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Raison d'être

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Everything posted by Raison d'être

  1. Ah, don't worry.You can't rape people over the internet.Yet.
  2. Raison d'être

    SPUF should have a rep ranking system

    I was thinking it would be for each specific forum, like say you'd need 1,000 posts in the TF2 section to qualify for TF2 SPUF's rep page.Alternatively, a certain % of posts in a section to be eligible. Because Off Topic is mostly just circlejerking.
  3. Raison d'être

    SPUF should have a rep ranking system

    Both. But mostly SPUF because here it's not very hard to compare rep counts.
  4. Raison d'être

    Katawa Shoujo

    Post #6666.Nice job, IKEA BOY.
  5. Raison d'être

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    It's "hot"- meaning it got a lot of posts in a short period of time.
  6. Raison d'être

    US Navy makes railgun prototype

  7. Raison d'être

    US Navy makes railgun prototype

    You should be able to buy a tuxedo and bandana now.
  8. Raison d'être

    I've learned how to solve the world's problems.

    Kill Ikea Boy.He causes all the world's problems.
  9. Raison d'être

    US Navy makes railgun prototype

    I'd love to shoot hippies with that bitch.
  10. Raison d'être

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    Can zombie rapists even get a boner? Welcome to SPUF.
  11. Raison d'être

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    This is why I always run over jaywalkers. I need to protect the innocent in this town.
  12. Raison d'être

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    You say that like jaywalkers don't become rapists.
  13. Raison d'être

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    I'm saying the arguments are similar, not the systems themselves.I.E. "entitlement" and "developers shouldn't/don't have to listen to players."
  14. Raison d'être

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    A lot of those "arguments" about the Day 1 DLC are the same "arguments" used on SPUF to defend the store.Same blustering morons, different places.
  15. Raison d'être

    When trading terminologies and hat terminologies collide

    Your Pet Giraffe is selling me his Dirty Black Cock.Good trade?
  16. Raison d'être

    Teddster's making a story.

    Do you stalk him? Wow it's like Nazism: The Game.
  17. Raison d'être

    srsppl get srspunishments - But how Srs?

    What about punishments in-game?
  18. Raison d'être

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    I've never played the game, so I wouldn't know.
  19. Raison d'être

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    '>Fuck it.
  20. Raison d'être

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    At first, my Steam name was Crazedgunman231.Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.Then it was God's Will (Mostly because of sentries "Built by God's Will" AHAHHAHA I'M FUCKING HILARIOUS), then Chris Hanson for a bit. Then I thought to myself "God these names fucking suck" and wanted a name that didn't sound like a CoD name, a terrible joke, or a meme.So I thought about it for a few minutes, and decided on "Puff the Magic Hydrogen Bomb", because why not? When I got into my clan, "Hydrogen" needed to be shortened to simply "H" to fit.For SPUF, I wanted a decent name, but my full Steam name wouldn't fit, "Puff" sounded lacking, "Puff the Bomb" sounded kinda shitty, so that was out.I typed a few things in, but they were all either stupid or taken, so I chose "Raison d'être" because it sounded smart and dignified and I just wanted to register.
  21. Raison d'être

    How do I improve my condiment equalibrium?

    He makes Rexic seem like J.K. ♥♥♥♥ing Rowling.
  22. Raison d'être

    How do I improve my condiment equalibrium?

    You broke almost all the rules of English spelling and grammar.
  23. Raison d'être

    Your first vidya gaem?

    Who said it can't be both?
  24. Raison d'être

    How do I improve my condiment equalibrium?

    Use the metric system.
  25. Both are impossible to achieve. I've nothing else to my name.