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Posts posted by Jordax

  1. Gabe is there just for last resort damage control. And its not working that well, since he is dodging almost every single question and not talking about the important parts like why in the name of FUCK they decided to do this or the modding community starting to fall apart due to people hiding their mods/stealing mods/removing their free mods to put it on paid workshop.

    He said that 'censoring is stupid', but I'm pretty sure almost all discussions on the paid mods are gone, along with several people community banned and had all their posts (even screenshot and profile ones) erased from Steam

    ​Gabe also said that money = community. He doesn't give a toss about the modding community as long it doesn't bring in money for him.

    Plus the fact that Valve doesn't actually seem to test mods before they go up for sale pretty much opens Pandora's Box for some really shady practises.


  2. You guys are ganging up on me like I'm supporting this. I already know all the things you're telling me. I just misread Raison's post, and thought he misunderstood the situation. I also don't think Valve is being malicious in this, but I never said I thought they were handling this correctly. 


    Also, thousands of mods being lost on the nexus is false. It was far less. 


    Excuse me for not overreacting and bullying modders into paste. I've been a member of the Bethesda modding community since 2008. I know how it works, and I can see the effects this whole thing is having and what it might have. 

    ​One of the many problems is, is how Valve does seemingly cares more about getting even more money than to help modders out.

    I think if they just gave the option so you could donate whatever amount of money you wanted to a good mod maker in case you liked his mods, the backlash would have been far less than what we are seeing now. 

    But no, Valve only wanted to get even more money, so they decided to go this route of making people pay for mods and taking the majority of the cut for it. They get more money over other peoples mods than that the person who made that mod ever would. There were free mods that had a link where you could donate to said person making the mod, but Valve removed those links within the hour of it going up. Face it, Valve isn't interested in keeping a community together anymore, they only want more and more money in ways even Bobby Kotick wouldn't even dream of.

  3. It's kinda hard to respect Valve these days.

    They haven't released a good game since Portal 2, and it seems like they care more about having a monopoly on PC gaming than making games.


    ​I don't think Valve is actually greedy. Everything they throw out has some kind of compromise, and seems like it came from a good idea. This whole thing could've been implemented far worse, for example, no pay what you want system. The idea "Hey, maybe modders can get paid for their work!" isn't a bad one. This was just a bad way to do it. I don't think Valve is greedy, but they're far, far from infallible.

    You don't charge 25% for something you already were doing for free and have the infrastructure for and not be greedy. A 25% cut is insane. It's mind-boggling. It's 2.5x as much as Ebay, which a lot of people that sell their shit there will tell you, 10% is a fucking lot. 25% is the American tax rate for somebody who has an average income, which, by the way, also means 25% of that 25% cut the modder get goes to taxes.

    I think that the reason Valve is hunting down donation links so much is because you cannot legally take a cut of donations.

    ​Valve is not charging people to put their mods on Steam Workshop. Valve is taking a cut from mods that decide to be for sale on the Steam workshop, which is a service they have not offered before. Free mods still exist and are not going anywhere. 

    ​There is a mod (Midas Magic) already whose free version not only lacks features from the paid version, but also has fucking pop-ups pestering you to buy the paid version.

    You seem to forget that greed makes people do some really scummy things and that the average consumer is as dumb as a pigs arse.

    Also, Valve only pays out if the mod made more than 400 dollars in sales. 100 dollars go to the mod maker, the rest goes to Valve and Bethesda in this case.

    In the event of a mod not making more than 400 dollars, Valve and Bethesda get to keep it all. Also, once a paid mod goes up, Valve will not delete it unless it offends them or it gets them into legal trouble. So if someone finds that they made a mistake by making paid mods, Valve is practically fucking them in the arse too.

    Plus Valve is doing absolutely zero quality assurance on paid mods. There are literal pay-to-win mods flooding the Workshop already, along with literal weapon reskins from other games along with mods stolen from other people. The Skyrim Nexus lost thousands of mods yesterday, not over people getting greedy, but by people pulling their mods because they are afraid that people will steal their mods to sell them on the Workshop. Valve doesn't even check if sold mods are actually from the person that made said mod. They don't care about it either, they just want to cash in on this generation's idiots throwing money at everything even if it used to be absolutely free for years.

  4. Axe guy: eh

    ​You're just not Vaike enough for the Vaike.

    @everyone's medieval matchmaking

    This is your first playthrough, just play the game and don't give a shit about eugenics.
    Besides, it's not like minmaxing matters unless you're trying to play apotheosis or insanity mode anyway.

    Axe guy: eh

    ​You're just not Vaike enough for the Vaike.

    @everyone's medieval matchmaking

    This is your first playthrough, just play the game and don't give a shit about eugenics.
    Besides, it's not like minmaxing matters unless you're trying to play apotheosis or insanity mode anyway.

    ​I paired Vaike with Lissa purely because the idea of Chrom having to accept Vaike as family is fucking hilarious. 

