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  1. 1 point

    SPUF City 2

    Because original titles are too obvious. This story is less a sequel and more a retelling of SPUF City. I found while I was writing SPUF City that there were a lot of things that I wanted to include in it, but I thought of them way too late, mostly because I spent about one day building the plot. So, this will be the "Not a bunch of jokes held together by a loose plot" version. Also, I have almost every subSPUF member I can think of listed as well as their alliance. For almost everyone, I also have already found a place in the story. There's a few I'm still working on, but nothing that can't be finished by the time the next chapter goes up. In regards to SPUF Mansion, it's not dead. It's on hiatus. In addition to what I said in its thread about not knowing where I want it to go, looking back on it, I found myself falling into habits regarding that story that I specifically wanted to avoid. Planning out the future of that story will probably help me avoid them. Until then, I'll be updating this. So, here's the first chapter. [spoiler2]Chapter 1 Raindrops pelted the window, and thunder boomed in the sky. Binary rested his hand on the window as he took a look at the street below. A funeral hearse passed by. “You know, we really should attend his funeral.” Binary shut the blinds of the window and sat back down at his desk. “The citizens will think it strange if we aren’t there to see him to the afterlife.” “They deserve to know what happened, Binary.” At a desk to his left sat a man dress entirely in military garb. He glared at Binary, refusing to break his concentration even for a second, lest Binary make a sudden move. “You’ve betrayed the trust of our people for too long. It’s time we put an end to that.” “I side with the Commander on this.” At a desk to Binary’s right sat another man. He was smaller than Binary and the Commander, which was reflected in his much quieter tone. Yet in his eyes, Binary could sense a sort of fury he had never known Rammite to possess. “You’ve proven yourself completely dangerous.” Binary tried to avoid looking directly at them. Their piercing glares started making him nervous. “Well, what can I do to prove I still have the good of the Illumihatti at heart? I never turned my back on you guys.” “Binary, do you think we didn’t notice your plan of attack?” The Commander reached into a drawer in his desk and grabbed some paper. On it was listed all four people he had murdered in order as well as what their rank was in the Illumihatti when they were killed. “Ianskate. Founder of the Illumihatti. At first we thought he went missing because the body was never found. Then Rammite came through for us and managed to find where your assassins buried the body.” Binary turned around in his chair, refusing to face them. “He was going to betray us. I . . . I don’t have the documentation anymore, but he was going to hand us over to SPUD!” “Janobi. Co-founder of the Illumihatti. He worked closely with Ianskate and went missing shortly after declaring that he would locate and rescue Ianskate from whatever danger he might have been in. Also found to be murdered in the exact same fashion as Ianskate. We know your hit men did this too.” The Commander still refused to take his eye off the back on Binary’s chair. He took a peek over at the clock. It was already two in the morning. “Achilles. A philosopher who was gaining popularity with the people. He spoke out against your leadership skills. This time you didn’t even try to hide the body. He was shot in broad daylight by your assassins in order to be an example for anyone who spoke out against you.” Rammite and the Commander refused to avert their gaze. Binary still didn’t make a single move. What could he say? They already knew the truth. Nothing he could say would convince them he wasn’t acting out of selfish motives. “And finally Tyrone. The closest man has ever come to achieving godhood. Brutally assaulted in the street by three assassins because you thought he’d become more popular with the people than you. You sicken me.” “Alright, I get it!” Binary turned around, facing Rammite and the Commander again. He clutched his forehead and tried to hold back his frustration. “I really messed up this time! I get it! I’ll only commission the Maidsassins for good! That’s fine, right?” Rammite shook his head in disgust. “You don’t get it, do you, Binary? We don’t want you to only command the Maidsassins when you think your cause is just. We want the Maidsassins disbanded forever. We have a legal system for a reason. We’re not the mafia, nor do we want to become the mafia.” Rammite stood up and snapped his fingers. At his command, to large men entered the room and started taking away everything that belonged to Rammite. “And if you can’t even understand what you did wrong, then I don’t want any part of the Illumihatti anymore.” The Commander also stood from where he was sitting. He took a bag out from under his desk. “I’m leaving too. You were a good man once, Binary; but I can’t share my office with a murderer.” The Commander started taking everything on his desk and putting them in the bag. “Come sunrise, the whole city will know about the murders you’ve been involved with. I’ll see to that.” Binary sat dumbfounded as Rammite and the Commander slowly removed all evidence of their presence from the office. Was this really how it ended? After years of partnership, of leading SPUF to its golden era, the Commander and Rammite were shunning him. “What about our plans?! We were supposed to make the name of SPUF great!” “Anyone who takes the life