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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/16 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Which is racist, because your assumption is somehow only white people can uphold the constitution. As long as people abide by the principles laid out by the founding fathers it shouldn't matter what their skin color is or where they come from, but you seem to think differently. I think what that really comes down to is a fear that if people of color hold power, they'll treat white people who white people treated people of color. "My people have benefited from imperialism and the subjugation of other races for hundreds of years, but now because of all of these Mexicans pouring into my country, my kids might have to learn fucking Spanish! Oh the horror of being white!" Are you people serious? Now, I can understand the idea that immigrants tip the scales in favor of the Democrats which unbalances the two parties, but if the Republicans are unable to adapt or compromise, that's on them. As far as what I see they refuse to do this, by the way. If anything they've become even more extreme and pandered to more radicals over the last decade which is making their situation even worse. Why should the Republicans deserve to have any power when they insist on making themselves more and more socially irrelevant?