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Everything posted by Jordax

  1. Jordax


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubT2SHlePYc THE TRUMPET BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN.
  2. Jordax

    Smache Brothers

    I somehow expect Sakurai pulling off a clever ruse again. He might be in as a Assist Trophy. Wouldn't put too much on playable character though.
  3. Jordax


    My random-ass azumarill that I caught like 5 minutes into the game and just never left my party will totally beat you. Azumarill's are actually really damn strong in X/Y, due to pokemons that can't breed getting guaranteed maxed IV's in three stats in the wild. As Azumarill is only obtainable by training a Azurill (which can't breed) all the way up, it basically guarantees that your Azumarill is really damn powerful.
  4. I raelly don't like how Steam gets infested more and more with blatant shovelware like this.
  5. Jordax

    Mario Kart 8

    Because you can still be beautiful if you're big, thin scum. Wasn't it because she has a black hole under her dress. Black holes are apparently heavy as fuck.
  6. Jordax


    So, it has to be from a non-English game then, right?
  7. Jordax


    Do we with Foreign mean GER/SPA/FRA/JPN/KOR marked or just non-American Ditto's in your case? Also, consider this post the entry in Huff's raffle because why not.
  8. Jordax

    TF2 general

    >Link game Excuse me? But at least you didn't call Link Zelda, I give you that.
  9. Jordax

    TF2 general

    Annnnd Valve apparently just cocked up every decent custom map in history. Every map that isn't tinier than 64MB in size cannot be downloaded anymore from a server, it seems, which affects the following maps (Quoted from a Facepunch thread about this new issue:)
  10. Jordax


    Except that said route with Beldums had a permanent Sandstorm going on, so you also had to bring a load of potions with you too.
  11. Jordax


    It was even worse in HG/SS, where you had to catch them from full HP with what is essentially a reskinned Great Ball. And there was no Critical Capture that Generation. Hope you had the Pokewalker path that came with Jirachi at the launch, as that was the only remotely not batshit insane way to get one in HG/SS outside of transferring from Gen III.
  12. Jordax


    You can always add me. I have no idea what is in my Friend Safari either. I'll add you too. Heck, I'm open to add most of you, as long we add eachother.
  13. Jordax

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  14. Jordax


    So, anyone wanting to exchange FC's for Friend Safaris? My FC is 0645-5740-6184, not sure what I've got in it, I only beat the Elite Four yesterday with my quite under-leveled team.
  15. Jordax


    What did you give for that? Also, I am still a bit miffled about losing out on a Shiny Treecko on the GTS. At least I obtained an Japanese Porygon for a Heatmor I didn't want. (But then again, who even likes Heatmor....)
  16. Jordax


    The only thing that can be said of Zygarde is that it is a shittier Garchomp.
  17. Jordax

    Good news everyone!

    It is not great news unless it is a Dacia Sandero. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXi_aFK2r9Y
  18. Jordax


    MOTHERFU- Saw a Shiny Treecko on the GTS for an Aromatisse. Wanted to quickly trade-evolve my Wonder Traded Spiritzee with my younger brother's 3DS, only to realize that I don't have a Satchel. By the time I checked the GTS again, it was gone. Crap.
  19. Jordax


    I looked wrong, it is actually 85 hours in at the moment for me.
  20. Jordax


    Christ, how did you blaze through the game that fast. >that fast What do you mean with that exactly? Besides the fact that I used the broken exp share after 4th gym badge, it wasn't that fast. Also, FINALLY got a Focus Band. That thing will do great on a Flail-ing Dunsparce. 19 Mansion wins in a row, lost at the 20th one due to toxic-protect-gigadrain spamming oddish when I had 2 water types in my party. Well, I am taking my sweet time trekking trough the game, with around 70 hours in and at Victory Road. No EXP Share used ever.
  21. Jordax


    Christ, how did you blaze through the game that fast.
  22. Jordax


    Steel types, son. And also a massive amount of douchebaggery for using that Shuckle.
  23. Jordax


    Honest Question: Does your friend's team exist of six Cyrognals?