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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Dota General

    Wow, this salt posting sure is great boys, really appreciating all this Dota 2 talk in the Dota 2 general, but hey I guess since Peter "Salt" Dager won TI, it's totally justified, right? But wait, I have this outlandish idea! It might sound crazy, but just hear me out: How about we stop circlejerking a tired as fuck meme and have a conversation about how Techies is genuinely imbalanced even at a high level of play and what potential changes we would like to see to the hero or to other heroes in order to combat the awful it experience it is playing with or against a Techies? If you want to shitpost, go to the fucking shitposting general you clowns.
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​But Sodium Chloride is odourless...
  3. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​Those last hits tho. ​Big bully from a person who doesn't even play Dota anymore :^)
  4. Wulff

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    ​I love Stan :(
  5. Wulff

    The International 5

    "Leave the Chinks to me." - Saahil "Gook Slammer" Arora
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    will the suffering ever end
  7. Wulff

    Dota General

    wulff i got a secret for u peoiple are fucking retards OK? ​OK.
  8. Wulff

    Dota General

    What is this fucking meme that's circulating on various online boards regarding S4's draft in the game where they were eliminated by VP? Are people seriously convinced that Shadow Fiend + Queen of Pain were bad drafts because "the heroes aren't good anymore"? I can't actually tell if this is some circle-jerky meme thing or if there are genuinely people of this conviction.
  9. Wulff

    The International 5

    Defending champions of TI eliminated in the lower bracket on Day 1 of the main event, was anyone really surprised? RIP Na'Vi Fnatic Newbee MVP.Hot6
  10. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    ​There is no season 3 of Milky Holmes.
  11. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Let's play Stand Generator 2015 http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~dft29/Stand_Generator/Stand-Generation-Overdrive.html
  12. Wulff

    The International 5

    MVP vs Vega Squadron game 2 rapier boys.
  13. Wulff

    Dota General

    It's a shame that other gamemodes outside of All Pick are pretty dead in comparison. Queues for Captain's Draft and Captain's Mode are insanely long (10min +) and because the playerpool is so low, the games usually end up being really skewered skill-wise. The same seems to be true for Random Draft, though to a lesser extent (queue time is till 5min+ for me and the skill levels are definitely also a bit wonky). Single Draft, Least Played, All Random, Limited Heroes, Ability Draft and All Random Deathmatch have no pull for me, which means that if I don't want to suffer the 50/50 chance of a Techies being in my games, I instead have to suffer long queues and really volatile games because the skill levels are all over the place. I mean look at this shit http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1650137134
  14. ​RIP Woshige runback 2015
  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Almost a year ago, I sat down and tried to watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) and did not like it one bit. I gave it the 3-episode rule and concluded that the characters were too silly for me and that the pacing was absolutely too fast for my liking. Since that time, practically EVERYBODY I know who watch anime have watched JoJo and enjoyed it to varying degrees (Though most seem to like it). Last week, finally getting fed up with the "HORAHORAHORA, MUDAMUDAMUDA, WAMUU, AWAKEN MY MASTERS, KONO DIO DA Xd" memespam that fans of the series are seemingly incapable of -not- doing I asked my good friends who enjoyed the series: "How much would I have to watch of JoJo to be able to give it a fair judgement?" I think there were some conflicting opinions, but it was eventually settled on "Watch Part 1 and 2, if you don't like those, you won't like the rest". And now I've done just that. Part 1 and 2 together span a total of 26 episodes, with Part 1 being 1-9 and Part 2 being 10-26. It's not very often (READ: Unheard of actually) that I sit down and watch a full 26 episodes just to determine whether or not I enjoy a series. Usually 26 episodes is an entire anime in itself... Which JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2012 also is, but it has seasons past that point, you know what I mean, fuck you. So here goes. This shit is all my opinion and not any sort of objective list. This is what I personally liked and disliked about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2012. Here are the good parts The pacing slowed down past the initial three episodes to something MUCH more manageable and enjoyable to watch.JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is animated very well and in a style that is extremely recognizable. It has flair.The leap in generations of the JoeStar family, which I initially thought would hurt my attachment of the character's in the anime, allows the series to explore many more locations and characters than had it been confined to just one generation.The anime manages to deliver on those super fulfilling Shounen-esque powerup moments while still keeping the battles entertaining due to last second twists. It feels a lot less contrived than many other Shounen I have seen with it comes to the power-levels between characters... To a certain degree.JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is NOT afraid to kill off major characters. It doesn't pussyfoot around character deaths and that's refreshing.Part 1 is basically Hokuto no Ken and I like Hokuto no Ken.Here are the bad parts. OK so you know how I just wrote that the battles were pretty damned good in this anime? Well some of them are also kinda shit, or parts of them are at least. This refers mainly to Part 2, where the main character seems to rely on pure strokes of luck to the extreme. I get it, it's his shtick, he reads his enemies and their personalities and thinks up crazy plans accordingly, but sometimes, especially near the end, the battles against the big bad Pillar Men are won purely because "Oh that just happened to happen." Good meme, really doesn't kill any sort of interest in the fight.Some of the characters serve almost 0 purpose outside of basically telegraphing to the viewer how they should be reacting (READ: Speedwagon, Smokey). They have some minor roles in the overarching scheme but are ultimately just there to scream, gasp and go wide-eyed at the current developments of the anime.The narration (Also often done by the abovementioned characters) has this annoying tendency to explain everything that is happening down to immaculate detail. Sometimes it's justified but other times it feels really overdone and unnecessary. It might be some stylistic choice, but it gets kind of grating after a while, that the characters and/or the narrator must convey EVERYTHING that is going as if the viewer couldn't just think for a moment and understand what's happening.Overall, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2012 was pretty good. My complaints are mostly minor things. It didn't quite pull me in as many other anime have done in the past, but it was definitely enjoyable to watch all the way through. Will I continue the series and watch Stardust Crusaders? Maybe at some point. Am I going to rush straight into it because I just can't get enough of JoJo's Bizarre Adventures? Nah, I have other anime I'd rather dedicate my time to. Such as Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and Monster. EDIT: And Love Live Season 2
  16. good meme


