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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. I bought used Lakefield/Savage .22 bolt action , gonna be my plinker rifle. Stock finish is rough so I got it preety cheap. Gonna get it refinished, buy some glass and I will have really nice set. ​He won't be so lucky if he'll be the one that will have to carry the damn thing after the training.
  2. Playing Touhoumon on the phone while climbing in War Thunder, while drinking beer and listening to the music. Multitasking.
  3. Please wait warmly.

    1. Icecubes of Fury

      Icecubes of Fury

      This is curtain shooting game.

      Girls try their best to [game loads]

  4. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    Capeta is fun, but only if you like racing and can endure shonen like pacing.
  5. now I know why so many people wanted a picture and someone fix goddamn webms, they break entire formatting
  6. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. edit: webums still broken?
  7. Kraszu

    Stream Streaming Thread

    Streaming is fun, especially when random people start to watch and hang out, and you have someone to share clutch plays with. Gonna be streaming NFS: Carbon in an hour, if anyone is interested.
  8. http://nautilus.org/napsnet/napsnet-special-reports/mind-the-gap-between-rhetoric-and-reality/ if someone has interest in whole Koreas situation and really big attention span to read wall of text, there you go
  9. Kraszu

    subSPUF 10v10

    Post here if you want to take part. Also post if you wanna be a captain (captain chooses his teammates). If there will be more people willing to be a captains, two with highest MMR get it. Post hours played or/and MMR too, 54 hours here.
  10. Kraszu

    subSPUF 10v10

    because it's down I guess just go to your steam groups and join group chat on spuf gaming
  11. Kraszu

    subSPUF 10v10

    I am ready. If anyone else is, I'm in SPUF gaming steam group chat.
  12. ​It's a bluff, it's their way of saying "NOTICE ME, SEMPAI". Best they can get out of that is peace talks. I could write Wulff style wall of text about my thoughts on the conflict, but I'm way too lazy and noone would care.
  13. Kraszu

    The IT thread.

    http://www.lc-power.com/en/product/power-supplies/lc-cc-97/ I got this in the end, it's cheap, cools well and provides large amount of silence comparedto the stock one.
  14. Kraszu

    Stream Streaming Thread

    http://www.twitch.tv/warmnoodlesofdoom streaming NFS:U2 with fitting music
  15. Kraszu

    subSPUF 10v10

    did you count dualjay
  16. Kraszu

    subSPUF 10v10

    I don't think you got it right Huff, it's more of Nerds pool of players than team. 5 nerds and 5 noobs per team, captain picks from both pools. Nerds v noobs has no point, it would be a one sided stomp. Also, guys, post who wants to be a captain, rules from first post apply.
  17. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    they never learn, do they
  18. Kraszu

    subSPUF 10v10

    we need just 10 people that play dota, and 10 additional ones that are willing to at least try
  19. Kraszu

    Dota General

    newbies and doters 10v10 this week? y/n?