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A 1970 Corvette

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Posts posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. As long as you live long enough to be a part of the catastrophe, instead of your charred corpse.I also wonder if Helen still had her echoing voice when talking to the committee. Maybe she brought along an Alarm-O-Tron 5000 to keep the effect, or had one built inside her.On a side note, I can imagine us going mini-achievement server in terms of the new Doomsday achievements when it's added.

    I say we find all the map exploits and then use them to troll srs![C'mon, there's bound to be SOMETHING in that map...]

  2. A three-day update......The drop cap resets on Wednesday...Yes.I have the sneaking suspicion that we aren't getting any Spy weapons.

    My god, I just got finished reading the page with the Administrator, and DAMMIT I want to know what the Redacted parts say.

    Oh, that's easy. She said [DATA EXPUNGED], but when the Senator asked [DATA EXPUNGED] so then [DATA EXPUNGED].And now you know the truth.On the bright side, we know the Administrator isn't married. Gigolo might have a chance with her.

  3. It's BATTLEFRONTThat aside, that is the only game you need to own on a playstation.

    But you can play it on a Xbox...Before I got sucked into PC, I was a Macrosoft and Nintendo person the whole time. I had a childhood. It was called the NES64. Now I wanna play some Battlefront. (It's a shame that all of the sequels were handheld games. Why can't we get a good sequel?)

  4. What is that theme song? I want to say either maggiver or Hawaii 50.

    Humorously, it is the Magnum P.I. theme.I'm surprised how many people reacted to my posting of that. Granted, it took me a week to stop watching it, but wow.

  5. I like that card.But I want something a smidge more lightning themed. And something to do with stealing Life Points, but only if I attack your life points directly instead of attacking a monster to damage you (geddit?).Thanks in advance. :)

    Great. Should I use your sig picture or your avatar?