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A 1970 Corvette

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Posts posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. 9 hours ago, Moby said:

    Still wish I didn't had to replace it tho.

    Yeah adjusting to a new tablet is rough. I hopped from a wacom bamboo probably not dissimilar to yours (can't remember the model though) to an xp-pen star and then later to an xp-pen display tablet (artist 12 I think) and every time it took weeks to adjust. Even after I just got used to orienting my hands and getting the right strokes, the display on the artist 12 took a lot of fiddling before the colors were close to correct. It washed out skin tones something fierce and needed a huge contrast boost to accurately show off light gray sketching lines.


    XP-Pen stuff has a very distinct chinesium packaging/software but they've been functional enough for me, though I dunno if I'd recommend them over the more established huion / wacom stuff.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Moby said:

    So, talking about drawings, my drawing tablet pen is completely broken. It started to mess up the pressure randomly, drag things without touching the surface, lines would keep going long after I removed the pen from the table.

    I opened it to see what was the problem and the buttons crumbled apart. I tried to fix it but then the thin wires all snapped. Easy to say that there is no hope left.


    There is no way to replace this pen because it is a CTL470, made more than 10 years ago.

    So, I open for suggestions for a new one.


    Was thinking about either getting a CTL472 from Wacom or a HS64 from Huion.

    Honestly they seem fairly similar, I would personally lean towards the Wacom if they were a similar price (I'm seeing the H64 cheaper but I live in a different region than you so idk if you're seeing that too). The H64 apparently has more pressure sensitivity levels but I'm not sure how much that will be noticeable above a certain point. I trust Wacom a little more than Huion though both have decent enough reputations from when I did my research a few years ago for my own tablets.


    I had a similar situation to you where a simple wacom tablet of mine worked for an extremely long time through daily use (it outlived its support, and I had to jump through hoops to find the software actually when moving OSes, kind of a pain but a testament to how well put together it was). If they still make 'em like that then getting another would be pretty safe.

  3. While I was browsing around trying to fix some other terrible fucking Origin shitshow related to buying the titanfall 2 steam release while owning the inferior origin release and that causing the steam version to be unplayable (never found the solution btw and I'm not convinced there is one) I ran across a classic support forum happening


    "just right click and press exit anyway lol" god I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry

  4. 7 hours ago, Raison d'être said:

    Trepang 2 is fun. It's basically a faster-paced F.E.A.R., complete with great enemy death screams.


    People say the story isn't much but I think it's honestly pretty good for what it is (an excuse to shoot things), and the atmosphere felt nice. My only complaint is that it's a bit short, but I can excuse that since what's there is good and the dev team is new and small.


    I played the demo and it was pretty fun, definitely put the game on my radar since I loved FEAR. It nails a lot of stuff, I especially liked the lighting system which was a cool angle that I don't see often in games. It made me interested in seeing how the gameplay would evolve. Honestly this might have been a result from recently playing Shattered Steel (a game with bullet time and sliding and general sonic speed gunplay going on), but I kept trying to wallrun and it never worked.


    My biggest complaint was the soundtrack but that's probably personal preference (doom 2016 and its consequences have been disastrous for 'violent' fps game soundtracks)

  5. 2 hours ago, FreshHalibut said:

    I really wonder how the next generation interprets the gaming sphere.


    I started with an N64. I got into retro Snes and Genesis games. I had a cool uncle who got me into the golden age of PC gaming. I got to see the rise of Indies from Cave Story getting published on Wii to the modern indie scene.


    I wonder how someone who only grew up with like an Xbone and chromebook would see things?

    Maybe the newer generation is who is buying all this game pass shit they're pushing

  6. So basically Leto II was right and fixating on pre-existing calculated paths is the slow death of humanity.


    Honestly my point of view was probably fairly close to what Gyoku's describing for someone born in the 2000s where I didn't even really "get" the 80s nostalgia or what it was, it was just something that was ever-present. Some movies or things just had that feel and I didn't even realize it was how things actually were at a time, and it wasn't until later that I put it together that the 80s actually happened (as dumb as that may sound).


    It's impossible for me to untangle my own bias as a "hates popular thing" kind of person but nostalgia being so thoroughly run out gives me a bad taste in my mouth. Honestly, this might be a weird example, but I think the thing that finally clicked it all for me was reading Ready Player One. I just put down that book and was like "this is some weirdo's story about if the world became infatuated with everything he liked as a kid" and it felt gross just thinking about it. 


