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Icecubes of Fury

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Everything posted by Icecubes of Fury

  1. Icecubes of Fury

    Muslims Kill 12 in Attack on French Newspaper

    WARNING: OFFENSIVE MATERIAL CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK https://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/bacon/
  2. Icecubes of Fury


    I pronounce it "gif"
  3. Icecubes of Fury

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Yes, I would. There's worse ways to spend your money
  4. Icecubes of Fury

    How does one pronounce SPUF?

    I pronounce it "Hell"
  5. Icecubes of Fury

    Anime General Discussion

    Just watched Gunbuster and it was kickin! If you have not seen it yet, I highly suggest you drop whatever you're doing and watch it
  6. Icecubes of Fury

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I don't get it
  7. Icecubes of Fury

    Recommend Me a Good Game

    The only way to have fun is to settle for the best, so here's THE BEST GAMES EVER MADE F-Zero GX Killing other racers at 50 miles past the speed of sound God Hand Beating up dudes with a fuckton of different sweet moves Metroid Prime 1/2 action shooting, 1/2 comfy exploring Kirby Super Star (Ultra) Comfy platforming, lots of variety Star Fox 64 Awesome space shooting with memorable bosses and dialogue. Really short, but has branching paths If you've already played these games then play them again, and then play Thunder Force IV
  8. Icecubes of Fury

    TF2 general

    Wait, is scout getting a xenomorph costume? Is it halloween restricted?
  9. Icecubes of Fury

    Anime General Discussion

    That's a cute figure, corv! What's it from?
  10. Icecubes of Fury

    Robin Williams found dead

    Very funny man! Shame that he's dead. I hope he's in a better place now Rest in Peace
  11. Icecubes of Fury

    How we hold our mice

    I usually hold it behind the ears, and cradle its body with my other hand
  12. Icecubes of Fury

    Modern Classics in Music

    Yeah, Get Lucky was a good title track but honestly I wasn't really hopeful when they announced they were going to be doing more stuff with real instruments, it just didn't sound like the Daft Punk I knew. Most of the album is actually really good, it's just that there's a few tracks like Touch and Motherboard that try to be more serious, instead of the good vibe-happy dance music that the other tracks have. As a result, the album loses some of its focus
  13. Icecubes of Fury

    Modern Classics in Music

    Daft Punk At the very least, Discovery is an album for the ages. Homework is a bit rough, and Random Access Memories was somewhat forgettable.
  14. Hi, can I speak to Champ?

    1. A 1970 Corvette
    2. Kraszu


      Why you ask if you know the answer?

  15. Icecubes of Fury

    TF2 general

    Scoot Glutes
  16. Icecubes of Fury

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    You fellows haven't heard of Hatoful Boyfriend yet? It's quite an odd experience, to say the least.
  17. And Israel is the world's admission fee
  18. Also happening right now is the invasion of Gaza by IDF. How convenient that this plane crash is keeping the media busy...
  19. Icecubes of Fury

    Marvel has announced that Thor is now a woman

    This is just like when they come out with a "Superman Dies!" issue. Couple of months later, they'll find some way to change it back
  20. Icecubes of Fury

    Okay, guys - I have appeared.

    Nah dude, you're a big guy. kill me For [spoiler2]you[/spoiler2]
  21. Icecubes of Fury

    Okay, guys - I have appeared.

    Hopefully that won't happen, that would be nepotism! Or as they say in subSPUF, REPotism