mom to come out so we could go to my friend's house. I fell off and my ankle got wedged between the pedal and the driveway. I couldn't walk back inside and my mom had to get the old-ass office chair my dad kept in the garage and cart me into the house. I had to walk from the garage door to my room because the chair couldn't fit through the garage door with me on it, which was very painful. The next day I went to the doctor, got a cast and some crutches and used them for about a month.
  18. Raison d'être

    Forum Update

    Can we have a gentlemen's agreement that we all just use "upvote" instead of "like"? really walked into that one huh
  19. Yeah the black female German soldier stuff is a bit over the line for me. You could make an argument for there being black soldiers in a lot of armies in the World Wars (colonial troops defending the metropolis) and I'm sure there were at least a couple black German soldiers in WWII but I guarantee you there were no female black German soldiers. I know it's CoD and not really super realistic but there's a difference between compromising historical accuracy for gameplay reasons (perks, respawns, killstreaks etc.) and compromising it for no real reason at all. I remember the developer saying that yeah, we know there were no black female German soldiers, but we wanted people to play themselves in the game, and we didn't want you to be robbed of the ability to do that if you play the Axis. And I'm thinking, man that makes this even worse. Who the fuck wants to self-insert as a grunt in WWII? Has anyone ever said "god i wish that were me" as Hans gets his arm blown off by a T-34 as he runs through the burning streets of his former hometown? I'm pretty sure most devs just take the swastika out because they're lazy and don't want to slightly change the game for the German market.
  20. Ah fuck, I KNEW I wasn't getting something. To be honest I totally forgot I included that part last night.
  21. I don't really understand. I thought it was somewhat cool, never seen a structure fire in real life before. I guess I forgot if people wanted to see a fire there's a lot of better pictures and videos out there on the net. Sorry.
  22. Bet that was quite a shock.
  23. About half an hour ago as I was listening to "Working Man" by Rush I got called over to the window and saw a lot of smoke rising. I followed the smoke a couple blocks down and took some pics; I uploaded the ones that weren't absolute shit. Last one is the best, in my humble opinion.