  5. What's more is how this can kill a modding community stone cold dead, which has happened before with multiple games. Greed corrupts people and sinks what was once a tight knit community. One modder on Facepunch, Turteleey summed up his experiences with that:


    So I've read into this, and I think I can flesh out my opinion a little more. 

    I don't know if anybody's going to read this, or care, since the thread is moving at 20 posts a minute; but as a modder, this is why I think that though this seems anti-consumerist right away (it is), in the long term I feel like, if this catches, it'll set a horrible precedent for the modding community from now on. 

    For why you should or shouldn't listen to me: I'm not very popular on Workshop. I only have about 20k current subscribers, and I've only published what I feel would be better in the community's hands than in mine. I'd say 99% of my 5 years of effort and dedication are hidden somewhere on my harddrive, and will be for a long time. I'll admit I'm given a paid commission every once in a while, but only once, ever, have I had a guaranteed audience and significant payment.
    But I do have one thing in common with them - I know what unrewarded hard work feels like. I've gone months upon months on end, many different times, working on something purely out of passion and hype for the community; though I've only released what I've been obligated to and what I believe holds up to my standard of quality, which is that it brings something new and desired to the table (that would be 3 things total in the last 2 years, for a grand total of roughly 450$ from commissions that didn't scam me). 
    But if I could upload whatever I felt like, all of the rehashes and unfinished piles of shit, if people had to reward me for all of my work - frankly, I'd love it. Getting paid to do what I love is the dream I strive for, and the same is most likely true for them. Ignoring the 25% cut, it sounds like a really good idea for me as an individual, in that moment. 

    But, here's the part you care about - I've seen this happen at least twice before. 
    This was back in 2010 so I'm probably missing a lot, and somebody else already made this point, but I'm gonna talk about Minecraft. At first, something so modular and easy to access with infinite potential and a huge audience was almost unheard of. For people who only saw it now, it's hard to imagine the vibe was once casual. From what I remember, it felt like LEGO fans and DND nerds got together just to swap ideas and share code. But after a while, more ambitious mods kept coming out. The attitude slowly shifted to 'I'll make this because it's cool, if people want to support my effort that's nice' into 'for X amount of effort I require to be compensated Y$' - until somebody found ad-fly, and it spread like wildfire. It didn't happen right away, but things changed. If a download broke and somebody tried to mirror, the creator would be rabid on their ass. If you shared an idea, somebody would passive-aggressively tell you off. If you asked for help, people would treat you like you were trying to steal their 'X effort' so you could collect the 'Y$ compensation'. It was all super-serious numbers; greedy people with low talent saw the cash train and tried to jump on, and started throwing people out once it hit capacity. The 'X effort' bar got lower and lower until everyone else became an enemy. If you talked to another modder, they were just someone trying to steal your ad-fly pennies/OC donut steel concepts/'fanbase'. 

    A similar thing happened again with the GTA modding community, on a much smaller scale but far more competitive. What was once passion fueled by donation, transformed overnight into a sense of entitlement once free money became involved via ad-fly. A pretty significant amount of people saw it as a cheap 'opportunity', so about every 3rd new mod released on a given site was created solely to cash out by a few different means (either filling a gap or adding your OC donut steel to an existing one). Through lack of an audience, these cash-4-mods could only sustain themselves by trying to maximize your audience, which meant to them eliminating competiton. New talent was IMO almost seen as a threat, so were shunned and insulted out of forums (me included!) for asking for help. Very little documentation was published, partly because of this incentive to keep people out. Creators did whatever they could to eliminate 'competitors', mostly by publishing hitpieces and badmouthing other modders, though IIRC a few doxxes and DMCAs were attempted. 

    This is really speculatory, but I see the same thing happening very easily with Workshop if the paywall spreads anywhere else. Once a significant amount of mods are set at arbitrary prices, existing modders neutral on the issue think 'Hey, mods similar to mine are priced at $5. If I price my mod at $5, that's guaranteed money for me, since everybody else is successful with theirs'. More and more will probably begin to change their tags to accommodate an imaginary economy, that X effort deserves Y payment, until the line of thinking slowly mutates: 'If I eliminate one free Y mod (my own), that's a little bit more potential profit in the Y market that could go to me. If I find a way to eliminate my competitor's rival Y mod, that's one more. If I could stop people from learning how to Y mod and X mod, my potential cashflow would have x3 the opportunities to get an audience.' It slowly turns modders against eachother, at the cost of everyone involved. 
    And even if introducing this payment doesn't make existing modders change their mentality due to friendships and communities, you can bet your ass that the low-talent, highly-competitive 'capitalists' that saw an opportunity in Minecraft/GTA/pretty much every other game with modding potential would descend like locusts. This time, it wouldn't be for pennies, but $10, $20, $30. That's x100 the cash that ad-fly caused so many communities to turn against eachother, stagnate new talent, or sometimes destroy communities. They would take over and flood a given market to try and maximize cashflow - bonus points if they start fights with other modders/eachother, alienate new talent and stagnate the market. 