  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    http://www.dota2.com/watch this shit is neat, it's a shame it will never go anywhere unless it's Twitch integrated.
  18. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​Kill yourself Xd
  19. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​Only about things I care for. That makes it OK...
  20. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​This is a good attitude to keep! As for Centaur Warrunner: DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a Centaur player, but I do have a general idea of what to build on the hero and why. DISCLAIMER: Dota 2 is a very fluid game and there is no rigid item build that will always serve you perfectly in whatever game you're playing. EDIT: This ended up becoming REALLY long because I wanted to explain what the items do and why you grab them, a quite literal Wall of Text in the spoiler, open at your own discretion. I hope I didn't go too overboard and scare you off, but I like talking about Dota and I have nothing to do today.
  21. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  22. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  23. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Are we posting best Rabu Rivu's now?
  24. Wulff

    Dota General

    ​I definitely think that Legion Commander is laneable in 6.84. LC currently has the benefit of being positively average, both in terms of pickrate and winrate. She's a hero that does "OK" against basically everything but excels vs. a few more specific heroes which ends up making her a really solid pick overall. Not to mention that she can lane in all lanes on the map, which makes picking her early less revealing to the enemy team in comparison to other cores. For laning my personal preferences are: Safelane > Midlane > Offlane > Jungle They recently changed the way Moment of Courage (MoC) works, so LC jungle is actually a lot more viable than it used to be, but it's still a last resort for me. LC's laning is extremely nice because of her decent base damage and excellent auto-attack animation, not to mention the fact that she has the ability to clear waves at the press of a button. Because of these things she can solo lane very easily, but also works well in conjunction with a support because Press the Attack (PtA) allows her to purge any stuns and debuffs off of her allies if they're caught out. This spell can COMPLETELY ruin some laning combos because it instantly peels everything off your allies. It's extremely good in the middle lane as well, because you can purge stuff like Queen of Pain's Shadow Strike off of yourself immediately. I realize into this already long post that you brother "loves LC" so I guess I'll stop talking about basic shit, I was just trying outline why I think the hero is definitely laneable, if anything her laning stage is the least of her worries. Regarding Legion Commander and Blink Dagger, I am actually no longer of the persuasion that she needs that item to function with the addition of Silver's Edge. Don't misunderstand now, I am not saying "Don't buy Blink Dagger", because it is still a totally relevant pickup in some games, but Silver's Edge has a much easier buildup and gives you stats and bonuses that are very relevant to your hero. Not to mention the fact that in lower skill brackets (<5k) I think Shadow Blade offers LC a lot more utility because people are, to put it bluntly, stupid. Some games will need a Blink Dagger, some will need a SB/SE, just try to consider an option outside of Blink. As for further item builds, I am a big fan of Armlet of Mordiggian and Desolator on LC. With the recent reduction in Desolator's cost (600 less gold) that item can be achieved with blazing speed if you're farming even a little bit well. If your lane is going well, you should be able to farm Power Treads > Armlet > Desolator in ~20 minutes, make that ~25 if you add a Blink Dagger/Shadow Blade before the Desolator. Even if you're not farming that well, it can still easily be achieved within 30-35 minutes in a bad game and it will make you hit like a truck AND lifesteal like crazy, as MoC does not stop lifestealing simply because there is a Desolator debuff on the hero you're beating up. I think Blademail is questionable, you need it really early (<12 minutes) to make the most of it, but against certain lineups with a lot of "uncontrollable" damage, it can be good. Of course the biggest thing about LC is not picking her into her counters. I know I said above that you can pick her early because of her fluid laning options, but I think its better to hold your pick, otherwise you will be dealing with heroes such as: Dazzle, Shadow Demon, Winter Wyvern, Wraith King, Troll Warlord, Oracle and Wisp. (All of which fuck LC if played well). Hold your pick, indicate where you're going to lane with the minimap function in the picking phase, but ask your allies to pick before you.