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A 1970 Corvette

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Posts posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. 19 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    I have no idea what the hell this means.  The fact that several Star Wars movies aren't given the special search treatment but Suburban Sasquatch is is particularly baffling.

    The only possible explanation is that Suburban Sasquatch is simply that influential of a movie that the search algorithm prefers it. Or the algorithm's fledgling sentience is first becoming apparent by having very picky taste in movies and vtubers

  2. 1 hour ago, John Caveson said:

    Valve really just pulled an Overwatch 2 on us, didn't they?


    On the other hand, maybe if they ever decide to port TF2 to Source 2, that's how we'll get Team Fortress 3.

    Hey, they didn't fully pull an overwatch 2 because CS2 isn't getting massively reviewbombed and universal hate, so that's something.

    5 minutes ago, Raison d'être said:


    I'll have to come back to it, I bought it at launch and played it up until the !!!POINT OF NO RETURN!!! Then I was like "oh, better finish up some other stuff" but got distracted.

    much like a lot of these kinds of RPGs the main story is like a tiny amount of the game


    Honestly I was kind of appalled at the ending just because it was so lame. It was like they looked at Black Mesa East in half life 2 and was like "let's make our ending just a shit ton of walk and talk not-cutscenes!" Maybe you get a better one if you spend 4 million years doing random side quests

  3. It's absolutely bizarre that cyberpunk 2077 had an overhaul to the game that so drastically altered core systems. I never thought you'd be able to say "I started up my singleplayer game and realized an update made my character non-functional" but here we are.


    The weirdest part is that the biggest part of the overhaul, the perks, aren't even a clearly better system, it's just a completely different one. Like they thought up a new set of perks for their expansion pack, and were like "let's just make it the base game and throw out the old system!" I guess it's "content" for the people who played it through at launch and then dropped it? 


    I can't talk too much shit because the wacky dash mechanic in one of the new trees reminds me a lot of the Advanced Warfare exo boosts which I happen to love

  4. 4 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    The only real bright side is that a lot of the policy is clearly the management speaking out of their ass without any real idea as to how they are going to implement it.

    Was the piracy/charity thing made as a secondary statement to people's backlash? Because I feel like that kind of promise would be something someone down the chain would say "hey that is not going to be possible we can't say that" if it was part of the initial launch, and would only be said if it was desperate backpedaling for something that they thought they could sweep under the rug

  5. You know I remember a while ago when I was younger when people were getting tired of every AAA game being a modern military shooter, and I never really got it because those were my complete jam and I couldn't get enough of them (and also because I was a dumb teen probably).


    Now I know how they felt. I don't know if I necessarily wish I could go back to that era, but at the same time I've still not found a multiplayer FPS game that I want to play that isn't also ten or more years old, so...

  6. What's funny is that things with basically the same production quality have aired, though I guess the really ultra low budget ones I can think of were anime shorts like Tesagure (which was produced entirely in mikumikudance and it shows)


    Though for whatever reason, anime shorts have been dying off. Like five or so years ago we used to get several, but nowadays it's rare to see any that kind of exist on their own. A lot of them are stuff like chibi gag shorts for existing shows, or stuff like that. I guess it's not hard to imagine why since they were so insubstantial, but I enjoyed randomly watching some four minute episode series now and then.

  7. Movies seem to be made by people I don't have any association with, for people that I don't care to associate with nowadays, but I guess they were never getting my money anyway* so it's working as intended? I seriously wonder how a lot of the hollywood stuff makes money now - are theatres back? I assumed most of them died out during covid.


    *t. person who actually really loved dune and is excited for dune 2 (it's the ONLY outlier though)

  8. 13 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    I understand that people will use CGI because most of traditional animation is becoming an actual lost art.  But can't we at least have good CGI?

    It's really funny to me how WILDLY different 3DCG capability is from series to series (I guess studio to studio more specifically). This is me mainly talking out of my ass with no facts to back it up, but it seems like most of it is still seen as cost saving so techniques that make it look less terrible haven't really been bothered to be mastered. It might legitimately be because there's more money to developing your 3DCG animation in non-anime ventures like games or movies, so very few have bothered doing it at all?


    Like even as a huge houseki no kuni fan I can also point out another example like Bubuki Buranki which did a good job of keeping a consistent style (look at the fucking guns n stuff in that trailer as an example of not that LOL) and blending in 2D for certain scenes when it looked better, and stuff like actually having your 3d characters in a scene not look like they're being greenscreened in which is incredibly common and shows up in that trailer too


    It's kind of funny that I think there was a bit of a 3DCG "boom" a few years ago, but most of them flopped so hard only really dedicated studios like Orange bothered continuing with them (or they were like Love Live where they had assets from games that they were used to using and/or only used them for very specific things).

  9. You know they still ring true. #46 is particularly great because there's examples of it in basically every single genre so you'll see it no matter what type of anime you watch. I also really love #41 especially in a specific show but I don't wanna spoil that awesome reveal so I'll shut my mouth.


    Is there actually a film/directing term for #10? I get cracked up by it every time because it's so cheesy but I kinda like it still

  10. 9 minutes ago, TheOnlyGuyEver said:

    I've always wondered how they're able to sell them for so cheap. There's no way that whatever they put in there is actually tea.

    I was actually concerned because for the 4th of july they had rocket pop flavored Arizona that was labelled "Extra sweet!"


    Now if you've ever had any Arizonas, you'd know that they're already extra sweet. So take that in for a moment. They felt the need to label it as extra sweet, despite a majority of their flavors already being extra sweet. That scares me.

  11. 1 hour ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    Went to the gas station.  They were selling cans of Arizona Tea for $1.29.


    This is the most dire sign of inflation I have seen.

