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A 1970 Corvette

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Posts posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. I wonder how someone can really stumble on a website like this anymore though. I mean someone who may have been on SPUF in the past who got sent a link to this place ages ago when bigSPUF died, maybe, but we all know how searches are nowadays. The likelihood of this coming up for anyone not looking for it has gotta be astronomical, right?


    Unless one day we get some children's cartoon with the main character named Spuf or something and we get 12 million people trying to google it at once

  2. 13 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    These also made me realize that Marisa becomes incredibly hard to recognize when she's not wearing her hat.

    I always thought I had trouble with that because I was a filthy tertiary to 2hu. Does it happen to everyone?

  3. My example was actually Houseki no Kuni, which tended to go on random hiatus spurts especially during the end. While there are theories that the author was trying to line up the release of the last chapter with an astronomical phenomenon that have some credence, it didn't make the schedule less rough and it may have been a coincidence.


    Luckily now that the manga is finished, I think a lot of readers agree that it was rough to wait for individual chapters but when put all together it reads really well. There was a point where a chapter ends with the line "Until then, have a nice ten thousand years." and readers were concerned that it was getting a little meta when the next chapter kept getting delayed over and over.


    I will admit that Ichikawa's hiatuses are small time game compared to HiatusXHiatus and probably other huge series though

  4. It's really funny because if you frame step through it you can see he snaps his view to my left, exposing his weak shoulder, but if you are just watching it at full speed you can't even see it happen and it really just looks like he's staring me in the eyes


    the statue being in the position it does also makes it look even worse

  5. I wish the gas passer stopped snipers from scoping in


    it wouldn't make the weapon good, but it would give Pyro half as big of a "fuck you" as Sniper has with the DDS

  6. 16 minutes ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    The real way to prevent getting doxed as an internet celebrity.


    -Make very clear at the start that you are privacy conscious and won't be giving away private information.

    -"Accidentally" make offhand remarks that hint at your background, but largely do not give anything too specific away, like alluding to living in a specific state, being in certain clubs in high school, etc.

    -Fans obsess over these little tidbits and eventually come up with someone they're pretty sure is you, but don't yet have the definitive smoking gun for, making them pour all of their time into getting that last confirmation.

    -Jokes on them, all the personal details you talked about have nothing to do with you but instead come from some rando who overshares on facebook, and who will be definitively declared to be you when you get "doxed."

    I actually have this train of thought now and then which is funny seeing someone else thinking about it. 


    I would almost want to take it in the opposite direction where you keep leaking stuff that is circuitous and obviously can't be connected at all, but that would just cause people to stop caring after enough time

  7. 33 minutes ago, Razputin said:

    I think the weapons most in dire need for a buff are all the Pyromania pyro unlocks, which just all either fell barely short (Dragon's Fury being able to be reflected and missing an airblast makes you killbind) or just turned out kind of garbage (all the other ones). It's depressing the second banana was actually the most truly viable unlock with TF2's last real update.

    It's kind of fun to see this come up because it's one that I constantly think about. The Dragon's Fury is frustratingly close to a powerful option that you can run full time but its airblast is so bad (feels worse than the backburner which has its own bevy of issues). The Gas Passer is one of those ones that is in the opposite direction, where it's not even close to powerful and it's hard to easily figure out what made them think it was in a shippable state. The hot hand... melees are a pain in the ass to design so I almost can just accept this one being a troll weapon, but still, couldn't it have just been a disciplinary action-like?


    41 minutes ago, Razputin said:

    For a rework it would probably be Spy in its entirety, I really dislike how the 'meta' Spy has turned into Kunai and Dead Ringer abuse. It's quite funny how that combo can give Spy the highest effective health and movement speed in the game and still leave him the weakest class. In my opinion the big issue with Spy is that even if you get a reasonable amount of kills with him, you're still not applying as much pressure as a Soldier/Demo/Heavy shooting down a hallway. Getting kills doesn't mean much in TF2 if you're not gaining ground with it so in 12v12, an invisible spy is just a player down. If Spy was able to provide pressure like the other classes and then go invisible to try to make a play on a flank, he'd feel a lot less absent

    Can't agree more honestly. I hate the dead ringer, I hate the Kunai's gameplay patterns, I hate how the class's meta is the antithesis of stealthy and moreso just abusing speed buffs to trickstab people and surf whatever the enemy team's weakest links are. 


    At least they have to be near you unlike sniper. Also sometimes provide a fun use case for the Backburner since they usually just completely crutch on the resistance to let them outrun you.


    49 minutes ago, Razputin said:

    It should have some kind of passive like the other two banners.

    I've wracked my brain for a long time trying to think of a fitting and viable passive for the Buff Banner but I never really managed to think of one. Do you have any?

  8. The buff banner really makes me sad. The only times I have really good plays with it is when I banner on a Heavy (usually Wicket) and basically act like a jank kritz. Even on the slightly-more-organized-than-casual uncletopia servers it's very hard to play with and not feel like you're not gimping yourself for not just packing a shotgun.


