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Raison d'être

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Everything posted by Raison d'être

  1. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    I think the most important thing to take away from this election is that the Democrats lost the white working class too early. If only they kept up the "Democrats are for the common man" meme for just one more cycle they would've won and then imported enough third-worlders into NC and FL and all the other battleground states to keep them blue for eternity, just like California. Can you believe it used to be a Republican stronghold? But some of you guys look pretty shook up so I'll console you. There's always 2020. Chin up! By then enough white people will have died/minorities come of age so that you can have a permanent Democratic majority! Pretty cool, eh? Unlike you, I don't have a second homeland to flee to. This is it for me.
  2. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    It doesn't matter, on my way back from the polling place some guy literally lit up a blunt while walking on the sidewalk.
  3. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    I voted against weed in CA. FUCK STONERS
  4. Twitter bought it and Twitter is losing a shitload of money. Probably wasn't making a profit. Such is life in the tech business.
  5. http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/24/technology/virtual-reality-sexual-assault/ I fucking love the current year. Everything is a fucking joke and I can't wait until it all falls down.
  6. Raison d'être

    Locked and Loaded: In Which Where We Post About Firearms

    Probably be better off bludgeoning someone with a Maglite.
  7. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3599 What did he mean by this?
  8. http://www.9news.com.au/technology/2016/10/06/15/32/japanese-ai-bot-with-the-personality-of-teen-develops-depression I feel better now, it's good that if any AI tries to take my job I can just bullycide the fucking thing.
  9. Raison d'être

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    I just can't believe the balls they have to remove something that's been in Valve games for over a decade then add it back in years later for a price while restricting it to hell and back. This isn't just fucking you in the ass, this is bludgeoning you with a tire iron, sawing off your leg with a rusty knife then jamming your leg up your fucking asshole before tossing you into a vat of salt water. I do wonder though if they'll remove the 50 use limitation and say "See haha we're not that bad we gave in to pressure!" I wouldn't put it past the shifty fucks.
  10. Raison d'être

