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A 1970 Corvette

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Everything posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. Light Assault is the best class at indiscriminate killing. Heavy is the best at valuable killings. NC's Heavy is better than VS's heavy, as well, if we're going Anchor vs Betelgeuse/Orion. If you really want to effectively harness that, going MAX on a large Biolab or A2Ging on the off continent is your best bang-for-buck though.
  2. Star... Breaker...

    1. hugthebed2


      I will defeat you... Red Barrel...

  3. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    It's really something else. Few adaptions do this level of stuff.
  4. Drawing cute anime girls while listening to thrash metal is my official way to relax.
  5. A 1970 Corvette

    Doujin/Japanese Indie Games

    ーーーー期待ーーーー I think they're all good. Even Sora. Tomomo is such a goddamn meme holy shit.
  6. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    Does anyone have the MAD or whatever it's called that has Nodoka saying macchu picchu and Azunyan mispronouncing it every time? It's just a side part of the song but it's the only part I remember. This is annoying me, I can't find it anywhere.
  7. A 1970 Corvette

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Macabre is a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. A 1970 Corvette

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I think Anaal Nathrakh is what uninitiated folks imagine all metal is like.
  9. A 1970 Corvette


    Seems to be a common thing, it's happened with my friends as well. Maybe there's a more concrete proof but it seems to be true from what I've seen.
  10. A 1970 Corvette


    I'm pretty sure Esports as a whole does that to itself.
  11. A 1970 Corvette

    Anime General Discussion

    It has Fox Saber in it, though. Seriously, that girl literally is just Saber's design but a fox. What the fug.
  12. A 1970 Corvette


    Kind of. But they were fairly normal houses, but on a single, long stilt. When they toppled, the stilt actually stayed up and the house just kind of tottered off of them. I also remember in that dream I read on /a/ that Amazon's Alexa could play Love Live music.
  13. A 1970 Corvette


    I also somehow forgot that I watched Heaven's Feel Movie 1. Which is strange, considering it was a pretty goddamn big thing when I did it. If I had a Best Film category it'd go there. Put Medusa in the Best Girl honorabu mention as well.
  14. A 1970 Corvette


    It's great. Like, if it weren't for my blatant love of 3DCG and stuff it'd probably be the easy AotY for me. It is definitely worth watching.
  15. A 1970 Corvette


    Having read the manga and compared to the anime, I daresay that if you aren't the type that screeches at 3DCG (even good 3DCG) the anime's adaption might be better than the manga.
  16. A 1970 Corvette


    I have absolutely nothing in common with any of you. 説明:
  17. A 1970 Corvette


    Had a dream I was sitting with some people in the McDonald's near my house. We noticed, for the first time in our lives, that there were three houses that were held up only by a single, cartoonishly high stilt. As we were wondering how the hell that happened without us noticing, one of them tipped over. Then another one. I didn't get to see the last one fall over but at that point everyone had their phones out trying to score a video of it happening.
  18. Why is へ the same in both scripts??!? It's super confusing.
  19. I was a real man, I played airsoft.
  20. Apparently one of my uncles who lives in a rural area had a license that was somewhere around fifteen years expired and didn't know until some convenience store clerk told him.
  21. I forgot to put the updated registration and sticker on my car so for the past two months or so I was driving around without anything saying the car was registered. Whoops.
  22. I only know one (ex) choir boy and he's p alright tbh
  23. Is it true that 90% of theater guys are gay?