    You know, every TF2 player with thousands of hours has their spicy ideas on balancing weapons. If you have them, what's your spicy takes for the categories of a buff for a underpowered weapon, a nerf for an overperforming weapon, and a complete rework for one of any type?

  9. 40 minutes ago, Moby said:

    I never heard about cut content anywhere.

    You know I checked back on it and I realize now I misread the pcggamingwiki page which talked about a week in paradise mod and not the paradise lost mode. So yeah that was me being a dummy

  10. 2 minutes ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    You didn't use my secret catnip strats to turn the dervish cats into your own army!

    Honestly what actually happened was I started collecting cats from the weekdays without noticing and then I used the super shotgun so much I kind of forgot anything else existed.


    I eventually did notice that using the cats as suppressors on the weekend also made them launch towards enemies in dervish mode which kind of gives an extra attack, but I didn't make that much good use of it unfortunately (may have made certain fights where there's just WAY TOO MANY ENEMIES AT ONCE more bearable if I had them though)


    Honestly this just brings up another part of the inventory that is a pain in the ass where the tab menu is too clunky but using the brackets to try and find what you want to use is also a pain in the ass.  Maybe it's something you can do but I'd rather just bind things like "use cat" and "use radar" and "use crackpipe" individually. Especially since the "use healing item" mixes up your donuts that heal for 5 hp and your health pipes that set your HP to 125 no matter what and I never understood its logic.

  11. 44 minutes ago, FreshHalibut said:

    Yeah, Apocalypse weekend is generally regarded as a pretty bad expansion pack.
    Monday to Friday is the core game and Saturday/Sunday turns into a crappy corridor shooter for most of it.

    Running around the hospital with nothing but scissors trying to kill dervish cats and coleman hallucinations was painful.


    But if you haven't played it already, Paradise Lost is an excellent expansion.

    It adds another week starting after the apocalypse weekend, a bunch more content, and it's free roaming like M-F.

    It's essentially Postal 2 - Two.

    I read that the steam "postal 2 complete" randomly cut content from Paradise Lost, is that something that actually matters or is it minor stuff?


    Also the scissors in particular were very sad for me because they had homages in sourcemods like SMOD where they were actually good weapons so when I saw them in P2 I was like "Oh shit THAT'S where they came from?!" But they were so anemic I couldn't bear it

  12. I finally got around to finishing Postal 2. I had played up until Friday my first time, then I had some issue that made me stop playing. I went back and did the entire game.


    Let me just say I shouldn't have because I had experienced all the good parts of the game and the weekend was a complete slog with much less of what made the game fun or memorable and a lot of bad level and enemy design. All of it topped off with the worst boss fight I've ever played in a game, including shitty source or half life mods, where it's basically just running a circle around the boss and holding down M1 while adds that can't even hurt you unless you do something dumb like light them on fire spawn in. The cherry on top was that as I killed the boss, the game crashed and didn't even give me the ending cutscene. Now at least that is probably due to it being an old game, but everything else was much less excusable.


    It is sort of a game that gaslights you by spawning enemies in places you'd have labeled as "safe" if you've played an FPS game before, like places directly in your field of view or directly behind you. During the week it's a little excusable since the map is open and you could be approaching from different directions as you play, but the weekend section is basically linear and still does that shit to you.


    It also has a serious inventory bloat issue where there are almost a dozen melee weapons ranging from "instantly kill non-boss enemies with one swing" to "30 direct hits to kill a basic enemy." The basic shotgun is fucking worthless, but the super shotgun is probably the best weapon in the tight corridoor areas of the game (which is about 3/4ths of the game). The stock pistol is worthless outside of the start, but randomly deals insane damage to one particular boss. This sandbox of quirky weapons works better in the open world branch of the game where you can experiment on weak enemies and becomes basically a debuff as you play near the end where enemies are too tanky to bother using anything other than the strongest weapons and all that happens is you have to tab through them to get to the actually good weapons


    It also does something that really drives me up a wall in games where enemies can make better use of weapons than you can. Chief among these are grenades which are useless for you (both impossible to hit enemies with without hurting yourself, and also are so anemic that they only threaten basic enemies that die to everything else) but incredibly frustrating when enemies use them, but also most fire-based weapons which only work in the most open areas of the game since enemies that are on fire will just beeline towards you and set you on fire too. Explosives in general seem to only have wide explosion radii for you, and not for enemies and near the end of the game even the rocket launcher feels like a waste of time since the more stock weapons like the AR and the super shotgun guarantee a self-damage-less kill that is more consistent.


    Despite all that I had fun with it, I just kinda hated the weekend segment. It's kind of really short if you don't include the weekend though and probably doesn't replay super well since part of the fun is the stupid jokes and terrible dated humor. I only managed to have a positive experience replaying it since it had been around six years since I last played it.

  13. I've never used an alarm clock in my life. I started using my DS's alarm clock feature when I needed one, and then as time has gone on I've always had some kind of device to handle alarms for me from then on.



    It's an effective alarm I'd say. I use a dumb joke as my alarm now, but this would be one I'd consider if I was going to take one that is easier to explain.

