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Everything posted by Jordax

  1. Jordax

    Competitive Friendlies

    Sure, why not? As long the time difference doesn't screw me over yet again like many events prior.
  2. Jordax

    Forum Changes - Late June 2014

    I still don't know what the Saloon is about.
  3. Jordax

    TF2 general

    I was involved with that as well, though I don't remember losing at any point. Was it a rematch? Because I think I was only involved in the first bit. The maps were Gullywash and Badwater Basin IIRC. Gullywash was a pretty close hustle, but I remember Hertz ragequitting fairly early within the Badwater round and then everything kinda fell apart. Before the last decisive round on Gullywash and Badwater, we also had two rounds on Badlands the days prior. The first time, the Bronies cheated by sabotaging the Antis by wasting class slots (We had a Scout who only taunted the entire match,and he joined the Bronies for the second match. Another went AFK half of the time.) Second match was laggy as all fuck, and the Antis roflstomped the Bronies in five minutes flat. For the decisive round, I think we could have won that if Hertz wasn't so godawful all the way through. Ahh, yes, I forgot about the first few rounds, and I think Wulff and I only played in the tiebreaker. I do remember that the bronies got wrecked on Badlands now that you mentioned it. Sucks that you got Butthertz on the tiebreaker. He was so pissy. Hertz singlehandly threw the match in such a way, that I still suspect him of being bribed to perform that horribly. Seriously, on Gullywash, we went from me being an inch away from capping the final point, to losing every cap due to Hertz throwing up an performance that looked like he was playing Engie for the first time ever.
  4. Jordax

    TF2 general

    I was involved with that as well, though I don't remember losing at any point. Was it a rematch? Because I think I was only involved in the first bit. The maps were Gullywash and Badwater Basin IIRC. Gullywash was a pretty close hustle, but I remember Hertz ragequitting fairly early within the Badwater round and then everything kinda fell apart. Before the last decisive round on Gullywash and Badwater, we also had two rounds on Badlands the days prior. The first time, the Bronies cheated by sabotaging the Antis by wasting class slots (We had a Scout who only taunted the entire match,and he joined the Bronies for the second match. Another went AFK half of the time.) Second match was laggy as all fuck, and the Antis roflstomped the Bronies in five minutes flat. For the decisive round, I think we could have won that if Hertz wasn't so godawful all the way through.
  5. Jordax


    So, the plan is now to organize a mass trade between subspufers?
  6. Jordax

    TF2 general

    I have shown up at Silent's record of the Anti-brony vs Brony Highlander War, but unfortunately, he declined to put up the second match, where the Anti-Brony team wrecked the Bronies 3-0 in five minutes, with me backcapping twice, and only getting stopped at the third attempt. Other than that, I've shown up in some Rising Storm stream clip. It was one of my first matches as Commander, and I didn't do too well, although our team won the map.
  7. Jordax

    TF2 general

    Welp, those were five incredible days to play TF2 without getting rolled by stickyspam-mains with Medic up ass 24/7. Saw more Medics healing everyone on their team in those five days than the entire year prior. Come to think of it, I died to actual stickytraps a few times too, and I can't remember that happening in an entire year too.
  8. Jordax


    Mystery Dungeon is the sole exception for the entire series. If you cried at anything Gen V related, then you are a dork of the highest caliber. Oh, and for another unpopular opinion: I heavily dislike Pokemon's Generation V. The story might have been better, but good lord, is the majority of Unova's pokemon horrid design-wise. There are enough exceptions, Such as the starters and everything that could be caught in Unova's desert routes, but the Kami trio is by far the worst case of copy-paste the series had so far. And most of the other Unova pokes felt like copies of their earlier Generation counterparts. Glad they went back to only a handful of legendaries and a smaller, but far better selection of new pokemon for Generation VI.
  9. Jordax

    TF2 general

    TONIGHT, I met Razputin on a Valve server. It suddenly ended when I apparently offended a French Brony by blaming books for his disastrous ping and got booted off. This happened in the span of appropriately ten minutes of bantering over random stuff including England's World Cup attempt.
  10. Jordax


    Team Plasma pls go. Medic confirmed for N I don't like Pokemon battles! Lemme show you by battling yours! I am still a tree-hugging hippie!
  11. Jordax

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    And I'm on the blue team. How fitting. Get Shadow Warrior. Seriously. It's pretty damn good.
  12. Jordax

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Stock GL/Tide Turner/Preferred Sword will be the new Demoman meta, deal with it, nerdes.
  13. Jordax

    TF2 general

    I have a retake tomorrow, so I have to ignore all this hype for a bit longer. ...It kinda hurts.
  14. Jordax

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Those bland cybersoldiers are the worst addition to the series by far. Who the hell thought that a series that is all about dodging a shitton of enemy projectiles and fighting a load of enemies at once needed hordes of hitscan enemies.... Even ripping a whole bunch of them apart at once with the Mulitator gets boring after a few times. The rest of the game is okay though, after leaving the boring city act, and going to the good ol' Egypt pyramids.
  15. Jordax

    E3 2014

    Have you watched a stream from the wrong planet or something?
  16. Jordax


    HGSS good you're joking, high, or both Reasons HGSS were atrocious remakes: After badge 7 in the GBC games, you could go to Blackthorn and do stuff- just not the gym. The wild pokemon on the route south of Blackthorn were equal to those at Mahogany's neighboring route. HGSS: Nope. Oof. Dat trailer though. The thing after Fortree? That's Cycling Road. Pretty damn sure that you were forced to deal with the whole Radio Tower mess before going to Blackthorn in the originals too.
  17. Jordax

    E3 2014

    Tumblr, because of ''muh patriarchy'' yet AGAIN. In other news, Microsoft cannot stop flaunting around that they killed Rare. Also, Conker is apparently day 1 DLC for Project Spark. As someone who has most Rare N64 games at home, this hurts to see Microsoft doing this to Rare.
  18. Jordax


    Speaking about silly replays. (This is a cartridge one though.) NZHW-WWWW-WWW7-QRX8 Feel free to laugh at my misfortune, overthinking, and my opponents inability to capitalize on a huge dose of luck.
  19. Jordax


    It's above the pics on Serebii. Mega Sceptile gets an added Dragon-type with Lightingrod. Mega Swampert gets kinda shafted with Swift Swim though.
  20. Jordax


    Mega Swampert looks like he has gone full Hulk mode. Also, Mega Sceptile is Grass/Dragon. Don't think we had a typing like that before. Also, new Brendan and May are a bit bleh.
  21. Jordax

    TF2 general

    Imagine the Beggar's Bazooka with the parachute. Death from above gains a new meaning. Also, NEW WEAPONS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN TWO YEARS WHOOHOOO.
  22. Jordax


    Raz, clearly you haven't been keeping up with the metagame. I can't tell you how many time I've gone up against turkeys holding amputated penises. Dicks are all the rage in the metagame because no one is using Attract.
  23. Jordax

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    I need to buy a WiiU right the fuck now.