    ...The phenomenon of people squirreling into their own gated communities on the internet of course provides a potential relief from it, but I think that has some other issues. I feel like because of that happening we've got a weird situation where the gulfs between people on the internet are so wide that only extremely hot-button widespread things are crossing the gaps, namely weird political shit (and it's so rarely anything that leads to any good interactions). Is that a weird take? I feel like it's very inescapable unless you are specifically trying to avoid areas where different groups meet for discussions

  7. 8 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    We all know what "80's music" is.


    But what would you guys consider "90's music?"


    It seems like in popular media it has been revised to mean "Nirvana, rap and maybe some boy bands."  But how do you think about it?

    This will betray my complete lack of broad taste:

    1. thrash metal at its height (early 90s) and a ton of good thrash bands turning to shit or disappearing entirely (mid-late 90s) though admittedly the 90s weren't good to a lot of metal bands in general

    2. death metal that probably is good but sounds like it was recorded over a phone inside of a car in a garage (it probably was)

    3. radio stuff but honestly for me it blends with 2000s music too much for me to definitively point out 90s versus 2000s

  8. Speaking of shitty parts lasting forever, I had my laptop just brick recently. That's basically fine, since I bought it for cheap off of ebay for shits and giggles. In fact I ordered another cheap office surplus laptop to replace it, so no harm really.


    The thing is, I was trying to think if I had something that I could use in the interim to watch videos in bed or whatever, so I dug up my old surface RT tablet my brother gave to me ages ago. I knew it was a longshot, but oh man was windows 8.1RT the fucking worst thing ever. Honestly it's really a warning (threat?) of what Microsoft wanted to do before everyone so violently rejected Windows 8 as a whole that they had to put off their plans to make everything the worst and boil the frog rather than flash-fry it.


    First of all, it didn't work at all when I retrieved it from the closet because the surface RT tablets did automatic back ups that could not be cleaned by the hard drive cleanup tool, and it literally filled up the entire storage available to the computer to the point where it didn't even have a page file. With 2gb of ram, that meant that apparently the tablet couldn't even restart consistently, because when I tried to do the factory reset from within the OS it would literally just fail and say "for some reason the tablet can't reboot!"


    I found out a way to factory reset it using a recovery disk (that DEMANDED you put in the Surface's serial code before you got the files for the tablet, thanks microsoft I'm sure people really wanted to pirate or reverse engineer this trash fire of an OS) and eventually I was able to get the tablet in semi-working order. The issue was... The frontend "app store" for it no longer seems to load at all, so you can't get any new programs (or even updates) because windows 8.1rt can't even run .exe files. It's a weird walled garden OS thing that looks like windows and has a desktop like windows with microsoft office but can't actually run anything that's not from the windows store (which doesn't load up anymore).


    But that's not really an issue, I just wanted to watch youtube on it mainly until a real device got in. Except because it's cut off from updates and also just getting a new browser off the internet, the thing only has Internet Explorer 10, which is deprecated and several websites (like youtube) just straight up say "lol no, get a real browser" and slam the door in your face. I even had found some adblocking lists for IE10 so I had something resembling one, even if they were likely well out of date.


    Basically, at every turn the device failed to do anything. And that makes sense for nowadays since it's like ten years old, but the thing is, it barely did anything at launch. The only issue that I talked about above that wasn't a thing at launch was the internet explorer being deprecated part.


    I want to put up a shrine to this piece of junk. It really feels like an embodiment of everything "tech" companies want to do. It's an underspecced, form-over-function device with a hamstringed OS with no future-proofing built in and no way for a user to fix the problems with it themselves. The best I can say is that the screen is nice and displays color well (but it's an ugly ~720p resolution instead of glorious 1080p).

  9. I've been playing here and there after a few years-long break and yeah I don't remember hating sniper as much as I did back when I was playing years ago. It can probably at least partially be chalked up to playing uncletopia servers where good players are more likely to show up? idk


    I kind of just hate the play patterns you have to gravitate towards to play around a good sniper, offense or defense, koth or payload. There's a lot to it and room for skill in the counterplay but it's just fucking annoying to do rather than any fun, like a fighting game


    Now to be a complete hypocrite, the "small" change to the huntsman to let you jump rev it completely fixed all my issues with the weapon, and I love it

  10. There is definitely a "stages of weeb" that I think most people go through which is usually interesting. I like Japanese but that might be coming from a cushy place of leisurely teaching myself it from entertainment pieces like games and manga. If I had to use it in day to day I might develop a more nuanced view of the language and notice things that I don't like about it as much. I'd probably also learn a lot faster if I used it in a conversational sense and not just reading and listening, but oh well.


    Culturewise I'm totally fine with sticking to the fun stuff and not really looking for the terrible side which I think is an ideal strat for most things.