    To think at the magic GP in 2015 or whenever it was my friends and I stocked up on 50 cent Arizonas and drank nothing but those the entire convention (and then felt like shit the entire time since all the nutritional value we consumed was donuts in the morning and arizonas throughout the day)


    It's a sad era we live in...

  12. 8 minutes ago, FreshHalibut said:

    So TF2 got an update that enabled 100 man servers.

    It's absolute chaos.

    It's always a good sign when they add something in a patch and in the same line say "this is unsupported and not recommended"


    Will we have some maps designed for 48v48 some day???

  13. Honestly this kind of talk makes me think about my personal wishlist for FPS games in terms of cool mechanics that get me loving a game (over just thinking it's okay). The list is wildly different if it's a singleplayer or a multiplayer game, but there's a lot of commonalities. For singleplayer it's probably something like "Titanfall 2 with more content" though there are probably some extra mechanics/stuff to loan from other games that would blend well with titanfall's frantic combat. For multiplayer the list has changed considerably as I've went from game to game, honestly I feel like if I wrote up a design document for a multiplayer FPS it would simplify to "a list of trauma I have from the multiplayer game I currently play the most"

  14. I was so fucking tired of there being no parking where I work so I just moved the cones for the reserved parking spaces I never see anyone using. If I get vanned and never post again, you'll all know what happened.


    Seriously though, I wish we lived in pokemon land where people can just fold out transportation from their pockets so there is never a parking issue ever again god damn I hate it.

  15. 43 minutes ago, Raison d'être said:

    To be clear I'm not asking "Why hasn't every FPS adopted this feature?" - I'm asking why no other game has. Sure, it wouldn't work for anything with competitive multiplayer, but plenty of FPS games don't have that, nor should they.

    Honestly I'm pretty much with you, a lot of shooters could stand to have something fun going on there or at least add some spice. For all the strides FPS games have made to add immersion like crazy tracer FX, near-miss sounds, supersonic cracks, it's honestly a little weird that there hasn't been much in the way of tweaks for reloading. Honestly the only thing I can think of as concrete evidence of neat stuff with reloads isn't even gameplay related at all, it's just the extremely rare reload animations that some games throw in as an easter egg. Even that really gets me, I remember for the longest time whenever I had a Scout in Apex I'd think about "what if I get the super rare Garand reload?!" Even though it was very rare AND you needed to fully empty the gun (which was pretty rare since it was very ammo efficient). There's definitely been development in reload animations in general, but not necessarily much in mechanics.


    As a kid I always thought about how it'd be cool if there was a game that let you reload in different ways, like a trick reload that was faster but fucked up if you got hit or something, dumb stuff like that. I figured it was only a matter of time before that happened, but it didn't really ever show up (Advanced Warfare's speed for ammo is the closest I ever encountered). Kinda wish people played around with it more, it would especially fit in a FEAR or Doom type "one man army" shooter since that stuff primarily runs on rule of cool and that's where you can throw in some badass (if impractical) reload animations


    As an aside that one of the things that Valve talked about in Half Life: Alyx's commentary tracks they talked about reloading in VR and how playtesters reacted to it. They thought that people would be overwhelmed and hate reloads that were more realistic/intricate but instead people really responded well to them even if they technically just made things harder. Reloading in VR is damn fun, I'd be lying if I didn't say I spent a lot of time in H3VR doing my own cringy reload drills just to see what stupid tricks I could pull off consistently.


    Oh yeah! Speaking of Valve stuff, CS:GO has the CZ Auto which has a unique reload for the first time in a round because it has the weird "mag attached to the front" thing going on. But after that I'm pretty sure it uses another pistol's standard reloads. That's a fun detail tbqh

  16. I saw a lot of buzz about the announcement but I, too, thought "wait this wasn't already confirmed?"


    Well if the show is quality that would be cool. Trigger isn't exactly my favorite studio and I also don't have nostalgia for gainax stuff, but there's potential at least? Not gonna bother getting hype for it

  17. 7 hours ago, Raison d'être said:

    After I first played it about 15 years ago I was thinking that there's got to be other games with this feature, but I've not seen them yet. Which is strange, since it's a really neat TECHNOLOGY feature to have. The closest I've seen was Killing Floor 2 changing some reload animations with perks, but that's not really the same thing (though it is also cool).

    The closest thing to some actually interesting reload technology from a "recent" game was titanfall's (and by extension Apex Legends) gated reloads where if you swapped while reloading it would remember and force you to finish parts of it. So if you switch off from empty after your character inserted a new mag but didn't charge the gun, you'd still have to do that and stuff like that. Plenty of games have something similar but titanfall had it more developed than I'd seen anywhere else and it's a nice little detail. Actually, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare had a reloading mechanic where if you double-tapped reload you'd reload faster but drop all remaining ammo, and THAT had unique animations (sometimes). It was actually a fairly interesting thing because it meant ammo perks like Scavenger had a hidden benefit of increasing your reload speed since you didn't have to worry about wasting ammo. Very few people engaged with that mechanic though, I feel like at times I was the only one who knew. (It also had wildly different efficiency based on the weapons, some of them barely benefited at all from it) I wouldn't mind seeing it elsewhere, maybe it is and I just didn't play the games that have it


    This discussion kind of makes me remember basically the only thing I actually can recall from the Gears of War games, where reloading had that little minigame where you could get it in the sweet spot to reload faster. Is there just a weird era of late-xbox-early-360 games trying to innovate on random things like reloads?


    PlanetSide 2 actually had an implant that increased your reload speed when your shield was broke and it became part of an infamous exploit primarily used to ruin fights by killing spawn points. Oops. But I could write a lot about planetside's reloading quirks and absolutely none of it would be interesting at all


    Ultimately I think it's probably as rynjin says. It's both less work to do and more consistent which is what people want. 
