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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. Razputin

    Smache Brothers

    5 bucks per character plus 5 bucks for all the maps seems very fair to me
  2. Pick one and only one, no "I cant decide between these two" cop-outs Feel free to write a patented Wulff-style show and tell preschool report about it if you like, I always enjoy reading those
  3. Oh my god math is amazing Ive been lying wide awake for 3 hours trying to fix my research design and suddenly remembered Williams design latin squares which moves my participant # from an impossible ~200 to a very reasonable 28 maybe now I can sleep
  4. You still have an advantage here if you can hire a better lawyer than the other person, but it's by far not as extreme. We also do not have a jury system, which honestly is just inherently flawed. It's also much more difficult to do that thing big companies do where they stretch out the duration of a trial as long as possible to force the opposing client to give up or face bankruptcy (filibustering?) I talk a lot of shit about America on here but the jury system and the two-party voting system are probably my two biggest issues with it (well also hyperconsumerism, hypercapitalism, gun laws, creationism in schools...) which sucks because it is virtually impossible for anyone to change those two systems by now
  5. Speaking of that, dear Americans of this forum, could you please murder and/or vote on whoever you need to so that this awful "person with the most money wins court case automatically" system goes away because it's kind of really disgusting this is considered "just the way it is"
  6. Honestly it's an argument against the existence of humanity that these douchebags got so popular in the first place
  7. Razputin

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Watched a few episodes of "the last man on Earth" and I haven't been so disappointed by a show in a long time When I saw commercials for it I was very interested in it mostly because it appeared like he truly was the very last person, which is odd for a sitcom as they are always based on the relationships between the characters. So my own guess was that they kept the one-man show going for 3 episodes before they had to drop the gimmick and bring in the secondary, probably female, character Turns out I was way off as they don't even get through the pilot before introducing her. Which was fine for a while as at least their situation is novel and we have awkward talk about repopulating the Earth, but then a third character arrives. And then a fourth. And suddenly Im watching a generic love triangle sitcom filmed around a campfire instead of jn a living room. The final nail in the coffin then is that they turn the main character, the one you are supposed to sympathise with, into a conplete douchebag who puts the group in danger for petty, childish reasons. The show starts off with such an interesting pretence but drops it in record time, I'm genuinely surprised that this got a second season
  8. so "gimmick undecided" is code for onahole right? Also I'm already jelly of the Toriel one
  9. Razputin

    Shameless SFV shilling thread

    Yeah as I said, you often come up against players who've been playing Streer Fighter longer than I've been able to spell it. But it also comes with this feeling of constant progression and getting a bit better which I personally really enjoy. It's not like I expect to suddenly win 50% of my matches but I do expect there to be more people of my level, firstly because of the new influx that I think comes naturally with every game, and secondly because of changes in mechanics making combos a tad easier and the meta a little less solved; in USF4 there are just so many mechanics like focus, red focus and FADC that as a new player you're best off ignoring them for a while until you know the basics.
  10. Here in NL getting a driver's license sucks shit. For some reason our government assigned one company to be allowed to perform driver's license tests, but they aren't actually funded either so they still function with profit in mind. It is a well-known fact here that you should always avoid getting your driver's test planned near the end of the year because that is when they will fail more drivers than normal to reach their quota. A friend of mine even got told "you drove well but I already let 3 people pass today so I'm gonna fail you, so just immediately plan a new test". Planning a driver's test takes well over a month, costs 200 euros and you pretty much have to just agree with any time they assign you to or wait another month, so when I passed it on my third try I had to wake up at 6am to be at their nearest facility at 7:30 so we could start at 8:15 (because of course if you're a minute late they fail you instantly but if their examinator is 15 minutes late that's ok)
  11. Razputin

    Shameless SFV shilling thread

    and a quarter of the playerbase. Honestly I buy all my games in steam sale nowadays but for a multiplayer only game you should try to be there as soon as the gates open to get the most out of it also "season pass almost as expensive as the game" it's a 60 bucks game with a 30 bucks pass. But honestly don't get the season pass yet, there will be some kind of ingame currency system which will make you able to get updates for free (but that one I'm really skeptical about myself).
  12. Razputin

    Shameless SFV shilling thread

    Dude moby I think you're the first person to ever make that joke you should patent it No but really though if you already know capcom has stated they will not go for separate game editions this time and clearly aren't planning to buy the game anyways then why do you insist on being such a shitstain
  13. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Who are you to say what a game is about?
  14. Razputin

    Shameless SFV shilling thread

    I have some beta codes if anyone wants to try out, hit me up on steam
  15. Razputin

    Shameless SFV shilling thread

    No but we have FANG who is almost just as epic of a meme
  16. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    No you're completely right. And it sucks that the response to disliking these changes will always be "what, can't you enjoy a game without fanservice you fucking pervert?" I've seen footage of the waifu petting system they removed and it looked really cringey and awkward and I'd never touch it with a ten foot pole. I still dislike this sudden trend of nintendo removing shit from western releases
  17. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I wasn't planning on buying FE anyways and thought the waifu fondling sim was really weird but I'm pretty tired of games getting adapted because our tender Western eyes wouldn't be able to handle the lewdness
  18. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    He shat out five versions of the same game within record time and openly admitted it was a total cashgrab Now he starts the cycle anew and suddenly he cares about quality, that's not something I admire at all.
  19. Razputin

    Anime General Discussion

    I'll second Dragon Ball Kai but with the addendum that I loathed the Buu saga and wish I just stopped watching after Cell saga. It even ends better that way
  20. Razputin

    TF2 general

    It will depend on the matchmaking system whether I do
  21. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Man shitting on things you used to like really is the sole purpose of your life isn't it
  22. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I just found out the phlog got nerfed and now no longer restores health. Guess it's now utterly useless instead of mostly useless then I'd have much rather lost the crits and kept the healing
  23. Razputin

    Cute stuff.

    Isabelle is nintendo's best new design in the last decade or so