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Napkin Dust

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Everything posted by Napkin Dust

  1. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Let's hope BG can pull it off vs EG. I believe in you, Burning. As far as the bug goes, I think it was fixed as of today's patch(es). Spoiler VG did it! wwtvHYPE
  2. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    That VG vs Secret game one. I don't know if my heart can take 2 more games.
  3. I randomed Terrorblade, and had never played him before. Needless to say we won. But my soul will never feel clean again.

  4. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I am absolute ass with most heroes mid, including Troll(then again the only times I've played him mid was vs Qop and OD, so it was not a fun lane). I'm surprisingly only decent with Magnus mid. All Troll needs to crush a lane is someone with a stun, or absurd slow/root. 1 bash is generally all you need early to destroy someone, getting in range is the hard part. Troll does decently well against most melee heroes that aren't Bristle/Axe/Huskar, and most ranged heroes who don't have a billion nukes. Add a CM, Earthshaker, WD, etc. and you've got the lane under conTrollI'm sorry. I've laned with a Bounty Hunter, and his slow and mini stun was enough to have us rolling in kills(Of course the people we were laning against had no easy escape(Was a Sniper and Veno, I think?), and once Bounty hit 6 there wasn't much they could do to run). Of course this is pubs where more often than not there's 3 other carries, but if at least 2 other people on your team do more than 50 damage per auto attack, Battle Trance will make them a god. So most mids I've had that were not Jugg/SF still got mileage out of it. Grats on a Golden item! I'd play Slark, but the last time I did I got Nyx/Disruptor/Omni/LC on the enemy team and they 5 manned my lane. And we (surprisingly) had no other carries. We lost.
  5. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Troll is actually the first hero I've legitimately carried with, and as a result of falling in love with him I've learned better farming habits, since he can clear the jungle so easily.(And completely destroy his lane if played aggressively and they have no way to stop it, but that doesn't count) I only picked him up because people would pick supports/offlaners before I could. It helps that he meshes well with my playstyle of going ham and never stopping. Ever. It seems most LCs did not get the memo, as most of the ones in my Troll games thought 10% chance to bash was low enough for them to win duels safely.
  6. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    RIP in peppers NBA Jam Announcer(and -override_vpk as a whole). You were the only one to unseat Bastion. In other news, playing Troll or Ursa vs a Blyatcyka is always funny. He ruptures, you roar, and he either: 1. Runs away completely 2. Does an awkward back and forth dance as he realizes he can't kill you 3. Gets first-hit bashed and/or just shredded
  7. Napkin Dust

    Guild Wars 2

    So there's been an expansion pack announced at PAX. I'm pretty hype. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOUk2y0K2m8
  8. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Enemy Juggernaut has > Cheese Playing against Jugg has been the most infuriating thing lately. I'd rather deal with PA or Pudge instead of Jugg.
  9. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I'm on a spree of rng lately. Gotta support? Ogre.(Don't worry, I still squeeze Silencer in there if he fits in the lineup) Gotta carry? Spirit Breaker(not really carry), whom I've replaced with Troll after getting him in RD. Troll is fun, but also rude. I can't say >Thanks! without having a bit of a chuckle. The one RD game I played him in, was 1/2 offlane(our 5th player dc'd missed his pick, randomed Lina(whom he never played), which was pretty interesting. All Troll needs to kill an offlane is level 6, aquila, and boots, it seems. Granted it was Kotl and Zeus, but goodness was that lane covered in blood. We still lost because Huskar+Jugg is impossible. /rambling
  10. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Well, I finally won a game as Axe. Against a TB, Medusa, CM, Clinkz, and CK. Game went on for over an hour. We had Axe, Slark, Storm, Earthtwerker, and Beastmaster. Me and the Slark fed hard early to the CM+TB lane, because they are so damn squishy and we couldn't help ourselves. Earthshaker and Beastmaster got rng'd hard by the offlane CK(4 sec stuns or max damage stuns, always. They had a bad time). Storm had an okay lane vs the Clinkz mid. Their Medusa was doing some weird ass jungle/ancients strat, and was never more than food. The CM was harder to kill than the Dusa. TB was 6 slotted by 35ish minutes. It really came down to Call, Dunk, and Roar piercing BKB, and me learning how to be manly and jump into the cluster of CK+TB illusions once I had Heart+BM+Halberd. And Aghs Echo Slam. Linkity.
  11. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Seeing Axe so much in pro games made me start playing him. I mean hey, I've got a 70%+ winrate on Centaur, I'll be a natural at Axe. 3 games, 3 losses. Maybe I'm just not manly enough to play Axe. But man, having screen shake on makes Axe so satisfying.
  12. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    While not a hard as one game I had quite a while ago, I just had a game that was harder than Tiny's skull. 54 minutes long. Coincidentally the amount of Int I stole by the time the game was over. (I've stolen over 70 int in one game before, but lost the game. it was a 3v5. I could 4 shot a nearly 6-slotted Tiny, though.) Our Team: Pudge(mid), Juggernaut(top), Drow(top), Viper(bot), and Silencer(bot) Their team: Outhouse Decorator(mid), Ember Spirit(top), Crystal Maiden(top), Spirit Breaker(bot), Anti-Mage(bot) Binary, I think the Radiant won. There was a Warlock and a Kunkka at some point, but the Radiant won too hard.
  13. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Treant's always been a favorite of mine, no one ever expects a giant tree to come out of fog and punch you. And if the enemy team doesn't have a Shadow Shaman, you'll never lose towers ever. Add a Techies and the game will never end. You feel like a Kotl with health instead of mana. Though people will still go "giff heal tree".
  14. Napkin Dust

