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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Berseria is fun. It has an overwhelming amount of content like the Tales series games tend to do, so there is at least a bang for your buck in that aspect. In terms of its Edge™ it is honestly not bad. It's quite a different spin on the story, considering that Tales games have been very "classic" JRPG in terms of protag character and overall storyline. Berseria is a little different. In fact I think it is fair to say that Tales of Berseria has you playing the bad guys rather than the good guys. That being said, the characters don't really feel evil. Yeah they don't really give a fuck if they have to kill some people to achieve their goals, but they don't actively attempt to antagonize the innocents. It's mainly the protagonist character Velvet that is edgy, but she has a pretty good reason for being like she is, which is you discover in the first ~2 hours of gameplay. Did I mention it has waifu dress-up? It has waifu dress-up. Overall I'm like 10 hours in and I've maybe completed 5% of the total game (sidequests included in this estimate) and it has been fun. Magilou best girl.
  2. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Weekend plans: Play Tales of Berseria non-stop.
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Milky movie was fucking great, the best part were their magical girl transformations near the end. Speaking of things that are (most likely) the exact opposite of great, the Youjo Senki anime adaptation is airing this season and I feel that it is my duty as a fan of the source material to watch it, despite the fact that it looks... Not very good, to put it mildly. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, who knows. If you're not familiar with the source material for Youjo Senki and thought the anime sounded interesting this season, I really do recommend reading the light novels and/or the manga. It's good. It's a pretty weird premise, but it's good. And if you're not familiar with Youjo Senki at all, let me explain it a little bit to you, because I have yet to read a summary of the story that does it justice. I should warn you now that it is "Isekai", so if that bothers you, then you should probably leave it be.
  4. I completely forgot about this lmao. Don't worry, I'm certain it was just a really funny joke and that they were all sitting together on Mumble laughing about how fucking hilarious it was while spamming anime reaction pictures as if they were still on 4chan while jerking off that one guy that I forget the name of, who was (is?) a genuine anime-shipper. btw this is just banter calm down.
  5. i dont think either of you need to say anything
  6. hello please dont ever call me a weeaboo thanks
  7. Wulff


    Yo what's up with this theme, it's lit af.
  8. Having only caught up on this discussion just now, I want to throw in my 2 cents to the whole argument from a perspective outside the US. I suppose the fact that I am not American and the fact that I do not live in America could be grounds for dismissing my argument because I am not smart enough to make a comparison that is 100/100 relevant to the current state of the US, because my experience isn't with the US but rather my own country (Denmark). I hope you will read anyway. The Danish people cherish some ideas that I think would be best described as the "core values" of what it means to be a Dane and how life in Denmark should be. I'm not going to go into detail of what these core values are, because that is besides the point I am trying to make. In the recent decades, Denmark has experienced an increasing influx of people from eastern europe and the middle east migrating here. Some of them have been refugees seeking a safe haven from one of the many conflicts in the world, most have been economic migrants looking for better work opportunities to support their families. Denmark is a socialist state and has been for many decades at this point. Abiding by the law and following the will of the collective community in general are things that are very important to us. This is also part of the reason why crime in Denmark has been and is very low, we nurture respect and goodwill towards the community from a very young age and most people would never even dream of stealing over here. Doors, bicycles and even cars are left unlocked in the streets, because people trust each other to that level. Of course crime exists, but it is a very, very small number of crimes that are commited. But here's what happens when we receive refugees and other immigrants in our country: We try our hardest to integrate them into society. Unfortunately it seems to be the case that many of them, especially middle-eastern newcomers, are quite reluctant to "adapt" to the ways of the Danish society. I'm not saying that they should give up their cultural or religious identities, but I am saying that currently there doesn't seem to even be an attempt from the vast majority of immigrants to become a part of Denmark and her culture. I won't call our integration methods and policies perfect, but compared to other nationalities, the middle-eastern people are quite bad when it comes to this. This had since led to the creation of ghettos, criminal gangs and an overall increase in crime. These are just pure and simple facts. This causes a bit of a grumble with the Danish population, because we're used to people respecting the law, respecting our values and generally have the same outlook on what life in Denmark should be like. This grumble stirs and grows when you then add illegal immigrants into the equation. Not only do they display the same tendencies as the people who have legally immigrated, but they then also abuse our system in order to receive welfare. I'm sure that many people would say that the "Danish mentality" is old-fashioned, but we're a country that likes the way things are and the way things have been. As long as immigrants go through the proper channels and attempt to participate in our integration programs, there is no problem. We understand that it takes time, people over here aren't ignorant. This has nothing to do with racism or cultural white-washing of people who aren't Danish. They're free to practice the same rituals they used to do, believe in the same god they used to do, celebrate the same holidays they used to do, as long as they don't try and shove these things down our throat. As long as they show the want and willingness to respect the country and the community that took them under its wing, they're free to do as they like (Within the confinements of the law of course). From that perspective, I can sit here and nod to some of the things I see Raison writing. I don't agree with everything that is being said, in fact I don't even agree with most of it, but I can see the standpoint where it comes from. The wish to uphold some core values in a country that is dear to you and ultimately get rid of the people that are not respecting the process (Illegal immigrants fx.). I'm not defending any notions of racism or ultranationalism or whatever has been brought up in this discussion. I also think that people on both sides of the argument have allowed their passion to flare a bit too much. I hope my American friends on this board will respect that while you might have different political values, you're still countrymen. I know that this post has only touched on one of many issues that are currently hot topics. It is not that I have forgotten them or do not care about them, it is just that I am not entirely sure what to say about them, so I will refrain from doing so. But please do not think that I am so narrow-minded to believe that illegal immigration is the only problem America faces, it is just the topic I wished to comment on.
  9. Hey I have a neat new tune you guys could adopt for presidential appearances
  10. Wulff