    I think I've seen one of those clocks at a military base's housing though.

  14. I still kick myself for not finding some way to archive my puush account (I didn't want to deal with sharex or whatever it turned into). At some point I had it save a lot of the things I puushed to another folder, but it didn't capture all of it and none of the stuff from before that was saved.


    I mean most of it would probably be cringeworthy memes and screenshots but still.

  15. 3 hours ago, Moby said:

    Warner Brothers is going on a massive tax break deletion spree, they have set some games published by Adult Swim Games to be delisted from Steam (Small Radios and Fist Puncher)


    They might also go for other games like Samurai Jack, Kingsway and Duck Game, so might be worth looking out in case they do.

    They can pry Duck Game from my cold, dead hands. That game is still a staple of my group's couch game rotation

  16. 1 hour ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    It's been over a decade since Jontron was on Game Grumps.

    Exactly, the velocity hydrocity is such an ancient term that it can be officially declared distinct in its root


    actually wait I might be misremembering because he might have called something "electrocity" and not "hydrocity" and that's going to completely deflate my non-argument

  17. 2 minutes ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    In infinite craft "sailor" plus "moon" doesn't get you "sailor moon."


    But "anime" plus "David Bowie" does.


    What did the AI mean by this?

    You see anime and david bowie would give me the Naruto Abridged Parody Fandub Spoof Series Show, but that in and of itself makes about as much sense.


    Unless there's some kind of david bowie and sailor moon parallel I'm not seeing. Maybe sailor moon -> moon is in space -> space oddity -> david bowie is enough of an association.

  18. Just had a feature length movie one.


    Immigrant family of mother and son* move to a new country with nothing and fall on hard times, inciting incident is eventually having to commit murder just to survive (doesn't really show it but implied it was a corrupt landlord). Somehow, though this kinda shows dream logic jumps, the two eventually join the military to change their fortunes, though there's several issue where their documents aren't clean and they are guilty of a murder, though the case is obviously cold by now. They have moments of tension where they have to mess with records before being sent to their commanding officers, keep their lies straight, etc. While life abroad in the military isn't great, they obviously like it more than abject poverty, and near the end of their tour of duty abroad there's a moment where someone asks the younger boy if they'd have a smoke and gamble with them after all is said and done and they're back in the country. I remember the scene gets really intense as the line comes up.


    And that was the exact moment that the movie cut for me, right before the boy gave an answer, and I remember seeing threads being made complaining "SO WAS THAT THE FUCKING DEVIL TEMPTING HIM OR SOMETHING WHAT" and there was this whole wild raging debate about whether the end was artistic genius or a complete anticlimax, and/or some kind of weird religious grandstanding by the director. I remember thinking the power went out in my house for a moment.


    *I think in hindsight it makes more sense if they're sister and brother, considering how their ages would have to be similar to join the military, but I remember they were originally mother and son. Just another dream gap I guess.

  19. I had a very strange night yesterday where I remembered I played some of Crysis 3 and was feeling like getting back into it. I remembered playing like three levels, so I was pretty sure I would just spend the night remembering how the game works and then maybe finish it up later in the week, but then the game just ended.


    I had apparently forgot that Crysis 3 was one of those sequels where it was just a DLC that they called a full game (if I remember there were a lot of these around the early-mid 2010s). What a strange experience where I tried to remember what had gone on, and as I was remembering and piecing it all together the game just started throwing up "this is the last mission" flags and then we shot the big giant alien to death.


    I remember finishing 2 and was like "this wasn't like a masterpiece but it was pretty good, how bad could 3 really be?" the answer surprised me. There's also significant issues I have with the story, both the initial premise (and ending of Crysis 2) as well as just what goes on in 3 specifically, but it's kinda clear it was rushed on pretty much every level. It's really funny playing with a pretty beefy computer TEN YEARS LATER and it performing poorly - not really in the entire game being a slideshow, but certain effects being FPS killers even when the rest of the scene is perfectly fine, which I think is a lot more annoying since it's hard to tell what you would even need to turn down in order to fix it. I will preface some of my perf issues and glitches potentially being due to using the CFG tweaker that was released by the official devs but stamped with a "this can introduce wonkiness," but the settings I tweaked with it were mainly things like FOV and just turning up eye candy effects (bold of me to think my 3090 could handle a ten year old game, I know). Several bugs were entirely gameplay though, like special weapons removing movement penalties from armor mode so you just pick up a flammenwerfer and then be a track star facetanking every enemy and just running to the end of every fight arena.


    I did get this recording of a terrible bug though.



  20. 2 hours ago, FreshHalibut said:

    I did think the idea of perception altering drugs was interesting and hasn't been done too often in FPS games I think.

    Other than stupid stuff like Infradyne in PS2 which is just "use for thermal vision for X seconds" the only thing I can think of is Team Fortress Classic's Spy grenade 


    Which honestly has a really well done effect with all the phantom grenades coming at you, though I couldn't tell you if it was actually a fun game mechanic in the slightest
