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Posts posted by Moby

  1. 11 minutes ago, hugthebed2 said:

    What on earth is this post supposed to mean

    Basically, they sanitized the game most current "advertiser troubling" elements (amount of skin showed on several instances, teen character being portrayed as "sexy", police on black man violence, russian stereotype, nazi similarities) in order to keep it squeaky clean for the advertisers and e-sport events, but what they used as excuse was that they were removing elements that were not in conformity with the team's "core values".

  2. On 26/06/2023 at 7:36 PM, Moby said:

    They are actually rewritting some Skullgirls parts and outright deleting scenes and art because its "pRoBlEmAtIc nOw yIkeS UmpHiEs".


    Its a 10 year old game, fucking hell.

    So, they censored a bunch of stuff of the game because the new team "core values" changed over the years or something.


    Literally 3 days later:




    Oh, right, "core values". Their "core values" that specially changed, Hidden Variable's Core Values.
    These "core values"?

  3. 13 minutes ago, Rynjin said:

    It's crazy in the sense of "why are you doing this?" not "this is pretty gonzo". I just didn't think it was very good and never bothered to play past like Act 2.

    Oh, then it makes sense. Yeah, the story is mostly "but why tho?" and the answer was usually "money/power".


    But hey, we get to beat the shit out of Takeshi and Iwata.

  4. Had a bizarre dream that I went to some sort of "train convention" with my family.


    I have no idea what it was about, but they had a bunch of different train models that you could enter and ride for a while, along horses, chariot races and a museum.

    I was walking along the museum, when I pull a gnome keychain out of my pocket.

    I notice it was broken, so I put it back before someone thought I stole it from somewhere from the museum.

    I enter this unmarked door and it brings me to this MASSIVE underground arcade where I find my dad playing in some other of laser tag game where the guns are full sized guitars.

    Nearby, I find this guy and his two sons, besides them there was this giant wall of old games and controllers. The kid gets near me and handles me a slightly bent copy of Ghostbusters for the NES.

    I start to look around and I notice all these games are weird bootlegs, some were real games with the shells broken or scribbled on.

    He also had a bunch of weird controllers for consoles like the Mega Drive and the Xbox 360. I remember one for the Mega Drive that had two analog nubs, but no buttons.

    I ask him if he had any new 3 button Mega Drive or Xbox 360 controllers because I was needing some. He said he was going to look, but then I woke up.

  5. I think the problem with the current generation is that they didn't live to see any improvements or revolutions on any area.


    Games? The "biggest" graphical leap is barely noticeable from PS4 to PS5. Even indies aren't that amazing. They never got their Binding of Isaac, Super Meat Boy, Braid, World of Goo. Games are in an age where everything is pushing for maximum profit, with FOMO, battle passes, thousands of DLC, $70 price tags.


    Movies? A fucking billion super hero movies. Maybe remakes or sequels that really old movies that were very inferior to the originals.


    Internet? They were born in the age of fast internet. They didn't see the rise of social media, they grew with 5 accounts to different social medias that are trying to copy each other more and more each day.


    Art? All the same obnoxious "art" that was just a bunch of splattered paint, or a bunch of garbage on the floor, or a fucking banana taped to a wall.


    Music? Name one big singer or band from this age. Its all rappers and these people with no talent, lots of auto tune and 20 writers.


    Technology? I have no idea what was invented the last 10 years.


    Living quality? We got plagues, we got wars, we got inflation, we got market crashes, we got billionaires demanding more money, we got more expensive everything, we got less jobs, we got people still living with their parents past 40 because buying or renting a single room apartment costs far more than you make in a month.


    Damn, my back hurts.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    This sort of stuff is why I globally disabled automatic updates for my GoG games.


    (Specifically it was the NeoGeo port of Baseball Heroes removing country/city names from all teams just because two were named the "Taipei Hawks" and "Taiwan Dragons.")


    I already had disabled updates for a lot of newer games that messed with game mechanics constantly (fuck you paradox, give me my old subjugation mechanics back) but now you can't trust anything.

    It is rather hilarious that they posted (on threads closed to comments) on how they "know" what is best for the game, how they "discussed internally" this and how they won't go back or discuss this because their mind is set.

    They getting slammed on both Steam and Twitter, because this is the THIRD time they are editing stuff to scrub any sexualization from the game, but this time they went as far as removing art and editing the design of some characters.


    First, they removed basically every panty shot from the game. Then they replaced one of the NPCs by this idiot that as far as I know, his entire personality is being black, gay and a furry.

    Now they edited even more art (removing anything that looked barely sexual), removed a few scenes from the story (including a BIG one from the Big Band story mode), removed some voice lines, edited the design of the Black Egrets because they "looked too much like nazis" (their entire purpose was being an in-universe good version of the nazis), among some other things, like apparently they removed one entire announced because he was just a russian stereotype joke.


