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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    ​I found a pistol with a bottomless clip on a legendary enemy. Pretty cool shit. One change I really like is the ability to mod unique weapons.
  2. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    Ran into my first truly heinous FO4 glitch. I was using the "snap to cover" mechanic while fighting a bunch of raiders at one end of a hallway. I killed them and advanced down the hallway to fight the next group. The next time I aimed down sights, the game snapped me back into the position I was when I last took cover. I didn't exactly teleport, it was more like my character just bolted back down the hallway at incredible speed So far I haven't been able to replicate it. While I'm here I figure I'll post some initial impressions after several hours of gameplay: Things I Like - The Commonwealth looks fucking great and the characters aren't creepy dead eyed muppets this time around. The face sculpting system is awesome. - The shooting / gunplay is vastly improved. Manually executing crits in VATS is unbelievably satisfying even though I miss being able to shoot grenades out of the air as easily. - Weapon/Armor modding is pretty great and I like the changes to Power Armor as a balancing factor. Harvesting random junk isn't too fun but the tag feature makes it a lot less painful. - The quick looting system is a welcome change. - Enemies are a lot more difficult this time around - Nick Things I Dislike - Some enemies might be a lot more difficult for the wrong reasons. Sometimes the AI does interesting things but for the most part I think there are a lot of artificial difficulty spikes. Enemies seem way more grenade happy this time around. Super Mutants fucking suicide bomb you as you're trying to stay in cover. Deathclaws can knock you over and maul you over and over in your power armor because you're slow as fuck. It's great that the enemies are actually pretty frightening now, but I think Bethesda made a lot of them cheaper instead of smarter. - The limited dialogue options suck and my character frequently seems to suffer from Mass Effect syndrome, where the actual dialogue doesn't really represent the options that are given. It makes it really difficult to do any kind of roleplaying or character building when I'd prefer to play it cool and my VA is shouting obscenities at people with no indication that was what he was going to do. - Somewhat related: I miss karma. At least Mass Effect had Renegade/Paragon system built into their dialogue tree. When my character talks the same way whether he's a saint or a spinal fluid eating cannibal nazi it kind of makes everything pretty one dimensional. - Where does my weapon go? I don't think the other Fallout games had your holstered weapons just vanish. I know it's a minor detail but it just looks really stupid.
  3. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    A few conversation flubs. At one point a character walked into mine during some serious dialogue and bumped him around. Pretty funny. So far I've done the opening story mission and the assembly plant. Kind of surprising it immediately follows Concord considering how many fucking raiders are packed into that place. I guess you're supposed to bring the power armor but I fought my way through with a pistol and it was kind of ridiculous. I also find it kind of weird how all of these townsfolk are asking you to go quest for them. Uh, did you not fucking hear me? My goddamn kid is gone. Yeah sure, I'll hang around crafting you some beds, my kidnapped son can wait.
  4. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    10/10 It does feel a lot more like Mass Effect than Fallout, but this isn't a particularly bad change, just a change. I'm only 2 hours in, but it really feels like they just kinda throw cool stuff at you, without you feeling like you've earned it. ​Funny, to me it feels a lot like Bioshock Infinite. I've started it but damn, it's like playing Fallout 3 for the first time again. There's so much new shit and stuff to do that I'm a little overwhelmed.
  5. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    The character creation system is pretty impressive. I think this might be the first time I try to craft a guy with my face so I can actually try to play as myself rather than someone else.
  6. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    I'm so conflicted guys. If I play it tonight it will probably suck more because I'll only get to play for a few hours before I need to go to sleep and I'll be exhausted tomorrow but if i want one long unbroken session i'll have to wait until Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday which is my day off what do
  7. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

  8. kayohgee

    The Binding of Isaac

    Kayohgee: > BOI Kayohgee: > small pill and other pickup make isaac as tiny as possible Kayohgee: > 5 (or more?) buddies with BFF, so they're all larger than isaac is Kayohgee: > tears that split off into smaller tears Kayohgee: > store pickup that adds a health bar to every enemy Rammite: rip ui Kayohgee: >mfw Kayohgee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3onOjHki-k
  9. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    How do you all feel about Season Passes? I was tempted for a split second to get one for Fallout 4 until I remembered I'd be paying thirty bucks for an undisclosed amount of content spread out over an undisclosed period of time that I haven't even seen footage of and may not even see footage of for months. I guess you save money by getting it in a bundle but it's always sounded really fucking stupid to me.
  10. ​Wait a minute... Oh my god how did I not realize... oh holy fucking jesus oh FUCK OH FUCK SOMEONE CALL THE PRESIDENT ... never mind america pretty sure we're safe
  11. kayohgee

    The Binding of Isaac

    Head of the Keeper + Sack Head is OP as fuck
  12. I kinda feel like watching It Follows again. Anyone up for a stream?

  13. kayohgee

    The Binding of Isaac

    Ultra Greed is one of those rare bosses where I felt totally overwhelmed but in the best way possible. He was a lot of fun to fight.
  14. kayohgee

    I remembered my password!!!

    Not much has changed except I've finally and officially trademarked the letters K O and G and you owe me ten cents every time you use one of them. I'll let your OP slide since you're "new" but for the rest of this thread I'm gonna need to collect a sum of $10.40 (or equivalent value in Steam inventory items) by the first of November or I will be forced to consult my legal team. I can and will repossess $10 worth of your house if necessary. Usually it's just one brick or something but rest assured, I will make sure I take the most structurally important brick. This is your first and final notice.
  15. I have a spare TV, PS4 and Xbox I recently acquired if you want to buy them out of the back of my van. I'm selling them cheap.
  16. kayohgee


    I have little to no interest in playing Undertale right now but the soundtrack is so damn good. I bought a copy.
  17. ​They are stopping literally beecause of that I've read. ​Pretty much. The funny thing is, Playboy apparently has some great articles and interviews and by dropping nudity they can focus on that aspect of the publication while expanding an already established and well known brand to a larger audience. Plus, they'll still have almost naked people. Personally I think it makes a ton of sense.
  18. kayohgee

    Payday General

    ​eh. Normally I find cosmetics that add stat upgrades to be totally indefensible, but it's a co-op game. It kinda sucks but I don't think that's actually that huge of a deal.
  19. kayohgee

    Best/worst soups

    ​How do you even fit yourself in a can with an amazonian goddess
  20. kayohgee

    Best/worst soups

    Tomato soup is shit. Tomatoes are shit.
  21. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Eez gud theme I hope they keep it
  22. ​ we will never forget viva la meme
  23. Finally my time has come. ALL HAIL THE KAYGEMONY!
  24. Whenever I visit SPUF I feel this weird mix of disdain and sad nostalgia. 

    I hated SPUF, but god do I miss hating SPUF.

    1. Raison d'être

      Raison d'être


      I CAN SEE YOU, 
