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Raison d'être

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Everything posted by Raison d'être

  1. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    You can have one (1) virgin for that.
  2. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    If you don't have a lifetime total of at least 10 infraction points you aren't a true SPUFer.
  3. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Those crazy Germans.
  4. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    So does just about everyone on this godforsaken forum.
  5. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    I'm just being a huge asshole and pointing out Hertz's typo by implying "Rammit" is a different person than "Rammite".
  6. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    The mods never responded to my attempts.I even said I'd dress up like their favorite pony! Rammit is a huge dick, he has around 20 banned accounts.
  7. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Over 4,000 of my posts can be classified as pointless/spam posts.
  8. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Oh, THAT guy? THAT'S his new account?Shit, I thought he'd have given up after 5 or so bans.One of the best way to deal with them is to politely state your opinion and watch them fire back with their venom. If you keep calm and continue arguing the facts, they'll either appear to be hostile aggressors, earning you sympathy, or give up, in which case they'll be seen as all bark and no bite. If you clash sabers, people will either take sides, ignore you, or despise both of you.
  9. Raison d'être

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Softie. I once got a 4 pointer for: And now? Now I have zero. Some nice breathing room. But damn, the months I had eight points were hard as fuck. Watch yourself.
  10. Raison d'être

    Kony 2012

    *Puts on assless chaps and guards his water supply*Maybe, what's it to ya, honey?Guy is actually from L.A.
  11. Raison d'être

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    Glad to see someone of his skill level goes to Valve servers then.
  12. Raison d'être

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    Compared to what? Valve servers?
  13. Raison d'être

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    And yet you have 7,500+ posts on SPUF.
  14. Raison d'être

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    Not important, but popular.
  15. Raison d'être

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    Let's not pad his ego even more.
  16. Raison d'être

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    If I had a good computer and internet connection I'd beat Star's ass into the fucking ground.That's my reasoning and you can't change it.
  17. Raison d'être

    I REFUSE to give up on The Breakneck Buckler

    Because the Demoman needs more fuckin' shields.
  18. Raison d'être


    I was just about to post that too, damnit.
  19. Raison d'être

    The dance of ScampSixteen.

    NOW I DIDN'T GO LOOKING FOR THAT, IT CAME TO ME.How could I have said no?
  20. Raison d'être

    Fallout series

    That sounds fun. Mine would just go down to 1 frame a minute until it finally gave up. And thus, Stig was trapped in front of Springvale School... Forever.
  21. Raison d'être

    Fallout series

    Bitch my #1 save file on Fallout 3 is so fucked up I can't move 10 literal feet without a freeze.
  22. Raison d'être

    Fallout series

    I personally didn't care much about the change. Hell, gives me more time to get the requirements anyway. I started off down that path, got my ass raped, and then decided to go around. Not really that difficult. I hated them both equally. I once destroyed Megaton in Fallout 3, then got back good karma by throwing pocket change at some shitty church.
  23. Raison d'être

    Fallout series

    I like them all, although I played F3 and New Vegas on my PS3. ♥♥♥♥, Bethesda makes hl2.exe look reliable. Just like in basically every Fallout game ever made? Did you miss the part where basically every NPC said "YOU GO THAT WAY, YOUR ASSHOLE WILL BE SPLIT OPEN, BETTER GO AROUND IT!" You can go the short and difficult way or the long but easy way. To make way for: Most people are assholes, you stole a good guy's ashtray. But really, since Fallout 3 had no real reputation rating (aside from the obvious you shoot us once you're dead approach) it was forced to use Karma as a kind of substitute. Killing a whole town will definitely affect your reputation with that faction, and people kinda judge you more based on what you do to them than society in general.
  24. Raison d'être

    Dunno where to post this, hurr.

    It's a bug/glitch/fuck-up.