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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    I got banned on SPUF...?

    Dibs on kidneys.
  2. Kraszu

    I got banned on SPUF...?

    I guess it's okay then, enjoy your stay. How about you tell us semething about you?
  3. Kraszu

    I got banned on SPUF...?

    what what are you how did you get here
  4. Kraszu

    Need a new antivirus

    You know you can turn off voice in avast? I would not use it ever if you could not.
  5. Kraszu

    Which class is your main?

    pls no greentext
  6. Kraszu

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    I need Cho.
  7. Kraszu

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    So I recently had some time to take on Hearthstone at last. HOLY SHEET THI GAME IS SO ENJOYABLE. Gotta get more cards. My priest deck is in stage "not terribly bad as default, but not very good either".
  8. Laptop is back, hooray!

  9. Kraszu

    Steam Holiday Sale 2013

    - VVVVVV - Counter Strike 1.6 ( because it's the only thing that will run on my spare PC) - Deponia - Binding of Isaak + Dlc and Antichamber from XY - Stanley Parable and Guns of Icarus Online for Batty - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon from Huff - Guacamelee for Huff
  10. Kraszu

    GOTY 2013

    God dammit, I don't play new games. Only new game that I played more than half an hour would be War Thunder. Thou it's definitly my F2P of the year. If I had to choose separate one for retail, I would choose SR4. I played a bit of it and what it was is pure fun.
  11. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    Really? I will need to dig some stuff up.
  12. And I thought you were a goner. Welcome back!
  13. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    Finished Trigun. Enjoyed the series, kinda dissapointed with ending.
  14. Kraszu

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    I WON SOMETHING. #basedhuff
  15. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    I had some time and I started watching Trigun during Christmas. I am really enjoying it so far.
  16. Kraszu

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    [spoiler2]http://youtu.be/P08B_lBUL0E[/spoiler2] oh god my sides
  17. Kraszu

    REFERENDUM: The Future of SPUFpowered

    Batcave gonna batcave.
  18. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    pffftt You shall not pffftt on Gurenn Lagann. This is not /a/, and you shall deal with us, casuals on daily basis. I suggest you get used to it.
  19. Kraszu

    Help me pick a case.

    1 seems to proviede best airflow.
  20. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    I'd actually argue about that. I'd say it's a mixed bag. At least from perspective of person used to normal music or film soundtracks. Has few nice things in it, but it's nothing to write home about. And vocalist's accent in Blumenkranz is fucking abysmal. I know a bit of german, but I would never be able to transcript words form hearing. Could be better. I speak fluent German and I don't even understand what lyrics are being sung in that particular theme, all I can make out is "Wünsche". That being said I don't think that derives from the track itself. It's hard to argue taste and opinion, but I adore the soundtrack, Satsuki's theme in particular. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7daZAfecByg Satsuki theme is one of bright spots of this soundtrack. Still, I liked TTGL soundtrack more. Before my body is dry is just a joke. I'd have to relisten again to tell more, now my ears are busy with Dire Straits. Maybe later.
  21. Dire Straits is so good.

  22. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    I'd actually argue about that. I'd say it's a mixed bag. At least from perspective of person used to normal music or film soundtracks. Has few nice things in it, but it's nothing to write home about. And vocalist's accent in Blumenkranz is fucking abysmal. I know a bit of german, but I would never be able to transcript words from hearing. Could be better.