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Posts posted by Jordax


    Man, there are a bunch of threads popping up on /v/ centered around hypothetical interactions of the cast, from shipping to dealing with Snake's death. I love this shit. Sitcom when?


    So basically half the brawl centered webcomics out there?


    Sort of.





    Especially with BOI:Rebirth pulling the same shit and everybody giving it a free pass.


    BOI isn't sixty bucks.


    At least Saints Row IV had the fucking decency to be not full-priced for what is essentially glorified DLC. Gearbox probably needs the money for when Sega is suing them for putting the money intended for Aliens:Colonial Marines into Borderlands 2 instead.


    Also, the writing in Borderlands 2 + 2.5 is more painfully unfunny than being force-fed a bucket of Lego. Anthony Burch is an absolute hack of a writer.

  3. So are those just based on community votes? Because if so it's not much more than a popularity and salt contest


    Also I don't want Sheik to be #1

    Pretty much, I think. Sheik is supposedly top tier, but I haven't fought a single one online. Meanwhile, Ganondorf hits really fucking hard in this one, and is somehow the semi-worst character outta the cast anyway. And tiers feel for queers even more since the character field in this game feels more even than ever.



    There is no official Inquisitor Office or Grand Inquisitor, and you certainly cannot transfer this case there. Motion denied.


    Your honor, the request was a formality. Being the supreme commander of the SPUFpowered court does not give you the power to deny the powers of the other courts- witchcraft and nefarious arcane plots are abound- would you enjoy such spooky horrors to run amuck without being checked?


    I've actually wanted to do this for a little while- a halloween themed court that's a little sillier and spoop themed is gonna be fun- I'll make a new thread.


    Fine, but you are not acting in any official capacity, and this case will continue to be tried here.


    That actually sounds good - as long as Guy gets burned at the stake in the end.


    Since when is Guy a witch?

  5. I unlocked Ness because he suicided. AI tried to get on a moving platform, failed and also failed the up+b.

    That was fun to watch.

    Also, I'm still good as Ness. Yay.

    I had the unlock fight against Dark Pit as Bowser yesterday.


    Because Dark Pit feels like a half-arsed addition, I decided to make it a half-arsed fight as well by just using the gamewinning special of side+b+ledge. It lasted four seconds. Now to never use Dark Pit.


    Also, I have to spend more time getting used to everything in this Smash, including the controls and fine changes they made to most characters.


    I got fucking clocked five times in a row in For Glory by Little Mac. Then, I rocked his shit with Ike and had a seven-win streak after that.


    Lucario's Aura abilities have really been buffed, that recovery is absolutely amazing, and he is packing a good amount of range now. Although it requires to get slapped around a lot early on. I have difficulties getting the lead as Lucario often, as his specials aren't good when you have low damage.

  6. Point I'm making is stop shitting on competitive communities at the slightest opportunity. I see this happen for smash, tf2, mtg, pokemon, literally every single hobby that people try to go to the maximum of their capabilities with. 90% of the time it is not more than a matter of not knowing what you are talking about and -as you might have noticed by now- it really pisses me off. People mock it for them going "fox only final destination or it is trash" while they do the EXACT SAME THING BACK by saying that you should play it the way the devs intended or that it isn't fun their way or whatever arbitrary reason.


    But alright, I'll stop now

    I like it that everyone in Smash4 got buffed to such a degree that it made MetaKnight, Fox and Falco not as a slight bit better than the rest anymore.


    It feels great that the character roster feels more even than ever. Although it came at the price of introducing Dark Pit, which is no matter what, the worst character addition in the series so far.

  7. is ddd still good and did they make meta knight less stupid




    guys pls

    King Sakurai is still pretty good. MetaKnight got slapped with the nerfhammer hard. His range is bloody awful now and that is a fabulous thing.


    Also, Little Mac is really strong, but has basically no recovery, which means Kirby and King Sakurai can just walk off the edge with him, spit him out, and recover easily while Mac gets a good -1.

  8. So, finally got to play it today.


    Hot DAMN this game is fucking good, everything feels so smooth compared to Brawl. Although it took some time to get used to the controls. Haven't played it online yet, but I had a cousin over to play it with my brother and me. It is such a shame Smash Run can't be played online, it is quite fun locally with custom movesets and all. Pitting our Miis against each other is hella fun too. Grenade Gunner Mii is fun as fuck to play with. And I am surprised how relatively balanced the game feels thus far, although my younger brother wooped our arses easily several times by playing as Little Mac. It is certainly going to hold us over until the WiiU version.