    People fear the slippery slope will continue and more stuff will be censored soon, because there are rumors of some sort of shit happening internally and they are just deploying the smokescreen.

  7. Everything is good on my side. I remember something similar happening to a game and it was because of my resolution/screen zoom.


    There is always the option of deleting all the files but the steamapps and userdata folder and let it redownload everything.

  8. So yeah, finished Yakuza 6.


    Good game, but same gripes I had with Kiwami 2. The new dynamic fighting system gets incredibly repetitive because you don't have as many attacks as the older games, so fights always boil down to punch punch punch heavy punch grab.

    Since everything has physics to it, grabbing doesn't works half of the time since an enemy can just hit a wall or something and you let him go if it happens. Most enemies will block your attacks, so your combo is always getting interrupted.

    The Amon fight was really weak, probably the worst one yet. I just did some charged attacks and he lost most of his health, then finished him with the super mode. I only died once because I got caught on the explosion of a roomba mine that takes like 80% of your health.


    Everything looks better and entering stores without a loading screen is great, but they had to remove a few parts of the city (most of the north part, the Champion district, Kamurocho Hills, Purgatory) and also removed most of the minigames. I expected almost as many, but nope.

    Darts, Baseball, Mahjong and a few Sega arcades are in, but everything else is gone, no bowling, no UFO catcher, no air hockey, no underground coliseum, no shogi, no casino.

    The new minigames aren't that great either. While I like the new darts system, baseball was just the batting cages but you mostly stare at the screen hoping the AI scores, then sometimes you get to bat a ball, but with far more precision required (also RNG).

    Also that erotic stream chat minigame was something unexpected, but really boring.


    Completion of the awards and stuff are full of padding. I had some side quests finished and still had to replay stuff dozens of times, I made friends with everyone at the bar, yet I still had to enter the bar 10 more times to finish the award. I finished the Baseball team story, yet needed to play 30 more games until one batter had 100 hits. I gave up on the cabaret club girls because it was sooooooo boring, they never would give me the cards so I could complete their profile, so I stopped after the first girl. Each girl also has a substory tied to, so I didn't complete all of them.


    The story wasn't as crazy as I expected, Rynjin kinda overhyped it. I mean, I expected nukes, but I'll take what I got.

  9. 3 hours ago, Rynjin said:

    I never actually thought Shinada's story was overly complex, just that he was so far in over his head compared to other protagonists. He is by far the most normal ass dude in the entire franchise. Like zero ties to organized crime at all. But he really had absolutely no reason to be in Kamurocho for the final act lol.

    It really wasn't, he was just a normal guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. But everything that caused that was some sort of 4D chess bullshit. Then they asspull that Daigo was his old friend and he wanted to help him because he inspired people or something (The same Daigo that didn't want anything to do with the Tojo until Kiryu beat him into doing it, then gets shat on for not being able to rule the clan even though he was like 20 when he started)

  10. 2 hours ago, Rynjin said:

    Yakuza 5 is an amazing game (my 2nd favorite after 0) but that entire final act is a series of almost mind-bogglingly stupid character choices and twists. Kiryu's final boss is a character that actually, genuinely made me scream "WHO?" at the screen when I played through it, Haruka's ending makes her entire section a shaggy dog story, Saejima's ENTIRE story arc is pointless, Majima...as far as I can tell never actually reacts to his wife's death, he just kinda ignores that it happened and it's never brought up again? Shinada's story just...continues, randomly, after it was very clearly resolved at the end of the last act. Oh and Akiyama was there I guess, nothing about his finale makes sense but at least he doesn't look like a moron unlike most of the other characters so whatev.


    I gotta warn ya, I saw you playing Yakuza 6 earlier and IMO the plot reaches about that level of the wrong kind of WTF at the start of Act 2 and never let up the breaks before I kinda just got bored and stopped playing.

    Basically, yep.



    After Kurosawa says everything was a plot to test his successor, I was like "Who tf even is left? That guy the Florist said it was in morgue? Park returned from the dead and now is the final boss?" and turns out it was that one side character you beat up to death twice.


    Haruka's ending was just a big bruh moment. Bitch, the entire game could be avoided if you said something first. Now you announced on international TV that your adoptive dad is an ex-yakuza (AND GIVING HIS NAME) and abandon everything you did, along the dreams of Park, that ONLY blackmailed you, Kiryu and that dance instruction that caved her head in.


    I liked how Saejima and Majima plot pretty much ties all loose ends by the end, but yeah, it was rather pointless (although like they said, it was all so they could bait Saejima out of prison to kill him and cripple one of the legends of the Tojo clan). And like I said, Park's death is pretty much forgotten after Haruka/Akiyama chapter ends so we never learn if Majima gave a shit about it (I would say "no", but he did write that letter for some reason).


