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Everything posted by Jordax

  1. Jordax

    War Z - Join me in lolling at this shit

    Developers blame it on the customers. Oh wow. And thus the 'Game Farce of the Year 2012' goes to Hammerpoint Interactive.
  2. In other news: France declares war on Spain for unveiling France's top rouge cheating antics. Sudden impulse buying of white flags, apperently ordered from Paris.
  3. Jordax

    I did it... I finally did it...

    It is also one of the few weapons in the game you'll get an achievement for if you actually kill someone with it.
  4. Jordax

    War Z - Join me in lolling at this shit

    Because most people have shit taste in games, and they've seen YouTubers play this monstrosity. It's like Slender all over again, and just as badly made.
  5. Jordax

    when soccer moms invade

    Filled by people who felt too good to post on that forum, no less.
  6. Jordax

    Game Grumps

    Oh hey, I didn't know we had a Game Grumps thread, I wonder what they will discuss here - ...Nevermind.
  7. What if they search his computer, and find out it is chockfull of something really deranged, like MLP porn or something. Wonder how the media is going to jump on that then.
  8. Back on topic: Out of the deaths, there were 20 childeren, of which two died in the hospital. The other 6 were adults, and that is not including the killer.
  9. Also, Gigolo, please cut out the emoticon crap, that is really ♥♥♥♥ing unrespectful and unfitting right now.
  10. Goddammit, this just ruined my day. Fucking bunch of lunatics. Do they even check anymore if the people they sell guns to aren't fucked up in the head.
  11. One of the quirks being where is goddamn Half-Life 3, Gabe? Also. Congrationlations, Gig, that picture made me slightly angry.
  12. Jordax

    Do we have a steam group for SubSPUF?

    We need a false name for the group. I go with: 'Classy Tinfoil Hattes'.
  13. Jordax

    Killing Floor

    Sam the onion seller? Yeah, he is a nice guy.
  14. Jordax


    For me, the problem is that every mongloid can post on it, and doesn't have to remember a username or password for it. Which is a little security check against brainless idiots. And on all other factors, it is pretty much where every dumbarse who used to go on SPUF went, thus upping 'our' average IQ, and don't have to deal with them every few days or so, because they all went there.
  15. Jordax


    Hey. If we still have to come up with alt names for Magicus. AntiMatter.
  16. Jordax

    War Z - Join me in lolling at this shit

    I've also heard some of the DayZ devs also made Big Rigs. Yes, that Big Rigs.
  17. Jordax

    What was changed in the Update?

    Fucking bullshit, it is like they hate fun.
  18. Jordax


    Yeah, but Unfezant is incredebly boring-looking compared to Braviary. Not to mention that Unova is based on AHMURICA, so Braviary fits more into that.
  19. Jordax

    Stamda's art dump

    This page man.
  20. Jordax

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    While I pretty much like Christmas, I find it annoying the festives are already here even before Sinterklaas (Pretty much the Dutch Santa Claus, the original) is over.
  21. Jordax


    Not in White 2, where you can catch a underleveled one (Lv 25) every Tuesday near the buildings of Route 4.
  22. Jordax

    Hi I'm Splosion.

    Hello, my name is Jordax, and I am quite good in TF2. I am also a lower admin at the SubSPUF TF2 server. Also, I am probably as much known as Expersate, which is not that much. Also, I still like the Pokemon games, and you probably won't have to ask which is my favorite.
  23. Jordax

    Brace for whining.

    I am okay with it if the economy decides to be an raging retard as usual again and make uncraftables expensive as fuck. In their incredebly stupid minds, a Lv100 Uncraftable Nine-Pipe Problem would be worth lodsofmetal.
  24. Jordax

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    If we are posting innuendo's in games now, allow me to up the ante. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/1135167635488114120/093380336C96016862CA7B21BC5B7984444DE4B8/