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About Kraal

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  • Birthday 04/23/1997

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  • Occupation
    I am a robot from the future. I am here to take american vampires' jobs.

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  1. Kraal


    FUCK YES POKEMON My favourite Pokeyman is Haxorus, favourite generation was Gen III, I never actually found any Gym battles/Gyms particularily interesting or noteworthy; more of a milestone in my eyes. Missing is a bitch. I love stat-boosting moves. And after I finish the storyline/endgame, breeding becomes my in-game life. I'll breed to the perfect nature, get the most useful moveset even if it involves much inter-game shenanigans, and even EV train them specifically. that feel when I found out my level 100 Adamant Haxorus with 252 Attack EVs, 252 Speed EVs and 4 HP EVs has 31 SpAtk IVs
  2. I have this terrible addiction to trolling while being an xX MLG M33TSH0TZz Xx whenever I topfrag on a server with none of my friends in it.I also drink ♥♥♥♥tons of milk. Not even kidding; my family has to buy me separate 4-liter cartons of milk for me specifically that I still down in every around 3 days.OHH NO WAS THAT A NECRO ISH
  3. Kraal

    I have achieved ultimate TF2 Swag.

    was that intentional
  4. Kraal

    whose your favorite class?

    One may glance upon mine profile picture, or my playtime stats, and note that Pyro has 3x the time my next most played class has on him (after a rather recent stat reset) and they may assume Pyro BUT THEY ARE MISTAKEN! For as of late, it is our dear friend The Scout. Despite that I voted for ponies
  5. I don't think that was quite difficult enough for Stun GravyBattlefield 3: GravymodeNo ammo in any weaponKnife replaced with rubber duckyMust planejack 3 people per life to gain a single pointFirst team to 100 points wins
  6. K for killCTRL for "say stay ez"I for "say crits are a fun and balanced game mechanic"P for say what is playing on HLDJL for list all HLDJ songs and open consolethis is mildly off topic
  7. Kraal

    The Ubercharge: A Metaphor for Masturbation?

    And using the kritzkrieg is like unprotected sexyou build up faster but its more dangerous to people
  8. AY FUCK ALL YE LANDLUBBERS DEAD SPACE IS GREATIn my opinion Fallout 3 wasn't that great.
  9. Iunno I liked all of the Modern Warfares and hated all the Treyarch CoDs The game had evident imbalances, and I kept going back to it. There was something oddly more satisfying about getting kills in it compared to TF2, I find. Maybe a nice +1 Strange Kill Counter! should pop up every fucking time you do absolutely anything, just to stroke e-peens. I can't say I agree with those that state that CoD takes no or little skill; as a starter, I got my anus handed to me on a chainsaw. Once I adapted (oh wow) I didn't actually have to improve my aim, just general game sense. I had most my Console FPS experience from Halo 3, and the playstyles transition less than seamlessly. Eh whatever this post has no consistent structure
  10. Woo! Barely anybody plays this but WHO CARESPost yer Friend Codes and names and perhaps race+league for practice-partner referenceWe gonna discuss dem imbalances, yea~Chargelots imba, Infestor/Corruptor/BL imba, 1/1/1 imba, etc.Kraal619ZergPlatinum
  11. Uru sounds FABULOUS!~ rainbow text has too many applications Also, does anyone remember the name of that old Dinosaur-themed animation with the terrible voice acting? I can't remember the name.
  12. Kraal

    Ballsiest tf2 thing you've ever done?

    I ran literally right next to the enemy spawn, got a medic kill, and GTFO'd with ~10 health. As an Engineer.
  13. Kraal

    Hnnnng Best Pyro.

    Okay,Not to discredit his skill, but most of those kills were either on a terrible player or a predictable reflect.I'm not saying he's bad or nothin'.Just sayin'.On an unrelated note I need to learn to use the Flare.On another unrelated note this is my first post and I already come off as a douche.On the third unrelated note (promise this is the last one) I'm AwesomeSauce from SPUF if nobody knows.