  11. You know, one of the things I enjoy most about PlanetSide is being able to completely dictate the pace of play for yourself, being an open world game and all. You get to see the whole map and pick out what fight to play at, so if you hate a certain type of gameplay you can eventually pick up on the signs and learn to just not go to those fights, and conversely also know how to find the fights you'd wanna pick out. Since player counts are so high (for a single map, not for the whole game sadly) you can also just dip out of a fight if you need a breather, even right in the middle of it all. Alternatively you can start the redeploy timer the exact second you've killed the last player at a base, in order to get in the map screen and jump into another fight instantly. It's really fun and you can push yourself if you're up to it or take a minute or two break if you just got killed by a fucking bolter and need a bit to rattle off a rant about how they're apparently completely okay and not the most egregious balance issue in the game especially since MAXes got "nerfed". I also like how you can pivot playstyles in a second, if you are annoyed that some hill tank killed you, you can just drop everything and C4 him. 


    I bring this all up because I've been really wanting to find a newer multiplayer FPS game and I feel like I've been spoiled by planetside now, a lot of them feel like you're really locked into a single game for a while (especially battle royale games) and/or you don't really get to decide downtime/uptime/playstyle for yourself (games with a heavy teamplay requirements, locking you into something for a whole match, or just dying meaning you're out until the next round). All the games that kinda hit that note for me, like TF2, are just as old if not older and it makes me a little sad cuz I want something fresh, you know?

  12. I had a dream one of my friend's dads finally cracked and sort of held us hostage as he drove around town trying to find someone to shoot.


    Except the person wasn't even my friend's dad cuz I know what he looks like but my dream labelled him as such. I don't get it.

  13. 1 hour ago, Rynjin said:

    Which leads me into my own sidebar on this that I was thinking of before I even got to this post: I do not give a single fuck what people from Nevada say, it's "Neh-VAH-duh" not "Neh-VAD-uh". Take your L, the other 49 States of this country put you in your place a long time ago.

    Psh as if we're scared of the other states. How many times has Nevada been nuked? You don't scare us, come and change the pronunciation yourself. Just don't cut off our water pls we'll die

  14. I suppose I'll go on my own little weeb tangent in that I really don't like the adoption of "waifu" as "catch all term for anime girl." This is of course partially because waifu is an established term for obsessive anime losers as is that has very specific meaning (as in a fictional character you are married to) and its not like there are other terms for anime girls out there either. I really don't get why it happened other than because waifu was a late-2000s weaboo word that people heard in weeb-adjacent parody works too often and thought it just referred to literally any character at any time. Either way it both reduces the significance of actually being married to a fictional character and also sounds really fucking dumb (waifu should never be pluralized to "waifus" for so many reasons).


    I also feel like the word "shitposting" has done terrible damage to the world, though I think it's just a symptom of how people communicate and not really the term itself. Literally shit posting isn't really something anyone would want to do (except scat fetishists) but since the term was coined it stopped being "posting shit" and became "shitposting," if that makes any sense. This happens with a lot of stuff obviously but there's just something about this one in particular that irks me. Maybe it's because shitpost has kind of become a quirky term for just saying whatever without thinking which I think generally just fosters a reputation for, as the name implies, shit posting quality overall.


    This is all a little moot though since I regularly make pretty shit posts, but still. It's a thought that pops into my head now and then. Unfortunately if it wasn't "shitpost" it'd be something else, I don't think there's anything that could save it from becoming a thing one way or another.


    11 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    I'm talking about stuff like "Eelai Minnesota" (for Ely, should be pronounced "Eelee")

    Oh hey, Nevada has an Ely and I guess we pronounce it correctly. I always wondered about that one.

  15. I seriously was floored when I saw my friend's win11 computer because it looked like the Mac OSX edition that shipped with the 2011 mac we got back in the day, the context menus and look and feel of the UI is like that. Win10 is usable mainly just because I got classic shell and various little fixes for shit that drove me crazy. Unfortunately Gyoku is right, there's basically no incentive for the UI to be improved from a usability standpoint so it will likely never improve.


    It's only a matter of time before win10 gets deprecated and then I'm hoping I can jump ship without issues.



  16. ZeXaL is really good tbh. Did the "protag starts out terrible at ygo" thing and actually worked really well and then just kept ramping things up. Honestly I'd say it kind of took what GX was trying to do and did it right, in terms of starting off with a simple concept and ramping things up to crazy space catastrophes.


    Arc-V is definitely the best series if you stop watching after the first season and imagine it actually progressing to something awesome instead of what it actually became.

    DM's original charm can't be understated and characters like Kaiba are so iconic and awesome they're still dominating the public view of the series even after so many spinoff series


    The other ones I've not watched tho. Arc-V scarred me I guess, never wanted to touch another one after it.