    World of Warcraft

    Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]? I'll never forget the first day I saw that in chat. Never in my short WoW life at the time had I seen so much orange.
  15. Napkin Dust

    World of Warcraft

    If you're anything but a Shaman, your healing adventures will be enjoyable. If you're a shaman, the fun ends swiftly and harshly at max level. (Shamans have a really good amount of good single target healing(like a good amount) and make good tank healers, and a couple of nice raid cds, but as soon as raidwide damage starts to happen you might as well /cry if HST/HTT is on cd.) Don't let DPS bully you(or the tank, though this happens rarely unless something is horribly wrong), don't be afraid to add people as a friend/keep queuing with them if they're nice, and for the love of all that is holy, don't waste mana on people standing in fire. If it's the fire that just singes your buns a little, fine. But if it's the big scary "90% of their health per tick" fire, shoot em a /shrug. Vudho is also a godsend if you continue healing. But enjoy it! Being new to WoW is fun while it lasts.
  16. Napkin Dust

    World of Warcraft

    I remember my camp for Poundfist. Not only was it excruciating, a single monk nearly killed him before everyone could even get there. Granted, the druids that were set up to cyclone him were too shocked/sleep deprived to do anything but tag him. It was a long,boring, couple of days, and I'm still quite upset so many people missed out because of that monk. They really need to make them raid boss-tier in terms of health, it's pretty silly.
  17. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    my nigger. That reminds me, my top 3 are Centaur, Silencer, and Treant.(I should play tree more, but being a solo melee support is often suffering, which is why I play Silencer so much) Too bad that rune nerf happened, I loved to 3 shot a sf or something with one. 1/12 and counting. I need to win at least one before I go to sleep(It's 9 am, help). I got help. Queued into a stack that picked Bloodseeker, Jugg, Tinker, and PL. I picked Tree. We won. Handily. (They were also really nice and fun to play with, so I can sleep even better)
  18. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    So far, I've won 1/10 games I've played today. /wrists I try to let people have fun by not playing Silencer/Centaur and this is what happens.
  19. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Most of the time I'm content to just play Silencer and take lunch money from offlaners/squishy supports/carries. But sometimes I just feel extra mean and do this with people. Veno+Viper. What's that? This was your lane? Not anymore.(Someone picked TA after we picked this. Needless to say they lost.) Undying+ Silencer. Man this Silencer is an ass why is he hitting- OH MY GOD ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE Centaur+Tiny. Oh man this is so horrible a double melee lane- Oh hey we got lvl 2 somehow. Toss me. "Admiral Napkin has drawn First Blood!" I have yet to try something as disgusting as Necro+Omni+Silencer, but I do want to try a OD+Silencer dual lane. You 13 mana boy. I've been playing way too much Silencer lately. I've even gone offlane on him. Shhh.
  20. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I personally play CK like I play Sven or WK. I just go ham always. And then I run out of mana and die. Or just kill them with my brand new 42 second,100% damage, sexy illusions. Laning with a support with a stun(or CM/Io) makes it wonderful to play him, since you'll either have mana to actually kill people, or enough time to club someone's face in. CK is disgustingly snowbally, so sometimes just roaming around and getting kills is better than bopping creeps. Farm heroes, disregard creeps. Armlet is core, Manta is core(to be extra disgusting), and I build Drums a lot since mana is always a problem. Also Refresher does not give you 8 illusions. I learned this the hard way. But it was for science! If the early game goes bad, it really depends on getting kills(CK can't farm for shit) and stalling until the late game because CK is disgusting late in both killing heroes and buildings. Phantasm also works similar to Manta in that you can dodge things with it.(Not that I've pulled it off yet.) (This is the advice of an unranked pleb, take it as you will) In other news, I still get scared of stepping into Midnight Pulses, even if the Enigma is on my team. I dread games with Enigma and Rubick.
  21. Napkin Dust

    Web Browsers

    Thought the title was Web Bowsers. Now I'm sad. I used to use Safari/Firefox, but I have seen the light. And it is Chrome.
  22. "Isn't bread just uncooked toast? Can't you get sick from eating raw toast?"

    1. FreshHalibut


      Toast is Bread's Super Saiyan form.

  23. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Silencer Glaives of Wisdom intelligence into damage bonus from 30/48/66/84% to 30/50/70/90% Silencer now my fave support. Glaives already got silly, and now they're even better. Time to buy cour and rush 3 null talismans and max Glaives. Viper ain't got nothin on this harass. And I may finally get a chance to show of my sweet Lifestealer set, and win a game with him for once. Also, alt-click Lifestealer on the update page.
  24. Napkin Dust

    World of Warcraft

    My guild is still stuck on Butcher, one part due to that the guild only has 2 tanks(we may have more by now as we have people enough to run 25, haven't checked) and one of them, me, is a DK. You can guess which boss it is. I'm hoping the rest of the raid isn't as painful as Mr. Raw and Wiggling is.
  25. Napkin Dust

    World of Warcraft

    Whenever I level an alt, I dread getting to level 60. I almost didn't get my prof boost on my DK because I just did not want to quest in Outlands. In other news, [sunhide Gronnling] obtained! At great cost to sanity and sleep. Maybe too much sanity. I was there for so long I started writing a journal(somewhat *~in character~*), and chat convinced me to keep going simply because it kept them awake. I was in the middle of writing another entry when he spawned. Might be Saloon worthy, possibly? Nothin explicitly nsfw, though.