  9. Did chapter six of Fire Emblem : Awakening (in which

    assassins attack Emmeryn and "Marth" is revealed to be Lucina

    .) Finally getting into the swing of things, even on the Hard mode (though I'm still sticking with the Newcomer setting - Classic sounds like something for a second playthrough, where you know the intricacies and potential of each unit.) It's a lot more fun now that more of the game's features are open to me. The optional Risen and Spotpass fights give me a means of leveling up weaker units (although some fights are too high level for me), the shops let me use the gold earned from those fights to further improve units that I feel need to shape up a bit, and having more units to choose from gives me more flexibility in missions. For the sixth chapter, I saw the three chokepoints and decided for half the squad to be frontline fighters, and half the squad to be ranged fighters or healers. Simple and effective - only lost one unit in the fight (and that's because I'm at the stage where Donnel is a Magikarp.) Not to say it was a pushover though, as a few units came very close (I recall that Kellam cheated death almost three times as he blocked that staircase like the bro he is.)

    I think my earlier frustration came from the fact that, in the early game, you have little choice but to just do the next mission, and without optional battles, shops, or Spotpass features, it can be a sharp incline to get over. I understand that it was probably to help prevent players from feeling overwhelmed early on, though it did make things too linear and static (at least for my taste) as a consequence. Having lots more fun now, though.

    Also I want a full show based on these cutscenes. They're gorgeous and so is Lucina.

    Thank you for your advice, fellas. x + 2

    Chapter 6 was also a toughie for me. You don't have many units at that point who can cheese outta fights without taking any damage, so you need to spread your team out on the staircases and hope that the RNG doesn't hate your guts too badly. On my successful Classic run of the stage, Stahl somehow managed to avoid a 98% hit chance that would have killed him. I don't even Stahl. Your growths are awful on my run, you get hit by 50% chances often, and yet you pull out a 2% avoid when needed. Validar is pretty darn intimidating. Or he should be if you didn't level Sumia, who will wreck Validar's shit due to her having good Res at that point and critted Validar in one turn. Fun times.

  10. Stop being crap at strategy and abuse pairing up to protect/strengthen your weaker units.


    Robin gets a exp boost while paired up. If he is that accident prone, pair him up with Chrom or Frederick to prevent that from happening. Chrom has a skill that increases the chance for a Dual Strike too while you are at it.


    Also, if Risen appear at the Longfort, always do it, it is the easiest map to grind on. Just send Kellam and a long-range unit (Any of Virion, Miriel, Ricken or Tharja) to the staircase to the south to block off the lower part of the map, and then go on a full-out brawl with the rest of your team on the upper part.


    Also, on the map where you recruit Donnel, he only need to get 3 kills+1 attack in to get a level up and thus to join the party. Out of the 25 enemies on that map, it should be doable to plink a few down to low enough hp for Donnel to finish them. Get someone to pair up with Donnel when he needs help finishing opponents. You probably need to carry him when grinding though, but once he hits Level 15 and promotes, he will be one of your best units by then.


    The enemies on the map consist of Barbarians, Archers, Mages and Thieves.  Archers can't counter-attack up close, so they are the easiest finishers for Donnel. Thieves give a bit more exp, but they will double and off Donnel if he misses. Mages are squishy, but deal more damage if they get the drop on Donnel. Last of all, the Barbarians have a weapon advantage against Donnel. Long story short, make sure that no mouthbreathing bandit gets the drop on him. In general, having units with good speed really helps on this map. Get your sword-toting members on the right level, and they should be able to dodge most Barbarians' attacks. Keep in mind, terrain advantages are your friend! Also, the weapon triangle. Wielding a sword gives a nasty hit dip for the enemy Barbarian or Fighter.

  11. You're not exactly painting "the proper mode" in any bright colors with the whole "I wasted an hour because of a single mistake" thing. Not exactly a bullet point on the back of the box, that...


    I'll stay with casual until I'm... not a casual.

    Every Fire Emblem prior to Shadow Dragon had always permadeath on.

  12. Picked up Fire Emblem: Awakening. Enjoying it a lot thus far, very sophisticated for the 3DS (those cutscenes are gorgeous.) Plus the music and voice acting are great (albeit not as much voice acting as I'd like.) Not too fond of the whole "if someone dies, it's alright, if Robin dies, INSTANTGAMEOVERNOPEDON'TCAREHOWWELLYOUWEREDOINGTOOBADFUCKYOU" thing. Not that I'm upset or anything. It's just that the enemy units really like to gang up on Robin a lot... Might be bad luck, but still, not sure why this is a thing.

    It is never alright when one of your characters kick the bucket. That is grounds for a reset right there and then.


    Like having to re-do an hour of progress because I fucked up and got Maribelle in range of a moving boss.


    Unless you are playing on Casual mode, which is as the name says it, for casuals.
