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Everything posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    http://brawlinthefamily.keenspot.com/ !!!
  2. Doopliss2008

    The Binding of Isaac

    3DS/WIIu somewhat confirmed, I'm really hoping its not a joke.
  3. Doopliss2008

    April Fools 2015

  4. Ah, so you were not supposed to change themes.
  5. Halp, Im stuck in spookpowered and there is no way to rep people or change themes.
  6. Doopliss2008

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    Steering wheel is on the wrong side. corv's too much of a weeb, its on the right side.
  7. Well, I have nothing against the dude, the quotes just fit.
  8. I think this goes here better Then why are you here? I'll be honest - there's some things about this forum that I don't like. But it's certainly not 'shit'. It's made of people, and I would call most of those people friends (or at least, as "friend" as they can be over such a medium) - and I hope there are people here you would call 'friend'. If it's just here for people to voice their worthless opinions - and I don't really believe in such a thing, with a few exceptions (in cases where someone has no qualifications to talk about something, such a Bob Hobo saying why he thinks black holes are actually CIA spy drones), then why bother posting? All I'm saying is, lots of people have put lots of time and effort into this. You shouldn't just discount it - and honestly, if you despise it, then go. I hate to be harsh, but nobody needs you and if you were to never post again I doubt many people would miss you
  9. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/652458 radical
  10. 5 job interviews in 2 days, aaaaaaaaa

  11. Doopliss2008

    The IT thread.

    http://pcpartpicker.com/p/xBQKRB kek
  12. I'm a mechanic , and I have no clue what the ratchet post means.
  13. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  14. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Binding of Isaac or Borderlands 2
  15. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    http://i.imgur.com/vDEEZbI.webm Hype?
  16. Doopliss2008

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  17. Philosophical answer: Shit distracting you from walking the path to your true potential. T(ea) would kinda make sense for British folks
  18. Doopliss2008

    The Binding of Isaac

    Yiss Best princess playable,install nao.
  19. Doopliss2008

    Your most played games?

    I feel inadequate....
  20. Doopliss2008

    Your most played games?

    >tfw you don't have any game over 1k hours.