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    http://www.counter-strike.net/graffiti/ I don't even play this fucking game and I still feel jewed.
  11. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Culture is deeper than food and music. Have we taken any sort of political, economic, legal, or social systems/theories from natives or blacks? And if we have, can it even match what we've taken from Europe? We are a republic, loosely modeled after the Roman Republic and couched in Enlightenment principles. We are a (mostly) capitalist economy. We use a law code derived from English law, modified by us throughout the years. Our philosophy is decidedly Western (shout-out to pragmatism!) If tomorrow I woke up and all the hot dog stands closed down and were replaced by kebabs and falafel, and all the rock bands suddenly changed into bands that play the didgeridoo I wouldn't particularly care. But if I woke up and instead of common law we had Sharia, I'd be very concerned. If I woke up and dog meat was a popular food item, I'd be concerned (I view dogs as friends, not food, just as Hindus don't view cows as food). If traditional western norms of beauty changed and suddenly lip plates were all the rage, I'd be disgusted. Is having Shariah, dog meat, and lip plates inherently bad? I can't particularly judge, but I would never want it to replace what I know and love. This is the culture that matters, not what you eat or how you dress or what's on your country's flag. Just about all, if not all, of our deep and important culture is what I'd call "Western". This is one of the reasons it's easier to integrate Europeans than other groups. Eating a hot dog and loving rock doesn't automatically make you an American, just as liking anime and sushi doesn't make you Japanese. I won't deny that some (but not all) of our surface culture has been touched by diversity, but it doesn't really matter. As our white European majority sinks from a majority to a plurality, it's entirely possible that our deep culture becomes affected. "You seem to be way focused on actual breeding for some reason" The reason, quite simply, is that's what matters. That's what ethnic diversity is. It's what decreases trust. It's what engenders hatred and it's what starts wars. You may think it illogical, that we're all together, united, in The Brotherhood of Man, but me simply saying "Okay, race doesn't matter", or even genuinely believing it, doesn't make it not matter. It's not going to make Turks and Kurds love each other. It's not going to ease tensions in the Gaza strip. It's not going to solve anything, and blinding yourself to it will only create more suffering. This is because this is how we evolved. If we are not vigilant, I fear the modern humanist West, as a whole, will be destroyed, because we are quite literally inferior, evolutionary speaking. But that's neither here nor there. "Color isn't diversity, different thoughts are. And people from different places tend to have slightly different thoughts." At best, then, ethnic diversity is a weak proxy for intellectual diversity. Why even have the middleman of ethnic diversity, with all the cons that brings? Were we seriously lacking in intellectual diversity prior to 1965? Was it worth gutting our societal trust? I don't think so, not by a long shot. The exchange of ideas does not require you to have 35%+ of your population a different ethnicity from you. As you say, Japan got a lot of shit from the Dutch, and all the Dutch had was a tiny island, and they weren't even allowed off it. They never made up even .1% of Japan's population, yet they influenced it immensely. This is exactly why trade is so good and essential. You get to experience the appealing parts of different cultures, without actually having to live among them. You can have your cake (or tempura) and eat it too. As for the state being powerful, yes, that's my point, diverse nations NEED a strong government to keep order. Homogeneous ones generally don't. I don't wish to live under an empire.
  12. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Honestly? Science, history, and basic common sense tells us that diversity is a bad thing, and really the onus should be on you to tell me why it's not, but since you asked. Scientifically: Diversity decreases social trust. Both natives and immigrants lose trust. Even kids lose trust! And indeed, trust in our nation is declining (the article makes no mention of diversity, but I didn't expect it to.) Above a certain level (determined by cultural distance and some other things) assimilation does not occur, leading to ethnic conflict (because ethnic groups prefer their coethnics). This effect is observed across every country on the planet. A study observing that there is no city on earth that is both diverse and cohesive, despite the billions spent on trying to make it work. And no, it is not a win-win, it is a lose-lose. Cultural diversity reduces cooperation. However, ideological diversity increases innovation. Don't tell colleges this though, they've got it backwards! Ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions (of which we are rapidly losing both) increase social trust. Good fences make good neighbors in Switzerland. Historically: A country ruling over many diverse groups was called an empire. You brought up Caligula, so I will touch on Rome. One of the reasons (although not the sole reason of course) it fell was because as its power waned in the 3rd century there was less and less holding the disparate groups under its control. They were not bound by blood, and as Christianity grew religion could no longer be counted on as a unifier. As the once-great Roman army became increasingly reliant on foederati and nobody watching them the chieftains had ample opportunity to do as they pleased throughout much of the Empire. In short, as long as there is a powerful state who can keep order diversity will not lead to a collapse, except in extreme cases. But as the state weakens and experiences crises diversity greatly exacerbates disorder. Your point about WASPs and other whites has some merit, but people do not simply think "like me" or "not like me". There are different degrees, an Irishman is much more closely related to an Anglo than an African. If I showed you a picture of 5 Irishmen and 5 Englishmen, I'd bet you'd get a couple wrong. But if I showed you 5 Englishmen and 5 Nigerians, well you'd have to be dumb as shit to get that wrong to be honest. And don't even try democracy in a diverse state. Austria-Hungary's political parties tell you enough. In a diverse democracy, elections become a referendum on who you are. Funnily enough, our two-party system might help prevent some of what happened in other diverse democracies from happening here. Of course the Democrats pull in the lion's share of minority votes, and agitate for more minorities so they can make more red states permanently blue. California was solid red for most of the 20th century, if you can believe it. Now we have two senate candidates, both fucking Democrats! Apparently two was too much for us, eh? The only example of a diverse functioning democracy today I can find is Singapore, which every now and then comes under fire for its arguably repressive laws. Might be inspiring, until you realize the city-state of Singapore is more homogeneous than the modern US, and much, much more homogeneous than any of our major cities. Common sense(ically): White parents in the San Francisco Bay Area (i.e., the most liberal people in the country) are pulling