    It's happened before - people will always abuse cash systems like this. I can't stand in favor of this happening to the communities I love.


  6. I'm posting this in TIAM instead of sports because nobody else actually looks at that thread.


    ​Make it eleven!

    ​Do you know why noone posts in the sports thread?

    ​Eleven games in a row won?

    The football team I am rooting for only won 10 games in the entire season out of 31 matches....

    Plus the last time they got a shot at European Internation football, they got whooped by a club made out of students and amateurs from Luxembourg. Suffering.

  7. My new PC is in. Am I master race yet?

    You could start with telling what videocard is in it.


    That new videocard feeling is especially good when using it for the first time and having every game of yours run at 60 fps on the highest settings after having been stuck with a card which ran most games on 20fps on Low-Medium settings.

  8. Wait did you guys really not see the ending to Brawl in the Family?


    I was spending all of my time in /r/smashbros and it was a bittersweet moment when we realized it was going to end the day before Smash 4 came out. That was probably the best way for it to go out.

    I still haven't watched it.


    I saw yesterdays April Fools joke along with the small update wherein Matthew talks about how it is going with him and his family, which was also a bittersweet moment.


    It is just kinda hard to let go of something you have read ever since he made the first few little comics on GameFAQs. 

  9. u know, lately I've been itching to play some WWII shooters, n I ahve no idea why. I mean, just look at my wishlist. 8/10 games on there r shooters, with only Flatout n Sonic Generations being teh odd couple. n 5/8 of those games taking place in WWII, with Verdun n Necrovision taking place during WW1 (Necrovision si more fantasy though as u fight demons in that game), n COD:AW taking place in teh future. n that's all after I removed teh first three Call of Duties from teh list n settling on WaW as being teh WWII themed COD, n only after finding out that teh older CODs ahve trouble with modern PCs due to age.


    n yet I only ahve $13 in my wallet, so I can only afford 1 of teh 5  <$13 games on teh list.


    wot si wrong with me?

    Rising Storm is a pretty good multiplayer WWII FPS too though, plus it comes with Red Orchestra Zwei.


    Although the game feels quite clunky from time to time and the learning curve might be a bit steep for some.


    Also this filter really blows.

  10. Okay so serious mode right here, my brother is freaking the hell out of me. He's taken to repeating the Rape Sloth meme - "Shh - only dreams now" - whenever the fuck his dank mind thinks it's lulzy enough to spout. Recently, he's started to sneak up behind me and whisper with his mouth literally an inch from my ear, in a way I can only describe as sensual.


    I've told him how FUCKING CREEPY he's being, but he just shrugs it off as me joking around. Just a few minutes ago, he did it again with my parents minding their business just a few feet away, and they just assumed it was two brothers messing around as usual.


    I know I post weird shit every so often but what the everlasting fuck do I do here?

    I think your brother is the reason why Britt isn't wanting to get it on with you.



    So, I spent three hours last night arguing with a conspiracy theorist (zionist plot, 9/11 truther, moon landing faked). I was completely overwhelmed. I should've backed out, but I didn't. They knew their sources. I knew comparatively jack shit. I just tried to play Occam's Razer and say "why jump to conspiracy?" but it didn't work out.  In the end, I became a dick and was arrogant. Felt bad, because otherwise they're a really nice person, so went back and apologized. 






    What DO you do in that situation? When they're objectively wrong, but you don't know what you need to to prove it to them, and they know all they need to support their argument. It was in a game, so I couldn't formulate a carefully thought out and cited blog post. 



    Also, why the heck am I arguing with conspiracy theorists on the internet? For three hours?


    Well I would just (try to) not reply


    But if I had to and knowing that someone like that has done much more research about the subject than me, I'd just give them the moon landing since although I don't think it was faked it did come at a perfect time for America back then. As for 9/11 I'd either take an economic standpoint (there are much more efficient ways to cause terrorist panic than blowing up several important buildings) or morality standpoint (the government is no saturday morning cartoon villain you idiot)




    Yeah. The argument was mostly about zionism. You know, the whole middle east scenario is because of zionists. Bush blew up the WTC and invaded Iraq to cause stability in the middle east because zionists. Coincidence was not in this person's vocabulary. 


    Granted, though, they did give me some sources that now have me believing there is a zionism issue. Not a grand conspiracy, mind you, but a number of highly influential Israeli leaders have opinions not too dissimilar from their Arab counterparts. 


    Was the guy recently turned down for art school or something.

  12. So Simon told me Ash has a Goodra now. Time to stay away from /vp/ for a month or two.

    The only way they can save us now is if they confirm that it is actually male in every language known to man.


    also I've chosen Hawlucha for the 6th mon of my team

    OH GOD NO.



    There is absolutely nothing wrong with Hawlucha. It is that it is severely underrated because Aegislash completely walls it, but apart from that, the wrestling bird can completely wreck entire teams after getting one Swords Dance off. Evenmoreso after activating Unburden, which makes sure that only priority moves or weather can hurt it before wrecking the opponent.