of innocents is not worthy of leading SPUF.” The Commander finally finished packing things into his bag. He slung the bag over his shoulder and began taking it out of the room. “I’ll be back for my desk in a little bit.” “Don’t worry about that, Commander. I can get my men to take it down for you. Just show us where you want it taken.” Rammite turned his attention back to Binary. “Binary . . . None of us wanted it to end like this. But we can’t do this anymore. Maybe someday we can have the Illumihatti again. But not today.” Rammite noticed that all of his stuff was already moved out and his men were starting to take the Commander’s desk out of the room. “Good bye.” And that final word, the Commander and Rammite were out of the room. Binary never realized how much he relied on them being there. Even mere seconds after they were gone, the room looked so empty. There were all sorts of computers and technology that Binary used in day to day affairs sitting around, but just missing those two desks caused the room to seem deserted. Binary took a look at the clock. It was now two-fifteen in the morning. Binary opened the blinds to the window behind his desk. He glanced over the cemetery to see where they were in the funeral. He saw the crowd of people standing by the graveside. Even in the pouring rain of a thunderstorm, a large group of people attended Tyrone’s funeral. He saw that three seats had been reserved, but all three of them were empty. Binary’s conscience started bothering him. He tried his best to look away and not think about it. He started pacing around the room, trying to think of how he’ll control the damage that’ll inevitably come tomorrow morning. But the more he tried to think of how to save himself, the more he couldn’t help but feel bad for Tyrone. Binary turned the lights off and started to leave the room. As he looked back at the window, he could still see the funeral from where he stood. They lowered the casket into the ground, as everyone solemnly bowed their heads in reverence. Binary turned his head and pretended nothing happened. He shut the door and retired for the night. The Maidsassins stayed huddled up in their bed room. Bowie and Moby sat across from each other at a small table having a beer. Doopliss was huddled up in his bed, lost in his own thoughts. The room was filled with an awkward silence. None of them knew what to say to each other anymore. The events of the previous evening left little more to say. “The Maidsassins . . . are over.” Bowie repeated Binary’s words in his head. He looked back over at the far wall. All three of them rested their weapons and their uniforms against the wall. Binary didn’t ask for them back, but it had become difficult to even look at them anymore. “Is . . . is it really over?” “What do you mean?” Moby sat his beer down and stood to his feet. “Of course it’s over. We already have our new assignments.” “Just hours ago, we were still the Maidsassins. Can it really end this easily?” Bowie sighed. He took a sip of his beer. “I guess you’re about to go move your stuff into your new quarters now, aren’t you?” “There’s nothing else to do now.” Moby walked over and started grabbing his uniform and his chainsaw. “I’ll take your uniforms back to Binary, if you’d like.” Bowie took a moment to think. There was still some sort of sentimental attachment to those uniforms in his mind. “Leave them here. Doopliss and I will decide what to do with our left over uniforms.” Moby nodded. He folded up his uniform, grabbed his chainsaw, and headed for the door. Just before he left, he turned to Bowie. “It’s been great working with you. Both of you. Maybe someday we’ll be coworkers again.” With that, Moby was gone. Bowie walked over to Doopliss’s bed and sat down by him. Doopliss was clearly distraught over what happened. “Hey. Are you going to be alright?” “Tyrone . . . he trusted us.” Doopliss buried his face in his pillow. Even though this wasn’t the first time he was involved in murder, it seemed as though something about this one bothered him more than usual. “Bowie, I know you and Moby wouldn’t understand this, but . . . That was my first time being so close to someone we killed. I could see the look on his face. The look of complete terror. I can’t forget it.” Doopliss was right. Bowie didn’t understand. This wasn’t the first time Bowie had been standing near the person he murdered. The look on their face was nothing more than a detail to him. “You never got in close with us, did you? You always provide magical assistance from far away.” Bowie picked Doopliss’s staff off the floor and handed it to him. “Here. Take this.” “I don’t want it anymore.” Doopliss sat up and turned his back to Bowie. “I’m not going to be a murderer anymore.” “You don’t have to be.” Bowie insisted on giving Doopliss the staff. “This isn’t for assassination. This is for protecting yourself.” Doopliss turned back to Bowie and took his staff back. “Now, get some sleep. Binary will have new jobs for us in the morning. Something about information collection. No killing needed.” After a moment of silence, Doopliss smiled. “Thanks, Bowie.”[/spoiler2] I originally wrote this chapter without believing I'd be posting it this quickly. I wrote it to experiment with a different writing style. I . . . don't know if I like it yet. I do like that its a little bit more descriptive as well as longer, but something feels off at the moment.
  2. 1 point
    A 1970 Corvette


    Looked up the final evolutions for the starters because someone at school said they suck
  3. 1 point

    share your worst jokes

    Why can't you trick an aborted fetus? Because it wasn't born yesterday