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Raison d'être

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Everything posted by Raison d'être

  1. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    I'm not saying if Hillary had won in 2016 that only blacks or hispanics would have voted her in, or that her government would have been staffed by blacks or hispanics. I'm looking 30-40 years down the line. Sure we have a lot of whites here now, but what then? How can Republicans win with 60% of 50% of the electorate? The only X factor here is how high the white Republican vote share will reach, as diversity increases support for nationalist right-wing parties and policies, except at the local level where immigrants vote against those same policies and parties. If I believe conservatism is the best course for humanity, which I do, then I must therefore believe that if the only ethnic group that even slightly favors conservatism becomes a minority - that we as a country are screwed. Not even considering the fact it will basically be a perpetual one-party state at that point because of the FPTP system we have.
  2. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    How many times must I say that only averages matter when you look at groups numbering in the tens or hundreds of millions? You can have black conservatives (Thomas Sowell) and white liberals (Hillary Clinton) but on average whites (53-41 Trump) will vote Republican more than blacks (88-8 Clinton) or Hispanics (65-29 Clinton). To ignore this is just to be willfully ignorant or arguing disingenuously.
  3. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    If mass immigration continues whites will soon be a minority, and if current party demographics hold (and there's nothing to suggest they will shift) that means Republicans will never again hold the presidency and will eventually lose both houses of Congress, forever. This isn't some harebrained conspiracy, this is what the Democrats know and hope will happen and the dumbass "conservative intellectuals" pretended never was going to happen. Sure there's no minority Mexican ruling class and whites still control the government (for now) but if current trends hold whites will never again hold political power at the federal level. I don't think that's a good thing.
  4. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    No, I was saying that I don't understand how you can think Apartheid was bad (it was) while thinking mass immigration permanently altering the US's demographics is good. If you flip your argument (dispossessing the native population is a bad thing) that's basically the one I'm making, which you obviously think is a good one since you used it against me. I don't want to oppress others, I just want whites to remain the majority in countries they've been the majority in for hundreds and hundreds of years. Same for every other country. Everyone would be treated equally inside the country and have the same rights as everyone else but immigration would be tightly controlled. What's wrong with that?
  5. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    We'll compromise and have a duel, then. With zip guns and nails.
  6. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    I don't know whether Verumae is the strong one or not so it's not up to either of us yet, until we meet in combat.
  7. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    The weak should fear the strong.
  8. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Put me as a person aside. Is there anything you see that's inherently bad or bigoted about what I proposed (immigration freeze, deportation of illegals, official English with the state paying for it)? I'm honestly curious. I plan to move to NC soon, California's gun laws are too shitty and the minimum wage is skyrocketing.
  9. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Life is of course a competition, resources are limited. Land is limited. Humans are naturally greedy. Add these things up. You get competition, every time. Nation-states aren't perfect, but they are the best we've got. What other model of government would you prefer? Empires never last forever. One world governments would just make all wars civil wars. I think federalizing the nation won't work, we'll just end up with Articles of Confederation-tier bullshit, although letting certain parts of the country secede may be for the best, though. No group would be promoted in the policies I've put forth (moratorium, deportation, official English). They would boost assimilation and hopefully help ease tensions. The "movement" will never, ever die out, because it's not an ideology like fascism or communism. You will never get people to not think about race, ancestry, ethnicity. It is literally never going to happen because us humans are hard-wired this way. Well, I shouldn't say never, maybe they'll find a way to breed it out of us using space-age tech. You want a utopia. You will never have one, and you will destroy countless nations trying to create one. The races will never get together and sing kumbayah. No argument, no substance, just pure snark.