    I enjoyed Shinada's story, although I gotta say how bullshit complex everything was. At first it was some shit about gambling and match fixing that got caught by accident when he hit that homerun, then turns out it was a plot made by a third Yakuza family to kick out the Tojo and Omi out of the city, but then turns out the third Yakuza family were just a bunch of civilians, but turns out the third family was real all along, but turns out the third family was actually an Omi front and everything was a Omi plan all along.

    At least he got a happy ending. Him fighting Baba even after he decided to not shoot Haruka kinda makes sense. Shinada was always running away from his problems and Baba was about to do the same by walking away from what he once intended to do.


    Akiyama getting fucked and losing money is pretty much par for the course. He was just there to look pretty and beat up some guys as a distraction.


    But I gotta say, as bullshit as some parts were, nothing beats 4 and the TWO INSTANCES of people getting shot at point blank with rubber bullets and the shooter never noticing the lack of bullet holes. Or blood.

    How the fuck Majima got the guns and that box of bullets and didn't notice the ammo was massive and blue? Even after they loaded SIX GUNS with them??

  11. Finished Yakuza 3, 4 and 5.

    All great games, but I never thought I would really hate a character that is supposed to be pitied. Everything bad that happens to her is her own fault, yet the game tries to pull the sentimental strings.



    The character is Park, from Yakuza 5. She pretty much kickstarts the plot.

    She first shows up outright blackmailing Kiryu into leaving his kids lives, moving away and cutting all ties with his family.

    Then she blackmails Haruka herself saying that if she doesn't follows her dream of becoming an idol, she will close down the orphanage.

    Then she tries to act all motherly for some reason! After all that shit! THEN SHE DIES OFF-SCREEN! THEN HARUKA ULTIMATELY SAYS "FUCK THIS" AND LEAVES!


    Like, how do you fuck up that bad?

    Has an abortion because she wanted to be an idol. Husband walks away and she becomes infertile.

    Hides marriage because she wanted to be an idol. Gets fired because of that.

    Blackmails Kiryu into leaving his kids. Destroys a family, becomes hated, initiates Haruka's second guessing.

    Blackmails Haruka into going idol. Causes Haruka to second guess herself and ultimately leave the idol scene.

    Gives Haruka's instructor an impossible challenge, then scams him out of his contract money by sneaking last second changes. Gets fucking killed.

    Wanted to make Haruka become an idol because she failed as one. Haruka decides that family is important and she can't be an idol if she has to lie and hide who she likes, like Park did. Haruka leaves the idol career.


    After she dies, she just gets thrown around as a small plot point and eventually just gets forgotten by the end.


  12. Had a dream that I accidentally found that the old private Ragnarok server I used to play was active again.


    I was doing something on my PC and found the old patch you had to install on the original to access the private server.

    I click to start, and it actually works. It recognizes my old account and character, the screen brings me to the server select, and shows that there is one player online.

    I walk around Prontera and find the other player. Apparently, he got the full source code and database of the server and was testing it when I joined, which is why I could use my old account and character.

    I look around my character, inventory and stored items, and suddenly memories start to flood back. The events, the community, the in-jokes...

    When I check the city again, a few more players start to pop up, like they never left.

    For a brief moment, I am transported back to almost 15 years ago.


    You know, I woke kinda happy today.

  13. 2 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    In contrast the top four are like an 80%+ match for my own life.  Minus the obvious like magical foxwives, time travel or go soccer.  (Though my "future labs" did discuss the possibility of time travel as a joke, circa 2007.)

    I'm guessing Kuroi is the "single after 25, MMORPG addict" part?

  14. 15 minutes ago, TheOnlyGuyEver said:

    It's funny how people would warn "once something's on the internet it's there forever!" when internet media is actually frighteningly ephemeral.

    Amusingly enough, the Warframe reddit I go was talking about that due the topic of a youtuber/streamer that completely nuked her channel, name and even online persona when someone dangled a bigger carrot in front of her and she took it.




    For years, she built her entire fandom and channel around one game, based her thing around being pretty much GLaDOS and even got attention of the game devs that did collabs with her.

    Then she tried to diversify to other games and failed, because everyone was subscribed to her due Warframe.

    She tried to make her content even more caustic and shitty, but people actually enjoyed it because that was what she did for years.

    Eventually she just said "fuck it", nuked her stuff and moved to other stuff with a team to play Warhammer stuff. Which also didn't work out, and she just blames her 15 minutes of fame running out.



    Quoting what the guy said:


    There's a misconception with this saying. It's not that things on the internet stay there forever, it's that you can never be sure they're gone.

    And on a side note, I am pretty sure this guy from the channel I liked is fucking dead. His last patron post is talking about health issues that were worsening and they couldn't pinpoint, his last twitter post was more than one year ago.
