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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla


    Completed postgame quest chain. I don't think you actually get anything but it's nice.
  2. Buddhazilla


    I can't seem to initiate the postgame quests for some reason. I really want my mega stones :c EDIT: Figured it out. I forgot to get my mega ring upgraded at the giant crystal sundial. I will commence my stone hunt later.
  3. Buddhazilla


    Breeding starters, if anyone wants a Chespin or Fennekin.
  4. Buddhazilla


    It is done. I beat the Champion. Time to go back through with a new crew.
  5. Buddhazilla


    You have to have a poke with Shadow Tag, like Wobbuffet or Mega Gengar. Also, I'd be happy to help plan teams or provide information about the latter half of the game. I'm past the 7th gym but taking a break for now. Hit me up on Steam.
  6. Buddhazilla


    Okay so if you're in the area with a bunch of rocks. Get. A. Hawlucha. You will not regret it. Btw I'm past the 5th gym. Yeah. Edit: Sixth.
  7. Buddhazilla


    Got my Y version. 0232 8016 8883
  8. Buddhazilla


  9. Buddhazilla


    [spoiler2]Mega. Pinsir. [/spoiler2]
  10. Buddhazilla


    And we have an exclusives list. Not that bad, barring two certain pseudo-legendary evolutionary families.
  11. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    He's at it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7ZTgLR3hZ0
  12. Buddhazilla


    Looking at estimated stat spreads on Smogon. Wow. It seems basically every new poke added is viable. Very well done. I'd rather have a focused group of usable pokemon than a bunch of useless ones.
  13. Buddhazilla


    [spoiler2]Mega Aggron and TTar confirmed.[/spoiler2] In other news, I have preordered Pokemon Y and got my shiny event Giratina. Commence waiting subroutines.
  14. Buddhazilla


    It wasn't revealed, it was leaked. Still, it's there. Can't deny that.
  15. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    Doctor Mario, fer sure.
  16. Buddhazilla


    Soooo, if given the chance (say, through selling my DSi), should I grab both X and Y? It'd seem like a bit of a waste since there's going to be a pretty even divide between the two.
  17. I've been sneezing non-stop all weekend. Ugh.

    1. Medic


      *hands you a tissue*

    2. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      Me too man, me too. I hate colds.

    3. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Stackbabbin' Bumscags

      Be glad you're not me, then. Every season is allergy season.

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  18. Buddhazilla

    Argeon the SPUFer has Arrived!

    Hello, welcome to- Oh.
  19. For anyone that has a 3DS at the moment, the new Phoenix Wright demo is available for download.

  20. Buddhazilla


    Pokemon Bank is released in NA on December 27th. Balls.
  21. Buddhazilla


    At this rate, I think the best course of action would be to wait until breeding is available and trade the eggs, unless you guys are okay with me being the one who holds on to the Pokemon while others restart. I could also hang on to any Pokemon you may want traded over from your b/w games, so long as they aren't hacked.
  22. Buddhazilla


    Gentlemen. The time has come. The embargo has lifted. We're on the final stretch to release date!
  23. Buddhazilla


    Wait a sec. If the Poketransfer service is free until January 31, shouldn't it be easy to gather all 3 of the starters individually?
  24. Buddhazilla


    I may set up a starter collection sorta thing so everyone can get the staters they want, depending on how early you can trade online in the game.
  25. Who else has GTAV? I'm thinking of making a crew.