their children out of Asian-dominated schools. And these are not bad schools, these are some of the best schools in the country. If the most liberal people object to their kids going to the best schools with the best-performing minority group, what does this tell you about the future of our diverse nation? Gangs, which usually don't have to worry about social norms, tend to be ethnically exclusive. Blood is thicker than water, after all. If you want to see what would happen in a societal collapse, watch how gangs operate now, and imagine what would happen if the lights went out and the police disappeared. It's pretty nasty. (Side note: can you imagine if a white gang firebombed a black neighborhood? Can you imagine what the media, what the president, what their reactions would be?) By the way I love this quote from Wikipedia: Tiger out of the jungle... To top it off, nobody voted for this. No citizen was consulted on whether he wants to be a minority in 50 years. Even the 1965 Immigration Act, the cause for all this wondrous diversity, was based on a lie. Whoops! Even if you disregard or disbelieve all of what I wrote above, all of it, can you at least answer me this: why do we need diversity? Why does our European American culture need to be augmented by and absorb Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Venezuelan, African, Islamic culture? Those places have their own culture in their own parts of the world, where else in the world will we find ours? In enclaves in our own country? That, to me, is sickening to the core. Homogeneity leading to stagnation? You're pulling a fast one on me, right? Or does Japan just have no culture of its own, and have I missed out on the cultural meccas of Yugoslavia, Uganda, and Afghanistan? Map's from the 90s I think so probably the West should be less homogeneous by now, but the point is still there. I do not really understand what you mean by "line in the sand", rarely in history does one group say "Do X and we will revolt." Usually there's just a malaise and low-level civil disorder for a bit, then something happens and everything rapidly goes to shit. Did anybody think in 1910 the killing of a Duke would plunge the world into the biggest war it had ever faced? No, but anybody who was paying attention could see the groundwork being laid. You also seriously underestimate how many people actually fight in wars and such. Only a small percentage of Americans took up arms against the British. About 40% were Patriots, 15% were loyalists, and 45% didn't give a shit either way. So no, apathy will not save us. The same can apply to about every war or social movement, most people simply don't care about politics and go along with the flow - not because they're sheep or dumb or anything, but because they genuinely just don't care. Almost forgot my concise point: Diversity will not destroy a nation by itself (usually), but it will weaken it. And yes, homogeneous societies can go to shit too, if you imply I said that everything would be perfect if we were all one race and religion I will personally aim for your balls in the coming war.
  13. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Missing the point? Not at all. You gave examples of people shrieking that doing something would destabilize the country, and guess what, it did. Just because people have said bad things would happen, and then nothing bad happened is not an argument. Otherwise, nothing bad would ever happen! You point to these tiny minorities and say "See? We've always been diverse." Not really. At just about any time before 1965 85-90% of America was white European Christians. Numbers are essential. Now we are around 63% non-Hispanic white, and dropping rapidly. Christianity is dying. And as big a difference between Catholic and Protestants, there is an even bigger difference between Christians and Muslims and Atheists. We are in uncharted waters in the midst of a massive social experiment and nobody has any idea what the hell will happen when you make the majority a plurality. I'm not saying that everything was fine before. No, we had problems in spite of our unifying factors. We have never lived in a paradise and we never will. Overall the world is probably in a better place than the 50s, with technology's advance. Yes, Washington had debt problems, because he fought a costly war of independence. I don't care what any economist says. Any man who says you can borrow indefinitely is an idiot, who should never be allowed to touch a fucking checkbook let alone advise people. You cannot spend money you do not have, and no intellectual horseshit can change this, unless you intend to murder every creditor and seize his assets. We've always had debt but look at this: It's exponentially increasing and we need to do something now or we will be in the shit very soon. Note that most of these increases were during major wars. We were already tore apart once, why is now an exception? Nobody likes to admit they're in the shit. Every country falls once, and simply saying "It's always been this way" will not help.
  14. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Our country was never perfectly united of course, and to claim I said otherwise is disingenuous. We never had nor will we ever have perfect unity, but we have had a lot better than our current situation. About half a century ago, we had more contact with each other, and basically had to learn to live with each other. Now? Give me a hobby, and I will tell you your political beliefs somewhat accurately. Are you a hunter? You vote Republican. Play in a band? You're a proud liberal on just about every issue. Not to mention red states and blue states were never as solid as they are now. The only thing that comes to mind was the "Solid South", and even that went for the opposing party a few times. Now if you predict California or Massachusetts will vote Republican, or Kansas and Montana Democrat, your prediction is discarded, and quite rightly. It's normal for candidates to poll upwards of +25 in these states, and if that's not indicative of a divide, what is? The 13th Amendment? Well yes it is quite easy to force your will on your opponents after you have literally killed half their fighting age men. What was the South to do when the amendment passed in 1865? It was utterly defeated, and the conqueror's will imposed on the conquered. Prohibition did cause an astronomical increase in crime and disorder, so I'm not sure what your point is there. It was caused by a line in the Constitution, and it was solved by simply nullifying that line. What simple, quick, and popular constitutional amendment will save us now? You are not getting the point. You point to transgender bathrooms, and BLM (a bunch of rioters busting their own neighborhood's shit because a thug got shot, by the way, I have never seen a victim held up by BLM that didn't deserve their fate) as a homeowner would point to a leaky pipe, or creaky floorboard and confidently assure everyone "I can fix it!" But your house is built on a fault line. You confuse the symptoms for the cause. And what does hold us together these days? We do not worship the same god, we are an increasingly ethnically diverse society, we do not see eye-to-eye on major issues (real issues, the ones from which transgender bathrooms and gay marriage and gun rights and all other surface issues spring). Maybe you're right, and we'll get a deus ex machina, but I'd rather be a wrong pessimist than a wrong optimist.
  15. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

