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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm down to get that if some of you other goofs are. It looks intense.
  2. kayohgee

    Rick and Morty

    Maybe they'll pull a fake-out like Aqua Teen and have an 11th episode appear out of nowhere. But probably not.
  3. kayohgee

    Fallout 4

    Preordered it. I haven't played a Bethesda Fallout/Skyrim game I didn't love on some level. I highly doubt they'll fuck things up badly enough for this to be any different.
  4. ​See you on the field of battle, literally every member of this site.
  5. As if anyone could miss everything glaring.

  7. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Series 9 is off to a good start. Kind of disappointed that the well developed character moments with Davros turned out to be the two of them manipulating each other, though. If the Doctor just suspected Davros's plan and healed him so he'd have a chance to redeem himself that'd be one thing. The Doctor says he knew, which makes me wonder if either of them were even the least bit genuine in their conversations.
  8. look what i found in my pictures backup folder
  9. Every year I mull over the idea of getting a group of people together, arranging some spooky songs and walking through downtown as "Zombie Dickensian Christmas Carolers". I think I might just do it this time.
  10. fine, jesus my costume is now alan moore dressed as raz
  11. i couldn't find a good place to live before my lease ran out i've moved back in with my parents and we are literally having tendies for dinner tonight
  12. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​That's when you know you've found somebody really special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably share silence. Shooting a dick into a wall.
  13. Sam Smith may have written the saddest Bond theme ever. Does James Bond's dog get burned alive by the bad guys in the beginning? Why is it so sad?
  14. How could i be? I haven't went eight gates yet.

    1. Guy923



  15. ​Yes. You're fucked like all the rest of us.
  16. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Clearly it was actually developed by Gaben as a very early or very late april fool's joke.
  17. With Gigolo gone I don't have anyone to rage about any more, so I don't have much to do around here lately. jk a bunch of you suck just as hard.
  18. "When 9/11 happened we were just flag waving kids who didn't understand why people were dying. Now we're flag waving adults and we're the ones dying for things we still don't understand!" Patriotism isn't necessarily a bad thing but seeing people spread this shit around on facebook creeps the living fuck out of me.
  19. kayohgee

    Too much story in videogames?

    I think the question of too much/too little story really comes down to whether or not the developer has the skill to support a story or not. It isn't necessarily a question of whether it "needs" one. I think COD and TF2 are pretty good examples. TF2 is entirely multiplayer and COD is practically multiplayer only. Both games arguably don't "need" stories, and yet one works and the other doesn't. COD always has some kind of campaign but for the most part lacks the creativity or originality to sustain a half-decent story. That's why most of their plots play out the same way, with the the same beats in slightly different scenarios. The only thing that seems to change is that they get bigger and dumber every year, so of course you could skip through that and not really miss anything. Again, I don't think the takeaway from that argument is that COD shouldn't have a story, it should just try to not have a shitty one. On the other hand, TF2's initial "plot" managed to take on a life of its own since it had a lot of good fundamental things at its core, like well realized characters and strong writing. It's even less necessary for a game like TF2 to have any kind of story, but it's arguably been one of its strongest points over the years.
  20. kayohgee


    Someone took my pens and my paper at work. I found them all in a box and no one could explain to me why they were put there.