Rise from dead, thread! MHAHAHAHAHAHA!
So recently I tried some new games that I were sitting in my library and I have not even tried them yet.
-Burnout: Paradise -It's ok, not groundbreaking, but not bad in any sense either. Arcady handling (a bit too much when it comes to handbrake, but thats me), open world, and game is not screaming through whole race "FINISH LINE IS THERE" and block you off from other routes with inpenetrable walls. Preety cool.
-Sacred 2 - I was fan of original Sacred. More, I liked it more than Diablo series.
This is nothing like first Sacred. Is bad. And problems with camera is only start of its badness.
-Mirror's Edge- Bash me all day long, but I did not really like it. I guess first person platforming is just not my cup of tea.
-Scribblenauts Unlimited - I bought last bundle mostly for it. Whole idea of fixing most of problems using cat, hammer, tape and bunch of adjectives is really entertaining.
-Crysis 2 - Meh. I guess it's worst title of series. Instead of jungle and aliens you get city and generic soldierdudes. Later you get some aliens too, but... still does not feel as fluid as I would want my shooter to be.
-Batman: Arkham Asylum - Speaking of fluid, this game's free flowing combat system is just brilliant. Detective system. Whole feel of the game. Just brilliant.
Don't have this game? What are you doing? Grab it now, it costs like nothing now on Humble Bundle.
- Bloodbowl - Ah, and this thing. Well, sometimes it will let you feel great. And sometimes it will poop on your stuff, pick poop up and smear it all over your face. Unless you have expirienced dice driven games already. Then you will feel at home, but expect bullshit rolls to happen. Also, blitz mode is for babies.