  10. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Well, I'd like to challenge that. There's a difference between your first and second example. In the first one, you're talking to one man. Judging one man by his race is an infinitely stupid idea because you can get to know him, and any personal qualities he has will far outweigh his race. But you should of course be able to make assumptions about large groups in the tens of millions when it comes to immigration, it's a public policy like any other. If that's racism then the charge is so stupidly applied as to be useless. As for your last, of course Mexicans or Asians or whatever aren't consciously trying to destroy my way of life (well, usually). But people are people. They prefer their own customs and their own culture, it's only natural. When we have mass immigration we can't really expect them to integrate to a culture they see as inferior, when they can instead be fully immersed in their own culture. And then before you know it whoops looks like a quarter of the country doesn't speak the same language as the other three-quarters (we're at about 10% now). Say goodbye to your nation, say hello to the empire. Again, the ONLY policies I recommend that could fix this is an immigration moratorium, deportation of illegals, and English as an official language, with free classes offered for those who need it. Maybe some more national holidays. Every person would be equal under the law, straight white male or transgender black female. These would probably create a good deal of unity and save us from the brink. A lotta buzzwords and no substance. Besides, I'm in California. Not really my fault he got elected is it?
  11. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    You really blew the fuck outta that strawman. Maybe one day you'll be able to quote my actual words and rebut them. Of course you can differentiate between legal and illegal. All black felons are black but not all blacks are felons. And as to your second part, whites aren't perfect, hell, like every other ethnic group they're amoral, but every country, every single one, is stained in some other group's blood. Indians went to war with each other all the damn time. Islam conquered one of the largest empires ever made and even pushed into France. It's apparent the Mexicans don't really care about being ruled by whites, since whites are only about 20% at max of Mexico and they could surely find some qualified mestizos if they wanted to. Humans ruin everything they gain control of. There's no ethnic group, dynasty, or political system on earth that will work forever, or even 500 years. What, any opposing argument to the zeitgeist is trolling now? Brazil may have a conservative government (because of massive corruption forcing out the old one - a Latin American trait) but I don't want to live in Brazil - there's more to life than politics, yeah? Latin America as a whole is more socialist and, much more importantly, a more violent place than the US. I don't hate black muslims for being black muslims, hell I don't begrudge any person in any group for doing what they think is best for their in-group. If Keith Ellison takes the Democratic party left, I understand that, it make sense, and I'm sure he's a smart guy. Certainly better than Debbie, who was corrupt. That's, really, one thing lefties don't get I think. You think that I hate every black guy, or latino guy, or native american, and that I can't just wait to give those fucking niggers their due, which I guess is a very nice and very appealing strawman. I'd hate that guy too, who wouldn't? Life is a competition between different groups, and just because I want my group to win doesn't mean I hate the other contenders (and just because you ignore it doesn't mean it's not going on), which is why I'm a nationalist, I'd rather have disputes resolved between nation-states than in domestic politics, which is always ugly. Maybe you're right and the US is too far gone for this kind of thought, but I think we can still avoid a Yugoslavia-style breakup (or worse) if we act with prudence. But I'm sure nobody really gives a shit and is just going to take the low-hanging fruit and make fun of the evil racist.
  12. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Yeah illegal immigrant from Mexico is not a race. By the way, ever looked at Mexico's cabinet? Whiter than ours. Weird.
  13. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Oh yeah the melting pot bullshit is just a fairy tale we tell ourselves so we don't realize that diverse nations don't work. Never have, never will. By the way, did you know that we now have more immigrants now, both absolutely and by percentage of population, then we did at any other time in our history, including the industrial revolution? What movement? Trump? He's a civic nationalist, the mildest type of nationalist. He legitimately doesn't see color.
  14. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    The United States itself has always been a European nation. The Natives lost their homeland and got fucked over, I agree, which is why I don't want that to happen to my country. I don't consider myself European, I'm a white mutt like most Americans, and I wouldn't feel at home in any particular country in Europe, which by the way is being diversified by Mutti Merkel very rapidly. So what, just lie back and accept that we become the next Brazil? Fuck that, if we close the borders and deport all illegals we might have a chance of salvaging this country, because multiracial democracies do not work at all. If not, oh well, we tried, and it makes you feel any better, I can see a peaceful breakup in the future. I don't want to deport legal immigrants or strip rights from minorities.