    Dota General

    Urge to play Dota steadily increasing after 6 months of basically not playing.
  11. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Hello, this is my summary of Re:Zero - Life in a different world Ok thanks.
  12. My mother experienced a heart attack back in 2012 which in turn led to the doctors discovering that she had a heart defect. I know partly how difficult this kind of thing can be. Hoping for the best friend.
  13. On a bit of a tangent here, I wanted to share something from basic training in this thread. So basically the Royal Danish Army recently acquired brand new rifles for their infantry. Unfortunately because this shipment of rifles was custom-tooled for some reason I am not too sure about, all the barrel attachments the RDA has in stock at the moment are not actually able to be properly attached to these new rifles. This rendered our collection M203's effectively useless, until someone came up with the brilliant idea of doing this. So we had to lug around these fucking amalgamations around all day when we were doing field exercises.
  14. Happy birthday my dude, I hope you you're alright. Speaking of birthdays, I had to visit my grandmother this weekend to celebrate her 86th birthday. I got out of basic last Monday, so I was pretty stoked to finally meet my family again, haven't really seen much of them these past four months. Of course everything went terribly fucking wrong. So first of all, my grandmother wanted me to show up in my uniform because she wanted to see her "handsome grandson" in it... Thanks grandma. I had to endure a two-hour train ride in full dress in the sweltering heat, so that wasn't much fun. Then we got to her home Friday evening and things were OK, the celebration wasn't until Saturday anyway. Come Saturday, my entire family pretty much showed up, barring the relatives I have living in South America and guess who got delegated to taking care of the children during the party. Me. Because I'm the youngest "adult" and the oldest of the "kids" in the family, I have historically always been asked to look after the younger children, most of whom are now teenagers, during family gatherings. But I still have three small cousins between ages 5-7. So I spent most of the day with those kids crawling all over me, drooling on my uniform, being asked stupid fucking questions and not having any cigarettes. I coped with this by ingesting a rather large amount of beer and I must admit that I was pretty drunk by the end of the evening. In my drunken stupor, I may have promised to take my cousins to McDonalds today Sunday. Unfortunately this means I have to stick around until noon at the very earliest, because their parents (rightfully) don't want their children going to McDonalds for breakfast, so the earliest I can take them is for lunch. I'm hungover, my clothes are a mess, I haven't had a cigarette in 48-hours and I just want to go home... But here I am waiting to take my cousins to McDonalds... Thanks for reading my blog, it took a while to write from my phone.
  15. Any NIGGERS want to RP in Thunder Bluff?

    1. Huff


      You can just SAY that!!!


      people died in Thunder Bluff, man

  16. Wulff

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I need help, like right now. I don't want to end up like Chris.
  17. Wulff

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I need help, like right now. I don't want to end up like Chris.
  18. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Dota 2 xD
  19. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Benjamin literally posted "Same tbh". That's it. Nothing else. Yeah, it's not conducive to the discussion or whatever, but how can you take it that personal? All the other shit in this thread came only after he made the silly status update about leaving and blowing all of this out of proportion. I read through the last two pages because I thought maybe I had missed something, because I personally have no interest in Naruto and so I had just glazed over the discussion. Nothing was out of the ordinary at all, the only thing was Huff's post following Simon's post about Sasuke.
  20. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I don't really know if there is a problem here man, I have to be entirely honest with you. I think it's pretty much established that Huff is one of the most genuinely caring people in this place, but apparently cracking a joke by way of making one single shitpost in the anime thread was way over the line for Simon or something? I don't know. As for the people following that post, that's to be expected when you (Simon) make a big fucking deal out of leaving, to the point of posting a status update with a screenshot of you deleting your browser shortcut to this website. I'm sorry, but it's pretty fucking hard to take seriously. It's like a five-year old throwing a temper tantrum in public because of a lack of attention or something. I understand that it was done in the heat of the moment, but fuck me. Not to mention that if you visit his profile, it'll show you that he has been back on this website after "leaving". What's the point? If you're gonna leave, just leave. No need to stir up all this bullshit.