    Most people who see themselves as part of a nation aren't pleased when some multimillionaire ball thrower shows contempt for their country because some thugs get shot by cops, if you can believe that. By the way, this reminded me of some other things from sports. A small decal to honor the police after some of them were murdered? Not in my league! Honoring those who died in 9/11? Sketchy, maybe you deserve a fine! Guy displays bad opinions in private? Ban him, fine him $2.5 million, seize his property and damn his very name to hell! Guy demonstrates against his country in public? It's fine, who cares? He wears socks depicting police as pigs? Why the hell not! Some speech is simply freer than others. Spoilered for being pretty off-topic (although I do touch on Kapernickle or whatever later on) [TRIGGER WARNING: despair] And as an aside literally everybody thinks the VA sucks shit and should be reformed so I don't know what the hell you're on about with that.
  16. My dad almost got shot today, he was riding his bike home and saw two guys arguing a block or so ahead of him, one of them started running down the street towards my dad and the other guy pulled out a gun and started shooting at him. Six shots and he didn't hit shit, probably the infamous Manteca Nortenos. Such is life in teca town. God willing soon I'll be out of this fucking shithole.
  17. Raison d'être

    Locked and Loaded: In Which Where We Post About Firearms

    I know that some FBI agents back then used to carry backup revolvers back then (no idea if they still do), might want to consider giving him a little .38 special too.
  18. Raison d'être

    Silly Videogame Forum Shitstorm thread

  19. I may have condemned a little tiny kitten to death. It was behaving very aggressively towards my dogs, walking up to the door and meowing at them, and they of course went crazy barking like motherfuckers. So me and my mom went outside to try to get the little bastard to go on his merry way and he just stayed there, meowing. He was a tiny thing, he could fit in one hand. So mom picked him up and asked if I wanted to hold him, I said sure why not. Right after that she informed me it had shit all over its ass, and I realized that was what the cold wettish stuff on his back was. Thing probably shit all over itself when my dogs barked in its face, which was understandable. So I put the little bastard down and went inside to wash my hands, and brought out some kind of weird dog food nutrition supplement paste shit, I don't know what the hell it was but it ate it up, then I brought it some water and made some "bedding" out of paper towels outside. Then I tried to go inside but the little thing kept up with my every step and I do mean my every step, I had to use all my coordination to not step on the damn thing and splatter it like a tomato under an M1 Abrams. Making this was worse the fact it's pitch black out, and he's black himself so I had to keep the flashlight focused on him (which also drew his attention) while also not walking into a wall or something. So I spent about 15 minutes trying to throw this bastard off my tail, I couldn't take him in because the dogs wouldn't have it and we're at carrying capacity already. Eventually I managed to get him on the other side of the door leading to the side yard and closed it on him. He really seemed to like me but what could I have done? I gave him supplies and a bed for his journey, a temporary respite from Darwin's cold hand. I could still hear him meowing from my room so I did what everyone would do - I closed the window, turned on the fan, and played some music.
  20. Well, happy birthday regardless. In ten years you'll probably have a wife and a kid to give you some neat shit, so look forward to it.