  15. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Why am I a white supremacist for wanting my country to remain as it has been the past 300 years? I don't want to conquer Mexico or rule over minorities with an iron fist. I don't want blacks lynched in the streets. I'm a nationalist, I believe everything works best when ethnic groups have their own nation-states. Typical holier-than-thou liberal point-and-sputtering. "You're dumb I'm smart hahaha stupid redneck."
  16. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Well, yeah? Why would I want to be dispossessed? Why is this bad? Let me guess, you hated Apartheid and think Rhodesia was evil.
  17. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    1. Literally "They wanted me to vote but not you." Not an argument. 2. When Democrats stack the deck with illegals and such, expecting me to make it even easier for you to gain power is retarded. 3. Impotent rage. 4. See (1.) 5. Semantics. 6. Because a victory by the left would break white political power in this country forever, and thus conservatism, and I'm not exactly down with that. In 20 years? Bud if that happens I'm living a comfy rural life in a small white town in the mountains in West Virginia. You can let your kids be groped by rapefugees and shot at by Nortenos, I don't give a shit.
  18. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Trump won white Millennials by, I think 5 points? Hardly old.
  19. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    What, did you not read Verumae LARPing as the march of progress gleefully describing how "your comrades are dying off by the day"?
  20. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Astounding how fast libs change their tune from "The electoral college is wrong, here's why" to "I'm glad you're dying out." They don't even bother to argue. The mask slips and they show their true colors. "JUST LET US DISPOSSESS YOU" they screech, "DIE FASTER YOU FUCKING REPUBLICAN." The left is evil.
  21. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Guilty as charged, I'm a bit happy my guy won, but can you blame me? If he didn't pull through, that's it, lights out for conservatives for all eternity. I'm happy that there's at least a chance now that we won't be disarmed and diluted by the Democrats. Genocidal freaks honestly, I hope the Democrat party crashes and burns and instead of importing voters starts trying to convert them. You can keep your gay marriage, climate change, tranny bathroom, abortion crap, I really don't care. And yes, we have won. If enough electors vote against their state residence's wishes in an election like this to swing the election they'll be found and strung up from lampposts. They know it. And there it is. If you give even the slightest resistance, the liberal will openly admit he's happy to genocide you if you push him enough, because of "muh wrong side of history." You're a sick fucking puppy you know that right?
  22. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    I don't, what gave you that idea? However, Republicans are in a very good position right now. Both chambers of Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court, and about 2 state legislatures away from constitutional amendments. You can try to put up a fight, I wholeheartedly expect you too, but I don't think it'll do much good. We'll see.
  23. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Dems have been gushing about their "Emerging Democratic Majority" for decades. The last time a Republican won the popular vote was in 2004, by a hair. I don't really care about your explanation because I just don't care how the electoral college was designed to work. De facto, it helps Republicans win. Why would I go against that, why would I actively work to harm my interest? "Fairness"? Don't make me fucking laugh. We won, you lost. The losers don't get to dictate the peace terms.
  24. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    The only sane option for Republicans is to keep the electoral college, as long as the Democrats import their third-worlders it's the only way the Republicans have a chance. You don't get to import tens of millions of voters then bitch they only conquer like 3 states. Should've enriched the Rust Belt some more, eh? Remove all sanctuary cities, deport all illegals, slap an immigration moratorium down and then maybe we can start talking about it. Until then, don't expect Republicans to assist you in hastening our demise.
  25. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    These anti-Trump riots are really givin me a giggle. "I HATE TRUMP SO I'M GONNA FUCK UP REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLDS LIKE PORTLAND, NEW YORK, LA, ATLANTA, AND SAN FRANCISCO" I'm sure you're truly inconveniencing the combined 73 Republicans in those cities. Hope they start loading live ammo soon, regardless.