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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Payday General

    It's time to give PocoHud and Bodhi's Sound Repair the love they deserve. Working together with them to see how we can support them! -Almir — OVERKILL (@OVERKILL_TM) damage control much?
  2. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm in a sort of clan/group at the moment and I've had a pretty similar experience. All very cool people.
  3. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I was fucking telling team evil to try ecms on it for like, two hours and they never did. bitches
  4. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    Endgame region fixed (thanks Witty) /warp endgame if you want to add items to the dragon slaying pool. Anyone have a day/time they wanna kill this bastard?
  5. Anyone wanna try for Tabula Rasa before that stupid turret comes out tomorrow?

  6. kayohgee

    Payday General

    It looks pretty lame. You can probably just ignore the damn thing for the most part instead of wasting time hammering it with HE rounds and explosives. It's not like you have to kill the turret to advance.
  7. There's probably some kind of emulator you could use, but whether setting up all that shit would be worth it just for video editing is questionable.
  8. it is. my heart is a-flutter.
  9. You're missing a ".99" there before the percent sign. Obviously most of the people here are the exception, but I'm pretty sure the TF2 SPUF community is one of the worst on the internet.
  10. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Now calculate the probability of someone fucking up when they say they're going try "going silencio". hint: it's 100%.
  11. It might have used to suck, I'm not sure. My sister did a lot of video editing on it for a while and it was pretty solid. Easy to use, seems to have a pretty sufficient amount of features and it performed very well. Obviously it's not gonna replace something like Final Cut but if you're just throwing audio commentary over gameplay clips and doing some basic editing it's a strong choice, as far as something free.
  12. Movie maker's probably one of the better free ones, unfortunately. I've also heard people mention Lightworks but I know absolutely nothing about it. If you have access to a mac, iMovie is actually pretty great considering it comes pre-installed.
  13. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    For anyone who's actually beaten hotline miami 2 I had some thoughts on the first game's storyline and while I've been trying to avoid details, I know they delve into his backstory and his part in HM in the second game.
  14. Yeah, this is how I found the place. People of SPUF kept referring to the "Batcave" and I ended up PMing someone (Rammite, maybe?) who said it was some super secret whatever and wouldn't give me any more information. Eventually I think I just ended up googling around for it, and here we are.
  15. Wait, really? I just kinda showed up one day IIRC.
  16. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    /warp Endgame. It's set up so anyone who wants to donate supplies can do so. The chests are donate only, so items can be dropped in but not taken out (except the brewing supplies chest so people can at least make potions there). When we fight the dragon, I'll unlock all the chests and people can take whatever they need. I should note that apparently I don't have any worldguard permissions, so the region I created is effectively locked for the time being. It'll get fixed soon.
  17. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    So Broby and I unlocked a portal to the end. We're ready to go through and kill the dragon whenever. I say we decide on a date and time that works for whoever wants to kill it, a couple days from now or so, so we have time to prepare. I dunno if any of you guys have banners, but I have one for my territory so I was thought it might be fun to make a victory memorial or something. If anyone else wants to design a banner or already has one they can bring, it could be cool to display them all at the kill site.
  18. kayohgee

    The Toy Thread

    nah that's in the saloon.
  19. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    If you got robbed, tell me what you lost and I'll try to replace some of your resources. Also, just a reminder that you can lock existing chests (or other blocks) with /lock.
  20. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Wow, Hotline Miami 2 really outdoes the first game in terms of "unfair bullshit reasons to die".
  21. kayohgee

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    speaking of soundtracks
  22. kayohgee

    Payday General

    That is so fucking absurd, I can't wait to play as Jacket play with Huff while he plays as Jacket.